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The Auke Bay Laboratories (ABL) conducts scientific research on fish stocks, fish habitats, and the chemistry of marine environments. Information from this research is widely used by commercial interests such as fishing industries, and governmental agencies involved in managing natural resources.


The Fisheries Monitoring and Analysis Division monitors groundfish fishing activities in the US EEZ off Alaska and conducts research associated with sampling commercial fishery catches, estimation of catch and bycatch mortality, and analysis of fishery-dependent data.  The Division is responsible for training, briefing, debriefing and oversight of observers who collect catch data onboard fishing vessels and at onshore processing plants and for quality control/quality assurance of the data provided by these observers.


The Marine Mammal Laboratory (MML) conducts research on marine mammals, with particular attention to issues related to marine mammals off the coasts of Oregon, Washington and Alaska. Information is provided to various U.S. governmental and international organizations to assist in developing rational and appropriate management regimes for marine resources under NOAA's jurisdiction.


The Resource Assessment and Conservation Engineering Division (RACE) conducts fishery surveys to measure the distribution and abundance of approximately 40 commercially important fish and crab stocks. Data derived from these surveys are supplied to fishery managers and agencies and to the commercial fishing industry.


The Resource Ecology and Fisheries Management Division (REFM) collects data to support management of Northeast Pacific and eastern Bering Sea fish and crab resources. Stock assessments are developed annually and used to set catch quotas. Division scientists also evaluate how fish stocks and user groups might be affected by fishery management actions.


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