Service Guidance

Ethics Manual Chapters:

  • 212 FW 1, Standards of Conduct
  • 212 FW 2, Financial Reporting Requirements
  • 212 FW 3, Acceptance of Travel Expenses from Non-Federal Sources
  • 212 FW 4, Participating in Professional Societies and Non-Federal Organizations
  • 212 FW 5, Approval of Outside Employment with a Prohibited Source
  • 212 FW 6, Political Activities and the Hatch Act
  • 212 FW 11, Adjunct or Affiliate Status with Universities and Research Institutes  

Other Manual Chapters:

  • 212 FW 7, Scientific Integrity and Scholarly Conduct.
    Contac: Dave Scott, Scientific Integrity Officer or (404) 679-7231
  • 212 FW 8, Donations, Fundraising and Solicitations. (for the Service).
    Contact: Doug Hobbs, Deputy Chief of the Division of Partners and Intergovernmental Affairs or (703) 358-2336
  • 633 FW 1 - 4, Working with Friends Organizations
    Contact: Joanna Webb, Refuges National Friends and Partnership Coordinator or (703) 358-2392