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<strong>Chesapeake Bay Watershed Model: Phase 5 Modeling Segments</strong><br />n order to divide the model domain into county based land segments, a finer segmented river reach network and associated watersheds.This data set is an ArcGIS shapefile depicting land segments in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed and adjacent states of New York, Pennsylvania, Maryland, West Virginia, Delaware, Virginia as well as North Carolina and Tennessee (not shown).  Land segmentation was based… <strong>Chesapeake Bay Counties</strong><br />A map showing the counties (and sometimes municipalities) that are entirely or partially within the Chesapeake Bay basin. <strong>Priority Living Resource Areas</strong><br />The Chesapeake Bay Program's target species listed in Habitat Requirements for Chesapeake Bay Living Resources, Second Edition (1991) which had habitat requirements that could be directly affected by nutrient over enrichment (e.g., dissolved oxygen) or sediments (e.g., light penetration) were arrayed by water column and bottom as their principal habitats.   These included all the fish and… <strong>Chesapeake Bay Watershed</strong><br />Outline of the Chesapeake Bay watershed with elevation relief. <strong>Land Cover: Chesapeake Bay Watershed</strong><br />The National Land Cover Database 2001 land cover layer for mapping zone 60 was produced through a cooperative project conducted by the Multi-Resolution Land Characteristics (MRLC) Consortium, a partnership of federal agencies (www.mrlc.gov), consisting of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA),… <strong>Chesapeake Bay Mean Surface Salinity - Spring (1985-2006)</strong><br />The salinity of the waters in the Chesapeake Bay and its tidal tributaries varies from season to season and year to year depending largely on the amount of freshwater flowing into the Bay.  The salinity of these tidal waters has an effect on such things as fish spawning habitat, bay grass species distribution, oyster distribution and the likely distribution of the oyster-killing parasites Dermo… <strong>Chesapeake Bay Mean Surface Salinity - Fall (1985-2006)</strong><br />The salinity of the waters in the Chesapeake Bay and its tidal tributaries varies from season to season and year to year depending largely on the amount of freshwater flowing into the Bay.  The salinity of these tidal waters has an effect on such things as fish spawning habitat, bay grass species distribution, oyster distribution and the likely distribution of the oyster-killing parasites Dermo… <strong>Population (2010)</strong><br />This map shows population estimates within the Chesapeake Bay watershed on a county-by-county basis for the year 2010.  These are actual Census Bureau population figures provided after the last decennial census (2010).  However, for counties not completely within the Chesapeake Bay watershed, the population numbers were derived as a proportion of the total county based on land area. <strong>Chesapeake Bay Segmentation Scheme (For 303d listing - 92 segments)</strong><br />The 92-segment scheme for the Chesapeake Bay and its tidal tributaries used for dissolved oxygen and water clarity assessments in the most recent 303d/305b listing efforts of the four Bay tidal jurisdictions is documented here. The 92-segment scheme was derived from 1) the 2003 published 78-segment scheme with the addition of jurisdictional boundary lines imposed to create 89-segments, then 2)… <strong>Point Sources and Priority Agricultural Watersheds - Maryland</strong><br />This map shows the location of point sources of nutrient pollution and priority agricultural watersheds as identified by the Chesapeake Bay Program with input from the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS).  Point sources include both monitored and estimated data submitted from or approved by each jurisdiction.  Priority agricultural watersheds include SPARROW catchments ranking in the… <strong>Chesapeake Bay Airshed</strong><br />This map depicts the Airshed that is used for Chesapeake Bay modeling purposes. The Airshed Model (Regional Acid Deposition Model - RADM) tracks nitrogen emissions from all sources in the airshed. The model is three-dimensional; it simulates movement both vertically and horizontally across a region. The Airshed Model covers the eastern United States from Texas and North Dakota eastward to Maine… <strong>Chesapeake Bay Watershed Physiography</strong><br />Physiographic provinces in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed. Physiographic data derived from USGS and modified by the Chesapeake Bay Program GIS Team to divide the Piedmont into three distinct regions. Two out of the eight major US physiographic regions fall within the Chesapeake Bay Watershed; the Atlantic Plains and Appalachian Highlands. Within these regions, there are eight provinces within the… <strong>Water Quality Protection Value - Resource Lands Assessment</strong><br />The Water Quality model aims to identify forests and wetlands important in protecting water quality and sustaining watershed integrity. This <strong>Chemical Contaminants (2006)</strong><br />Tidal waters that are impaired for part or all of indicated Bay segment by toxic chemicals based on each state's implementation of the Clean Water Act. <strong>Chesapeake Bay Segmentsheds</strong><br />This map displays the segmentsheds used by the Chesapeake Bay Program.  A segmentshed is the discrete land area that drains into each of the 92 Bay Program segments (see map of Chesapeake Bay Segmentation Scheme) that have TMDLs associated with them. <strong>Chesapeake Bay 2003 Segmentation Scheme - Codes</strong><br />The 2003 Chesapeake Bay Program Segmentation Scheme is a revision of the 2000 version that incorporates four changes: the addition of a new segment (ANATF)  that separates the Anacostia River from the rest of the Potomac Tidal Fresh (POTTF) segment, the merger of two Elizabeth River segments (ELIMH and ELIPH into ELIPH) and the small segment boundary location changes between Mattaponi River… <strong>Chesapeake Bay Mean Surface Salinity - Summer (1985-2006)</strong><br />The salinity of the waters in the Chesapeake Bay and its tidal tributaries varies from season to season and year to year depending largely on the amount of freshwater flowing into the Bay.  The salinity of these tidal waters has an effect on such things as fish spawning habitat, bay grass species distribution, oyster distribution and the likely distribution of the oyster-killing parasites Dermo… <strong>Impervious Surfaces</strong><br />Impervious surfaces, or surfaces that do not absorb water, compose roughly 17% of all urban and suburban lands in the Bay watershed. Impervious surfaces alter the natural flow of streams because they typically carry rainfall directly into streams via gutters and storm sewers, bypassing wetlands and riparian forest buffers, both of which filter and slow down the flow of water. Impervious surfaces… <strong>Average 2000-2010 Stream Health in the Chesapeake Bay Sub-watersheds</strong><br />An effective way to measure the health of freshwater streams and rivers is to study the many tiny critters that live in these waters, called “benthic macro-invertebrates.” The abundance and diversity of snails, mussels, insects and other bottom-dwelling organisms are good indicators of the health of streams because they can’t move very far and they respond to pollution and environmental… <strong>Bay Grasses  -  Distribution Used to Set the Restoration Goal in 2003</strong><br />This map shows the historic distribution of bay grasses that was used in 2003 to set the Chesapeake Bay Program SAV (or bay grass) restoration goal of 184,899 acres.  This goal is based on an aggregation of the maximum amount of SAV surveyed in a single year for each Bay Program monitoring segment.

Bay grasses are a vital part of the Chesapeake Bay ecosystem. They provide habitat for crabs and…

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