Membership Process

Broker Dealers interested in obtaining NYSE Amex Options Membership must complete the application and agreements in order to trade on the NYSE Amex Options trading platform and become an Amex Trading Permit (ATP) Holder.

Trading rights are granted through Amex Trading Permits (ATPs). These permits entitle holders of ATPs to trade options on the options trading facilities of the Exchange, including the electronic platform and the physical trading floor. The NYSE Amex platform provides for five types of Market Participants: Specialist, Floor Market Makers, Remote Market Maker, Agency Floor Brokers, and Order Flow Providers.

Every individual or organization applying to become the holder of an ATP must complete an Exchange prescribed application.

Applicants must complete the ATP Application Form. Other forms listed may be completed based on the applicant's organizational structure and intentions in trading on the facilities of the Exchange.

For questions regarding the application, supporting documentation, or process, please feel free to contact Client Relationship Services using the "Contact Us" button below.

The application and all supporting documentation should be sent via email to Client Relationship Services at

How to Join

  • ATP Application
    For any firm applying to become an NYSE Amex Options member firm.

Individual Investors

At this time, retail investors do not have direct access to NYSE Amex Options. If you are a retail investor, please contact your brokerage firm to inquire whether it routes orders to NYSE Amex Options. You can gain entry to NYSE Amex Options through a direct-access brokerage firm.

Membership Types


A Specialist is an assigned floor-based market maker who provides two-sided quotes on the NYSE Amex market. Specialists receive a guaranteed participation right if quoting at the National Best Bid and Offer (NBBO), subject to customer order priority. They are also required to provide continuous two-sided quotes 90% of the time the NYSE Amex market is open for trading. Only one Specialist may be identified for each underlying product.

Floor Market Maker

A Floor Market Maker (FMM) has certain obligations. Each FMM can choose the number of issues they want to trade, restricted only by the number of ATPs they purchase. In addition, FMMs must select a Trading Zone on the Floor as part of their Primary Appointment. Trades affected by open outcry in the appointed Trading Zone are included in calculating the Primary Trading requirement. FMMs need to provide continuous two-sided quotes in their selected electronic primary appointment issues 60% of the time the NYSE Amex market is open for trading.

Remote Market Maker

A Remote Market Maker (RMM) is an ATP Holder registered with NYSE Amex to make transactions from a location off the trading floor. RMM transactions that are executed through NYSE Amex facilities are deemed to be Market Maker transactions. Like FMMs, RMMs have a 60% quoting obligation.

Agency Floor Broker

An Agency Floor Broker (AFB) represents orders on the trading floor. The AFB must report all orders to the Options Price Reporting Authority (OPRA) within the guidelines established by NYSE Amex.

Order Flow Providers

An Order Flow Provider is any ATP member or member organization that acts as an agent to submit orders to NYSE Amex.

Membership Directory