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Worker Health & Safety Policy, Guidance & Reports

The Office of Worker Safety and Health Policy establishes Departmental expectations for worker safety and health through the development of rules, directives and guidance.  Worker safety and health policy will ensure that workers are adequately protected from hazards associated with DOE sites and operations and reflect national worker safety and health laws, regulations and standards where applicable.

Beryllium-Associated Worker Registry

The DOE Domestic and International Health Studies supports the operation of a surveillance registry of current workers who are exposed to beryllium in their current job, or may have been exposed to beryllium in the past from work conducted at a DOE site. The goal of the registry is to determine the incidence and prevalence of beryllium sensitization and chronic beryllium disease (CBD). The data will be analyzed to better understand CBD and to identify those at risk. Another goal is to monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of DOE's Chronic Beryllium Disease Prevention Program.

Corporate Analysis of DOE Safety Performance

The Office of Environment, Health, Safety and Security, Office of Analysis develops analysis tools and performance dashboards, and conducts analysis of DOE safety performance corporately and on a variety of specific environment, safety and health topics.

Corporate Operating Experience Program

The Corporate Operating Experience Program was approved on April 8, 2011 under DOE Order 210.2A, DOE Corporate Operating Experience Program. The focus is on sharing lessons learned and best practices related to operating experience both internal and external to DOE.

Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program Pamphlet

The Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program Act (EEOICPA) was enacted to provide compensation and medical benefits to employees who worked at certain Department of Energy (DOE) facilities, including contractors and subcontractors at those locations, and certain number of its vendors.

Adjudication of issues pertaining to all claims for benefits under the EEOICPA is the responsibility of the Department of Labor (DOL). The DOL is supported in its role by the DOE, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), and the Department of Justice (DOJ).

If you would like more information about the benefits available under the EEOICPA, please visit DOL's web page or see the EEOICPA pamphlet.

Federal Technical Capability Program (FTCP)

The Federal Technical Capability Panel (Panel) is responsible for overseeing the overall implementation of the Federal Technical Capability Program. Headquarters and field elements are responsible for implementing specific activities within the program. Some activities addressing technical capability functions apply complex-wide; for example, the Department's Policies, Orders, and Standards, which promulgate requirements and guidelines for the administration of technical training. Other mechanisms vary from site to site or between program offices.

Safety Alerts

Documents downloaded from the password-protected areas of this web site may be made available to the DOE Federal and contractor community and to the military.

Safety Bulletins

The Safety Bulletins may contain Suspect/Counterfeit Items or Defective Items (S/CI or DI) in which a higher level of concern has been identified and various degrees of action are required. These documents are dated 2011 - 2005 and are considered archives.

Safety Advisories

The Safety Advisories may contain Suspect/Counterfeit Items or Defective Items (S/CI or DI) in which a higher level of concern has been identified and various degrees of action are required. These documents are dated 2010 - 2005 and are considered archives.

Safety Basis Information System (SBIS)

SBIS supports the Nuclear Safety Management Rule (10 CFR 830) requirements for Department of Energy (DOE) contractors and operators.  The SBIS system is used by authorized personnel to update or review Safety Basis information for Nuclear Facilities. Safety Basis provides a list of all DOE nuclear facilities with the safety basis status, hazard categorization, and safety basis type.

Worker Safety and Health

The Departmental expectations for worker safety and health are contained in a set of rules, directives, and technical standards developed by the Office of Worker Safety and Health Policy. These policies were developed to ensure workers are adequately protected from the various radiological and non-radiological hazards associated with DOE sites and operations and reflect national worker safety and health laws, regulations, and standards where applicable.