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Soil Health

Soil Health banner - unlock the secrets of the soilSoil Health a Priority for Caribbean Area NRCS

Soil Health is soil managed to its maximum potential through a system of conservation practices, including never-till, cover crops, advanced nutrient and pest management, and buffers and drainage systems where appropriate. This approach results in healthy soil that reduces erosion, requires less nutrient inputs, manages the effects of flood and drought, and reduces nutrient and sediment loading to streams, rivers and coastal waters.

La Salud de los Suelos en Español!

New YouTube Video Promotes Soil Health in the Caribbean Area!

En YouTube: El nuevo video "La Iniciativa Nacional de Salud del Suelo"

Earth Team volunteer, Nelson O. Vázquez Santiago, created a new YouTube video en Español to promote the Caribbean Area Soil Health Campaign.  MLRA Soil Survey Leader, Manuel Matos; State Soil Scientist, Carmen L. Santiago; and Soil Scientist, Samuel Rios, explain the Secrets of the Soil to viewers.

Nelson O. Vázquez Santiago, voluntario del Servicio de Conservación de Recursos Naturales (NRCS en Inglés), preparó este nuevo video en el cual se promueve la Iniciativa de Salud de Suelos del Área del Caribe. Manuel Matos, Científico de Suelos, Líder de Oficina MLRA en Mayagüez; Carmen L. Santiago, Científico de Suelos del Estado en Oficina de San Juan y Samuel Ríos, Científico de Suelos, Oficina MLRA, Mayagüez, nos invitan a descubrir los Secretos en el Suelo.

Download a copy of the new 2016 Soil Calendar!  This year's edition focuses on Land Capability Classes - Onsite Evaluation for Soil Health and Productivity - January 2016 (PDF, 7.3 MB) - NEW!

What's New in the Caribbean Area!

What's New with the International Soil Health Movement!

There have been so many fantastic Videos produced about Soil Health during International Year of Soils that we've compiled them all on their own page - visit our new Soil Health Videos page to start binge-watching today!

Web ad points to promising global solutions under foot.
Please share our new ad – part of our on-going awareness and education campaign to help farmers, landowners and consumers understand the basics and benefits of soil health.
Unlock the Secrets of the Soil poster photo

Check out a National NRCS Soil Health component by clicking on one of the pictures below, access las publicaciones en Español, or download & print an 11 x 17 Soil Health Poster (English, Español).

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Carmen L. Santiago, State Soil Scientist, 787-766-5206 x. 127


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