Programs & Activities

Newlands Project

The Bureau of Reclamation has a contract with the Truckee-Carson Irrigation District to operate and maintain the Newlands Project on behalf of the Federal government. The Newlands Project has features in both the Carson and Truckee River basins with the Truckee Canal allowing interbasin diversions from the Truckee River to the Carson River.  The Newlands Project is made up of two divisions, the Truckee Division and the Carson Division.  The Truckee division includes:  Lake Tahoe Dam, Derby Diversion Dam, the Truckee Canal and irrigation delivery system for service to approximately 5,000  acres of irrigated lands.  The Carson Division includes:  Lahontan Dam, Lahontan Power plant, Carson River Diversion Dam and canals, laterals, and drains for irrigation of approximately 55,000 acres of farmland.


The Bureau of Reclamation has made available the Resource Management Plan/Final Environmental Impact Statement for the Newlands Project. The RMP/FEIS provides a range of alternatives for managing Reclamation-administered lands in the Newlands Project Planning Area, which is in the west-central Nevada counties of Washoe, Storey, Lyon, and Churchill.

The purpose of the Newlands Project RMP/FEIS is to provide a single, comprehensive land use plan that will guide contemporary resource and recreation needs of the federal lands administered by Reclamation in the Newlands Project planning area.

Truckee Storage Project

The only feature of the Truckee Storage Project is Boca Dam and Reservoir located near the mouth of the Little Truckee River.  Boca Reservoir is operated in conjunction with Lake Tahoe Dam to provide regulation of Truckee River flows to meet the needs of the Truckee Meadows, the Newlands Project and the Pyramid Lake Paiute Indian Reservation.

Washoe Project

The Washoe Project originally planned for facilities in both the Carson and Truckee River basins.  The basic plan for the Project was to provide supplemental irrigation water for existing projects, flood control, municipal, and industrial water supplies for Reno and Sparks, fish and wildlife benefits, and recreation. The features of the Washoe Project which have been constructed include:  Stampede Dam, Reservoir and Power plant; Prosser Creek Dam and Reservoir; and Marble Bluff Dam and Pyramid Lake Fishway.

Humboldt Project

The primary features of the Humboldt Project developed by Reclamation are the Rye Patch Dam and Reservoir, and the Battle Mountain Water Development and Collection System.  Rye Patch Dam was completed in 1936 to provide supplemental and carryover storage for use on the Pershing County Water Conservation District irrigated lands.  The Humboldt River flows are extremely variable and carryover storage is essential for the 30,000 acres of irrigated lands located near Lovelock.


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Last Updated: 11/2/15