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How the Program Works

Landowners who wish to improve habitat on their property may request assistance at any time of the year. There is no application period. Landowners simply contact a local Partners Program representative in their area. The landowner works one-on-one with a local Partners biologist to design, fund and implement a project. A cooperative agreement is developed between the Service and the landowner for a minimum of 10 years.

Biologists work directly with landowners to plan and implement projects that align the landowners’ land management objectives with habitat restoration priorities. Projects are developed and selected at the local level, and priority is given to projects in Focus Areas that will:

  • Re-establish natural biological communities and ecological process ,
  • Promote citizen and community-based stewardship efforts for fish and wildlife conservation,
  • Contribute to the recovery of at-risk species,
  • Protect the environmental integrity of the National Wildlife Refuges,
  • Contribute to the implementation of the State Comprehensive Wildlife Conservation Strategies, and
  • Help achieve the objectives of regionally based fish or bird conservation plans (for example, Western Native Trout Initiative, North American Waterfowl Management Plan, Intermountain West Regional Shorebird Plan, etc.).

Click here to see a map of the Focus Areas for Idaho, Oregon, and Washington.  
Click here to see a map of the Focus Areas for Hawaii and the Pacific Islands.  
Click here to access the Pacific Region  2012-2016 Partners Program Strategic Plan for additional information on the Focus Areas and how the Partners Program works in the Pacific Region.  

Who Can Partner? 

• Individual private landowners
• Tribes
• Businesses and corporations
• Non-governmental organizations and non-profit entities
• Counties, cities and soil/water conservation districts
• Schools

Types of Projects

A broad range of private land projects are possible. The Service is always interested in new and inventive ways to provide conservation benefits. Some projects include wetland or riparian restoration; improved fish passage through in-stream work; invasive species control; and environmental education projects.





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