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In One Take: Sustainable Marine Transport Luis Troche
Greening America's Capitals
Earth Day Every Day: Bald Eagle
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James Bailey III
ยท December 8, 2016
RIP EPA. I never knew how good I had it. I always assumed you would be there to protect my interests when the going got tough. I rested peacefully in the knowle...dge that science and fact would win over in the end, and all the noise was just nonsense. I was wrong. I don't know what we'll do without you, but whatever it is, I'm sure they'll be plenty of smog to keep us warm. People have the wrong idea about you. They've been twisted and lied to for so long, they don't know which way is up, and what's hot or cold. I studied atmospheric science because I was fascinated and in love with it. But now, as I look at everybody and their own "facts" it gives me so much ire and disdain, to know how to actually interpret the data. RIP EPA. Thank you for all you have done, and have tried to do for us. See More
Mandy Griffin Moffett
ยท November 17, 2016
I am very concerned about the levels of glyphosphate found recently in a lot of US foods at very high levels. Even in organic foods because it has leached into... the soil and also in most honey because bees are ingesting it. We are killing ourselves slowly by not stopping this chemical in our food chain. EPA please thoroughly investigate and limit this toxin for the sake of us all. See More
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When you de-ice your driveway or sidewalk yourself, consider using products that are safer for the environment. Find out more:

What we do during severe winter conditions can create certain environmental problems, indoors or out. Learn more about reducing risks when severe...

Preparing for and cleaning up after a holiday meals and parties can use much more water than ordinary, everyday use. Find ways to reduce your water use to save natural resources and money:

Save water and protect the environment by choosing WaterSense labeled products in your home, yard, and business and taking simple steps to save...

Photo by Patrick Stoll

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Two students at Westfield High School in Chantilly, Virginia are raising a brightly colored flag to help raise awareness of daily air quality conditions for their students and staff. Zoe and Blake will hang a flag based on the color of the Air Quality Index (AQI) to show air pollution for that day. By comparing the colored flags to the AQI, everyone who sees the flags will know what actions to take to protect their health. The flags alert students to that particular dayโ€™s quality, so they know when to modify their outdoor activities, like exercising for less time or moving exercise indoors when necessary.

Getting up-to-date air quality information is easy by subscribing at You can get the daily air quality forecast sent to your email, cell phone or Twitter. This is especially helpful for those who are sensitive to the effects of air pollution, such as children, adults who are active outdoors, people with heart and lung disease, and older adults.

For more information on the Air Quality Flag Program visit our AirNow website at

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Today we announced our latest settlement with Volkswagen that addresses pollution from their larger, 3-liter vehicles. VW will offer to fix the newer cars, and buy back the older ones. They also must direct $225 million toward environmental projects across the country. Learn more:

WASHINGTON โ€“ In a second partial settlement announced today by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the Department of Justice (DOJ), and...

The winter holidays are here. Remember to compost as much as you can. Leftovers, leaves, fireplace ashes, and paper can be all composted to fertilize your garden and help the environment by reducing waste.

Compost is organic material that can be added to soil to help plants grow. Food scraps and yard waste currently make up 20 to 30 percent of what we...

Trained cultural monitors from the Klamath Tribe observe all soil disturbing activity during cleanup at the North Ridge Estates Superfund Site near Klamath Fall...s, Oregon. Their observations help ensure that antiquities are protected. Moni Hiswaqs from the Klamath Tribe shares why this is important.

A large quantity of asbestos-contaminated soil and debris is being removed to protect the health of people living in and near North Ridge Estates. More information at:

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Moni Hiswaqs of the Klamath-Modoc Tribes talks about why cultural monitoring is important during earth disturbing activities at the North Ridge Estates Super...

โ€œMy work benefits industry and the environment because it reduces emissions which helps people in the surrounding area. It keeps them safer and gives them cleaner air to breathe. It helps the workers at the facility who are there all the time, so if thereโ€™s leaks, theyโ€™re breathing them in and that can adversely affect their health.โ€ Our Physical Scientist Reshma Ramkissoon speaks about the importance of equipment inspection and leak detection in protecting human health and the environment.


Stay safe if you use a generator during emergencies in winter months. Generator exhaust is toxic. Protect yourself and your family:

What we do during severe winter conditions can create certain environmental problems, indoors or out. Learn more about reducing risks when severe...

"Data can make a positive difference in human health and environmental protection" - Ann Dunkin, CIO. Our two #SmartCity Air Challenge awardees in Baltimore, MD, and Lafayette, LA, are planning to do just that with their #BigData projects. Learn more:…/smart-city-air-challenge-awardees-a…/

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Are you ready for winter snow ahead? Donโ€™t panic. Be prepared.

What we do during severe winter conditions can create certain environmental problems, indoors or out. Learn more about reducing risks when severe...

One easy way to save water and electricity this time of year is to minimize how often you run the dishwasher. #GreenTheHolidays

During National Handwashing Awareness Week, it is important to remember that washing hands is one of the best ways to prevent the spread of germs, including those that cause the common cold. Learn more at #KidsEnvHealth

Information about handwashing and hand hygiene

Looking Back to Move Ahead: Recent article reflects how we've protected children's health for over the last 20 years. Read how we've protected children's health over the last twenty years and learn more about the challenges that lie ahead.

See where we worked near you to advance clean water protection, increase the safety of drinking water and rebuild the nationโ€™s infrastructure! #EPAWaterProgress

Image may contain: cloud, water, outdoor and nature
Born in the wake of elevated concern about environmental pollution, EPA was established on December 2, 1970 to ensure environmental protection.