Cover Cropping for Pollinators and Beneficial I...

Cover Cropping for Pollinators and Beneficial Insects

Cover Cropping for Pollinators and Beneficial Insects

Flowering cover crops can fulfill their original purpose as a conservation practice while at the same time providing valuable forage for wild bees and beneficial insects. This added benefit can be significantly enhanced with some fine-tuning of management practices and thoughtful plant selection.

This 16-page bulletin will help you use cover crops to encourage populations of pollinators and beneficial insects on your farm while you address your other resource concerns. It begins with a broad overview of pollinator and beneficial insect ecology, then describes cover crop selection and management, how to make cover crops work on your farm, and helpful and proven crop rotations. It will also touch on the limitations of cover crops and pesticide harm reduction, among other topics.

Product specs
Format: Bulletins
Year: 2015
Length: 16 Pages
Location: North Central
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Visit the Cover Crops Topic Room to discover a wealth of educational materials developed out of decades of SARE-funded cover crop research. Information is organized in the following subsections:

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In addition to the resources featured in the Cover Crops Topic Room, SARE has funded hundreds of research and education projects related to cover crops since 1988. To discover them, visit SARE's database of projects and conduct full text or advanced keyword searches.