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Sector Columbia River
2185 SE 12th Place Warrenton, OR 97146


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Sector Columbia River

Protecting the Pacific Northwest

Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Requests

Sector Columbia River enjoys an interactive relationship with the public and the media. On occasion someone will need a copy of Coast Guard public records associated with an incident. Below is a description of the process and time frame involved in making such a request.

How to Make a FOIA Request: If you require a copy of Coast Guard records or information relating to a Search and Rescue case or any other type of incident response, you must submit a written request to Coast Guard Headquarters office CG-611. The request should indicate that it is being made "Pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act". Describe the records you want as specifically as possible, furnish any facts or clues about the date, time, place, persons, events, subjects, or other details of the information or records you want. The requestor's name, address, and telephone number must also be included. This request may be sent via email to (best) or may be faxed to (202) 475-3929.

Mailing Address:
Commandant (CG-611)
Attn: FOIA Officer
U.S. Coast Guard STOP 7710
2703 Martin Luther King Jr. Ave SE
Washington, DC 20593-7710

Personal Identifying Information (PII): In accordance with Coast Guard policy and the Privacy Act this unit is not permitted to release documents containing Personal Identifying Information (i.e. social security numbers, personal home phone numbers, personal addresses..etc). When submitting a FOIA request to the Coast Guard, the request must include a statement agreeing to the release of the records with the Personal Identifying Information removed to protect personal privacy. A simple statement such as the example below will be sufficient.

"I accept the release of Coast Guard documents associated with this FOIA request with all personal identifying information (PII) removed."

If the removal of Personal Identifying Information is not acceptable to the requesting party, Sector Columbia River is not authorized to release the documents.

FOIA Response Time: Some requesters may tell you that the Coast Guard is required to provide all the records to them within twenty days. This is not the case. Although all units should try to provide records within the twenty day time frame, the Coast Guard is required only to make a determination as to whether the records are releasable within twenty days and then forward the records promptly thereafter. If special situations exist, the FOIA office will contact you with an estimated completion date and explain the reason for delay. The Coast Guard works requests on a first-in, first-out basis.

FOIA Costs: The FOIA allows charging fees based on the requester's category below.

COMMERCIAL Charge Charge Charge
Free Free First 100 Pages Free
ALL OTHERS First 2 hours Free Free First 100 Pages Free
No Fee No Fee No Fee


Last Modified 12/21/2016