SOUTH DAKOTA Department of
Environment & Natural Resources

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South Dakota DENR

Department Documents

The following documents are listed in alphabetical order by program or subject matter and are available for downloading as Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) files or Microsoft Word (.doc) files.

Find documents related to:

Air Quality

Annual Network Plans
Other Air Quality Documents
  • Natural Events Action Plan for Rapid City, South Dakota. This document outlines the control strategies that industries in west Rapid City will implement to control air pollution "dust" during high wind events. To receive the Appendices to the document or a hard copy of the plan, please contact the department by email or call at (605) 773-3151.

Drinking Water

Annual Compliance Reports
Guidance and Manuals

Environmental Permitting

Geological Survey

Ground Water

Minerals and Mining

Annual Reports on South Dakota Mining and Reclamation

Beginning in 2012, the South Dakota Legislature repealed requirements for publishing these reports.

*Beginning in 2009, this annual report includes the Mineral Production summaries (below).

Annual Reports on Mineral Production in South Dakota

Beginning in 2009, Mineral Production summaries were combined with the Mining Industry summaries (above).

Other Minerals and Mining Publications and Information

History of Mine Regulation in South Dakota

Performance Partnership Agreement

  • South Dakota Department of Environment and Natural Resources and Department of Agriculture performance partnership agreement with the Environmental Protection Agency. View an abstract of the agreement.

Petroleum Release Compensation Fund

Plans and Specifications

Surface Water Quality

  • 2016 Integrated Report for Surface Water Quality Assessment (pdf - 5.05 mb) This report integrates the contents of two reports required under sections 303(d) and 305(b) of the Clean Water Act and must be submitted biennially to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Section 303(d) contains the final listing of waters that require the development of total maximum daily loads along with supporting documentation. Section 305(b) summarizes the quality of the state's water resources over the previous two-year period and discusses SD DENR water quality program activities.
  • 2014 Integrated Report for Surface Water Quality Assessment (pdf - 11.2 mb) This report integrates the contents of two reports required under sections 303(d) and 305(b) of the Clean Water Act and must be submitted biennially by April 1 to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Section 303(d) contains the final listing of waters that require the development of total maximum daily loads along with supporting documentation. Section 305(b) summarizes the quality of the state's water resources over the previous two-year period and discusses SD DENR water quality program activities.
  • 2012 Integrated Report for Surface Water Quality Assessment (pdf - 15.1 mb)

    This report integrates the contents of two reports required under sections 303(d) and 305(b) of the Clean Water Act and must be submitted biennially by April 1 to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Section 303(d) contains the final listing of waters that require the development of total maximum daily loads along with supporting documentation. Section 305(b) summarizes the quality of the state's water resources over the previous two-year period and discusses SD DENR water quality program activities.

  • 2010 Integrated Report for Surface Water Quality Assessment (pdf - 15.9 mb)
    This report integrates the contents of two reports required under sections 303(d) and 305(b) of the Clean Water Act and must be submitted biennially by April 1 to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Section 303(d) contains the final listing of waters that require the development of total maximum daily loads along with supporting documentation. Section 305(b) summarizes the quality of the state's water resources over the previous two-year period and discusses SD DENR water quality program activities.
  • 2008 Integrated Report for Surface Water Quality Assessment (pdf - 4.2 mb)
    This report integrates the contents of two reports required under sections 303(d) and 305(b) of the Clean Water Act and must be submitted biennially by April 1 to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Section 303(d) contains the final listing of waters that require the development of total maximum daily loads along with supporting documentation. Section 305(b) summarizes the quality of the state's water resources over the previous two-year period and discusses SD DENR water quality program activities.
  • 2006 Integrated Report for Surface Water Quality Assessment (pdf - 4.4 mb)
    This report integrates the contents of two reports required under sections 303(d) and 305(b) of the Clean Water Act and must be submitted biennially by April 1 to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Section 303(d) contains the final listing of waters that require the development of total maximum daily loads along with supporting documentation. Section 305(b) summarizes the quality of the state's water resources over the previous two-year period and discusses SD DENR water quality program activities.
  • Continuing Planning Process - (pdf - 182kb)
    This document coordinates all aspects of water pollution control in an effort to ensure the states maintain progress toward protecting/preserving water quality.
  • 2004 Integrated Report for Surface Water Quality Assessment (pdf - 59 mb)
    This report integrates the contents of two reports required under sections 303(d) and 305(b) of the Clean Water Act and must be submitted biennially by April 1 to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Section 303(d) contains the final listing of waters that require the development of total maximum daily loads along with supporting documentation. Section 305(b) summarizes the quality of the state's water resources over the previous two-year period and discusses SD DENR water quality program activities.
  • 2002 303(d) Waterbody List - (pdf)
    This report contains the final listing of waters that require the development of Total Maximum Daily Loads along with supporting documentation. This list was submitted to the US EPA before October 1, 2002 as required under Section 303(d) of the Clean Water Act.
  • 2002 South Dakota Report to Congress - 305(b) Water Quality Assessment - 20MB (pdf)
    This report is submitted every two years to EPA as required under Section 305(b) of the Clean Water Act. The report summarizes the quality of the state's water resources over the previous two year period and discusses SD DENR water quality program activities.
  • 2000 South Dakota Report to Congress - 305(b) Water Quality Assessment - 20MB (pdf)
    This report is submitted every two years to EPA as required under Section 305(b) of the Clean Water Act. The report summarizes the quality of the state's water resources over the previous two year period and discusses SD DENR water quality program activities.
  • 1998 South Dakota Report to Congress - 305(b) Water Quality Assessment - 20MB (pdf)
    This report is submitted every two years to EPA as required under Section 305(b) of the Clean Water Act. The report summarizes the quality of the state's water resources over the previous two year period and discusses SD DENR water quality program activities.
  • 1998 303(d) Waterbody List
    This report contains the final listing of waters that require the development of Total Maximum Daily Loads along with supporting documentation. This list is submitted to the US EPA every four years on or before April 1 as required under Section 303(d) of the Clean Water Act. Please contact DENRINTERNET if you require a printed copy of the report.
  • South Dakota Reference Manual for Watershed Protection Assistance
    This document is divided into four sections: 1) sources of financial assistance, 2) sources of technical assistance, 3) regulatory programs, and 4) a listing of special interest groups that describes activities associated with watershed protection and nonpoint source (NPS) pollution control programs in South Dakota. Each assistance source listed identifies a responsible agency or organization, a brief description of the program elements and a telephone number. Please make every effort to obtain more detailed information by contacting the program of interest.

Other nonpoint source pollution or watershed-related documents are available at Watershed Protection.

Water and Waste Funding

Annual Reports/State Water Plans

Clean Water State Revolving Fund

  Annual Reports

  Intended Use Plans

Drinking Water State Revolving Fund

  Annual Reports

  Intended Use Plans

Annual Reports to Legislative Bonding Committee

Other Reports/Documents

Watershed Protection

Surface Water Quality Assessments (Integrated Reports, 305(b), and 303(d))

Nonpoint Source Pollution Program Annual Reports

Other Reports/Documents