Lewis and Clark: Two Hundred Years After Lewis and Clark

Lewis and Clark were directed to explore the Missouri River and other rivers during their historic expedition across the Northwest United States 200 years ago. They found a river that had sustained the Native American nations for thousands of years and that was emerging as a main navigation channel for the growing fur trade industry and the westward expansion and settlement of the area.

As the Missouri River and its tributaries provided the lifeblood to its people then, so it has continued to sustain the people who live in its basin today. The second largest river in the country has also enhanced the quality of life of its population through recreation opportunities, quality water, reasonably priced hydropower and irrigation.

Lewis and Clark, A Missouri River ADVENTURE was brought to you by the Bureau of Reclamation, Great Plains Region, and the Upper Missouri Water Users Association.

About the Bureau of Reclamation

The mission of the Bureau of Reclamation is to manage, develop, and protect water and related resources in an environmentally and economically sound manner in the interest of the American public.

Reclamation is the largest wholesale water supplier in the United States, with operations and facilities in the 17 western states. Today, these facilities include 348 reservoirs with the capacity to store 245 million acre-feet of water. Reclamation projects supply one out of five western farmers with irrigation water for about 10 million acres of farmland.

Reclamation facilities also provide water to about 31 million people for municipal and industrial uses. In addition, Reclamation is the nation's second largest producer of hydroelectric power, generating more than 42 billion kilowatt hours of energy each year from 58 hydroelectric power plants. Its facilities also provide substantial flood control, recreation and fish and wildlife benefits.

About the Upper Missouri Water Association

The Upper Missouri Water Association (UMWA) is organized to protect, develop and manage Upper Missouri Water. It includes the states of Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota and Wyoming.

UMWA has eight priority goals:

  1. Communication and Education of Projects, Issues and Programs in Upper Basin States
  2. Coordination and Consensus Among Water, Power, Indian and Related Resource Interests of the Upper Missouri
  3. Complete Water Development Projects in Upper Basin States
  4. Support Pick-Sloan Ultimate Development and Pick-Sloan Missouri Basin Program
  5. Achieve Missouri River Operation and Management Beneficial to Upstream States
  6. Achieve Solutions to Missouri River Bank Erosion and Silt Formation Impacts and other water quality issues in the four states
  7. Preserve and Support State Water Associations
  8. Work Towards Solving Potential Conflicts Involving Mutual River Basins



Last Updated: 7/1/15