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Restoration and Protection Efforts

The Bay Program partnership implements and tracks progress toward goals to reduce pollution, restore habitats, manage fisheries, protect watersheds and foster stewardship.

Reducing Pollution

In December 2010, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) established a “pollution diet” known as the Chesapeake Bay Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL). This “diet” sets limits on the amount of nitrogen, phosphorus and sediment that will be allowed to flow into the Bay each year. As part of this cleanup process, Bay Program partners are implementing and refining plans to reduce these pollutants over time.

Restoring Habitats

The restoration of critical wildlife habitats is an important component to a healthy Bay ecosystem.

Managing Fisheries

The Chesapeake Bay fishing industry holds tremendous commercial, cultural and historic value. Managing the fisheries for blue crabs, oysters, striped bass, shad and menhaden is also critical to restoring and protecting the population of these species and their important place in the ecosystem.

Protecting Watersheds

The Bay region consists of thousands of local waterways. The health of these local streams and creeks depends on how the land around them is used, protected or preserved.

Fostering Stewardship

Programs that foster public stewardship include education and interpretation for students (of all ages), increasing public access, and expanding actions by citizens and communities.

410 Severn Avenue / Suite 112
Annapolis, Maryland 21403
Tel: (800) YOUR-BAY / Fax: (410) 267-5777
Directions to the Bay Program Office
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