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Iowa NRCS Geospatial Technology Support

This site was developed to provide technical support to NRCS staff that are using geographic information systems (GIS), global positioning systems (GPS), mobile computers, and associated geospatial technologies.

Geospatial Technologies Support Site - Provides technical support to NRCS staff who are using Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Global Positioning Systems (GPS), and mobile computers/PDAs. Includes information, download links, and frequently asked questions about the technologies.

GIS Data Sources -  Provides links to some of the most helpful GIS natural resource information on the Internet.

Iowa Geographic Map Server - Provides free on-line access to geographically referenced digital data, including digital orthophotos (aerial photos), topographic maps, and land cover. Users can browse and download data in various image file  formats, for use in desktop  applications, including Geographic Information Systems.

Iowa NRCS Web Map Viewer

Gregg Hadish, GIS Specialist
Phone: 515-284-4370