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Office of Federal High-Performance Green Buildings

Office of Federal High-Performance Green Buildings banner graphic

To catalyze and facilitate the Federal government to operate more efficiently and effectively, and lead the marketplace to sustainability, by minimizing the Federal footprint through efficient use of energy, water, and resources, and by creating healthy productive workspaces.

In December 2007, Congress authorized the Office of Federal High-Performance Green Buildings under the Energy Independence and Security Act to enable and enhance Federal leadership in the field of sustainable real property portfolio management and operations.  The Office works to promote, coordinate and stimulate green building across the entire Federal government – which includes over 400,000 owned or leased buildings containing over 3 billion square feet of space.  

The Office has three principal categories of activity:

  • Leading  and coordinating the greening of the Federal real estate portfolio, with an eye toward leading change in the broader commercial property market in conjunction with the Office of Commercial High-Performance Green Buildings in the Department of Energy;
  • Supporting innovation and collaboration on the development of new technologies;
  • Supplying the market with information and best practices.

The Office of Federal High-Performance Green Buildings has an interdisciplinary team with expertise in energy, water, air quality, sustainable design, facilities management, budgeting, human behavior, organizational effectiveness, communications, and research.

For more information on the people behind the scenes, visit the staff biographies [PDF - 35k]

green,energy,sustainable design,sustainability,leed