South Dakota Field Office
Mountain-Prairie Region
Endangered Species Program



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The U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service is responsible for the protection and restoration of plants and animals that are in danger of extinction. The Service identifies species that are endangered or threatened and works with other scientists to develop recovery plans.

Recovery plans identify actions needed to conserve listed species and increase their numbers.

Safe Harbor and Habitat Conservation Plans are two programs designed to assist with recovery of threatened or endangered species.

Candidate species are species for which the Service has information to support a threatened or endangered status, but although warranted for listing, are precluded by higher priority species. 

Candidate Conservation Plans are designed to assist with recovery of candidate species.

The Service also consults with other federal agencies and provides environmental recommendations on the effects of proposed federal projects. 

To find out which species are listed in each county, click on the county in this map.

To download a species list (endangered, threatened and candidate) showing all the counties in which each species occurs in, click here (April 6, 2016 South Dakota Species List by County ) PDF

Click here to find out who to contact in our office for a particular species. Please note, these people may not be "experts" but will try to help you with your questions.


South Dakota Species Information

Llisted Species Information:

Proposed Species Information:

Black-footed Ferret(6 KB) Endangered, Experimental
Mustela nigripes

Gray Wolf(11 KB) Endangered
Canis lupus

Northern Long-eared Bat Threatened
Myotis septentrionalis
Piping Plover(10 KB) Threatened
Charadrius melodus
Interior Least Tern(9 KB) Endangered
Sterna antillarum athalassos
Whooping Crane(9 KB) Endangered
Grus americana

Candidate Species Information:

Rufa Red Knot Threatened
Calidris canutus rufa
Eskimo Curlew Endangered
Numenius borealis
Pallid Sturgeon (8 KB) Endangered
Scaphirhynchus albus
Topeka Shiner(5 KB) Endangered
Notropis topeka

Non-listed Species Information:

Western Prairie Fringed Orchid (10 KB) Threatened
Platanthera praeclara
Black-tailed Prairie Dog
Cynomys ludovicianus
Leedy's Roseroot Endangered
Rhodiola integrifolia ssp. leedyi
Swift Fox
Vulpes velox
American Burying Beetle(11 KB) Endangered
Nicrophorus americanus
Sprague's Pipit
Anthus spragueii
Dakota Skipper (9 KB) Website Threatened
Hesperia dacotae
Bald Eagle (8 KB)
Haliaeetus leucocephalus
Poweshiek Skipperling Website Endangered
Oarisma poweshiek
Mountain Plover  (8 KB)
Charadrius montanus
Scaleshell Mussel  * (pdf format 54 KB) Endangered
Leptodea leptodon
Black Hills American Dipper
Cinclus mexicanus
Higgins Eye Pearlymussel  * (pdf format 101 KB) Endangered
Lampsilis higginsii
Black Hills Mountainsnail
Oreohelix cooperi
Danaus plexippus
  Regal Fritillary
Speyeria idalia
  Rusty Patched Bumblebee
Bombus affinis

*  Shells of these species have been found, but no populations have been located.

Shovelnose sturgeon (Scaphirhynchus platorynchus) have been listed as threatened due to similarity of appearance to the endangered pallid sturgeon. This rule extends take prohibitions to shovelnose sturgeon, shovelnose-pallid sturgeon hybrids, and their roe when associated with a commercial fishing activity in areas where pallid sturgeon and shovelnose sturgeon commonly coexist. This designation of similarity of appearance does not extend any other protections of the Act, such as the requirements to designate critical habitat, the recovery planning provisions or consultation requirements for Federal agencies under section 7.


Endangered Species Act Recovery and Delisting
Safe Harbor Program (24 KB) Habitat Conservation Plan Candidate Conservation Program



Last updated: April 6, 2016

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