Today in Energy

June 2011

June 30, 2011

U.S. commercial nuclear capacity comes from reactors built primarily between 1970 and 1990

June 29, 2011

January 2011 U.S. refining capacity was the highest in 29 years

June 28, 2011

Most coal-fired electric capacity was built before 1980

June 27, 2011

Carbon dioxide emissions grow in the residential sector

June 24, 2011

International Energy Agency members release strategic petroleum stocks

June 23, 2011

EIA provides new information on crude oil storage at Cushing, Oklahoma

June 22, 2011

U.S. coal exports at highest levels since 1992

June 21, 2011

EIA forecasts increased oil demand, need for additional supply from OPEC producers in 2011

June 20, 2011

Strong Pacific Northwest hydro conditions affect natural gas used for power generators

June 17, 2011

EIA highlights key factors in new energy and financial markets web page

June 16, 2011

Age of electric power generators varies widely

June 15, 2011

BPA curtails wind power generators during high hydropower conditions

June 14, 2011

Canada is the United States' leading crude oil supplier

June 13, 2011

March natural gas production rebounds

June 10, 2011

Hydroelectric power resources form regional clusters

June 9, 2011

Average utilization of the nation's natural gas combined-cycle power plant fleet is rising

June 8, 2011

Electric generators' roles vary due to daily and seasonal variation in demand

June 7, 2011

Recent mix of electric generating capacity additions more diverse

June 6, 2011

Re-exports of liquefied natural gas rose rapidly in early winter

June 3, 2011

Is the seasonal gasoline price peak behind us?

June 2, 2011

An introduction to crack spreads

June 1, 2011

PJM shows how smart appliances could help stabilize power systems

July 2011 › ‹ May 2011