Glen Canyon Dam 2016 High Flow Experimental Release

View of water being released from Glen Canyon Dam river outlet tubes during 2013 High Flow ExperimentOn November 7-12, 2016, the Department of the Interior will conduct a high flow experimental release from Glen Canyon Dam under the innovative science-based protocol approved in 2012. The protocol facilitates conducting more frequent high flow experimental releases from the dam timed to occur following sediment inputs to the Colorado River from downstream tributaries. This HFE will be the fourth conducted under the HFE Protocol.

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From: USGS Grand Canyon Monitoring & Research Center
2016 High Flow Experiment Snapshot
Schedule & Duration
  • Nov. 7 - 6 a.m. begin upramp to powerplant capacity ( ~21,000 cfs) [6 generation units]
  • Nov. 7 - 9:00 a.m. open bypass tubes, reach full bypass at 12:00 p.m.
  • Nov. 11 - 12:00 p.m. end of bypass
  • Nov. 12 - 3:00 a.m. end of HFE
  • Total duration: 5 days & 5 hours; 4 days at peak release
Ramp Rates
  • Ramp up: 4,000 cfs/hr from 6,500 - 21,000 cfs, then 3,750 cfs/hr to peak (36,000 cfs)
  • Ramp down: 1,875 cfs/hr from 36,000 - 21,000 cfs, then 1,500 cfs/hr to 9,000 cfs
HFE Release Details
  • Maximum total release: 36,000 cfs
  • Powerplant capacity: 21,000 cfs
  • River outlet tubes: 15,000 cfs
  • Hydropower generation units available: 6 (one unit off-line for replacement)
  • River outlet tubes: 4
Releases and Lake Elevation
  • Releases will range from 6,500 - 9,000 cfs prior to and after the HFE
  • Lake elevation is projected to decrease by approximately 2.5 feet during the 5-day period
Last Updated: 12/19/16