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RUSLE2 - Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation 2

Current Version: RUSLE2 Version (Aug 11, 2014)

The national RUSLE2 homepage:


May 2016

Base Database vs. Database Update Files:

  1. The base database, such as Base_NRCS_Moses_01292015, is more complete than the database update file and has all of the parameters necessary to run RUSLE2 except local data, including climate, soils, and crop management templates. When there is a major change in database, such as CMZs, soils, operations, or vegetations, particularly deletions, it is recommended to archive the working moses database and build a new working moses database. The active database in RUSLE2 becomes the current base database into which local soils, climates, CMZs, and c folder managements, profiles, worksheets and plans are imported.
  2. The database update file, such as NRCS_Moses_updates_030104to01292015.gdb, is not a complete database but only contains new additions and edits since the initial release of RUSLE2 and therefore must be imported into the current local database using the database\import function in RUSLE2.  This file should never be used as the starting database since incomplete. It is only used to import into a base database or working moses database.

Archived RUSLE2 Information

RUSLE2 Guidance Document Files

RUSLE2 Fact Sheet (PDF, 262 KB | Web Version)

Barb Stewart, State Agronomist
Phone: 515-284-4370