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The NMFS-AFSC NOAA Technical Memorandum series continues the NMFS-F/NWC series established in 1970. Additional AFSC and F/NWC Tech. Memos. can be found by searching the NMFS Virtual Tech. Memo. Library.  (Note: Pending correction on the S&T website, document URLs provided in search results must begin with "" -- please insert the missing "noaa." in your browser's URL box).

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Older Tech. Memos.


341 KELLER, K., K. BROWN, S. ATKINSON, and R. STONE. 2017. Guide for identifying select bivalve species common to southeast Alaska, 25 p .Introduction or View Online (.pdf, 22 MB). NTIS number pending.

340 HIMES-CORNELL, A., and A. N. SANTOS. 2017. Involving fishing communities in data collection: a summary and description of the Alaska Community Survey, 2013, 195 p. Abstract or View Online (.pdf, 4.48 MB). NTIS number pending.

339 HOFF, G. R. 2016. Results of the 2016 eastern Bering Sea upper continental slope survey of groundfish and invertebrate resources, 272 p. Abstract or View Online (.pdf, 26 MB). NTIS number pending.

338 FAUNCE, C. H. 2016. Alternative sampling designs for the 2017 annual deployment plan of the North Pacific Observer Program, 33 p. Abstract or View Online (.pdf, 860 KB). NTIS number pending.

337 YANG, M-S. 2015. Diets of spotted spiny dogfish, Squalus suckleyi, in Marmot Bay, Gulf of Alaska, between 2006 and 2014, 29 p. Abstract or View Online (.pdf, 1 MB). NTIS number pending.

336 SIGLER, M., A. HOLLOWED, K. HOLSMAN, S. ZADOR, A. HAYNIE, A. HIMES-CORNELL, P. MUNDY, S. DAVIS, J.DUFFY-ANDERSON, T. GELATT, B. GERKE, and P. STABENO. 2016. Alaska Regional Action Plan for the Southeastern Bering Sea: NOAA Fisheries Climate Science Strategy, 50 p. Executive Summary or View Online (.pdf, 7 MB). NTIS number pending.

335 STEVENSON, D. E., K. L. WEINBERG, and R. R. LAUTH. 2016. Estimating confidence in trawl efficiency and catch quantification for the eastern Bering Sea shelf survey, 51 p. Abstract or View Online (.pdf, 1.5 MB). NTIS No. PB2017-100453.

334 MILLER, K., D. NEFF, K. HOWARD, and J. MURPHY. 2016. Spatial distribution, diet, and nutritional status of juvenile Chinook salmon and other fishes in the Yukon River estuary, 101 p. Abstract or View Online (.pdf, 11 MB). NTIS number pending.

333 SMITH, K.R. 2016. Reconciling ambiguity resulting from inconsistent taxonomic classification of marine fauna assessed in the field: Querying a database to reclassify by lowest accountable inclusive taxon (LAIT), 57 p. Abstract or View Online (.pdf, 2.4 MB). NTIS number pending.

332 RARING, N. W., E. A. LAMAN, P. G. von SZALAY, C. N. ROOPER, and M. H. MARTIN. 2016. Data report: 2012 Aleutian Islands bottom trawl survey, 157 p. Abstract or View Online (.pdf, 7.7 MB). NTIS No.PB2017-100404.

331 CONNER, J., and R. R. LAUTH. 2016. Results of the 2013 eastern Bering Sea continental shelf bottom trawl survey of groundfish and invertebrate resources, 153 p. Abstract or View Online (.pdf, 7.4 MB). NTIS No.PB2017-100403.

330 RARING, N. W., E. A. LAMAN, P. G. von SZALAY, and M. H. MARTIN. 2016. Data report: 2011 Gulf of Alaska bottom trawl survey, 233 p. Abstract or View Online (.pdf, 9.4 MB). NTIS No.PB2017-100402.

329 RARING, N. W., E. A. LAMAN, P. G. von SZALAY, M. E. WILKINS, and M. H. MARTIN. 2016. Data report: 2005 Gulf of Alaska bottom trawl survey, 233 p. Abstract or View Online (.pdf, 12.5 MB). NTIS NoPB2017-100401.

328 RARING, N. W., P. G. von SZALAY, M. H. MARTIN, M. E. WILKINS, and F. R. SHAW. 2016. Data report: 2003 Gulf of Alaska bottom trawl survey, 319 p. Abstract or View Online (.pdf, 15 MB). NTIS No. PB2016-104796.

327 DALY, B. J., C. E. ARMISTEAD, and R. J. FOY. 2016. The 2016 eastern Bering Sea continental shelf bottom trawl survey: Results for commercial crab species, 167 p. Abstract or View Online (.pdf, 26 MB). NTIS No. PB2016-104795.

326 LEW, D. K., D. PUTNAM, and D. M. LARSON. 2016. Attitudes and preferences toward Pacific halibut management alternatives in the saltwater sport fishing charter sector in Alaska: Results from a survey of charter halibut permit holders, 58 p. Abstract or View Online (.pdf, 1.8 MB). NTIS No. PB2016-104794.

325 von SZALAY, P. G., and N. W. RARING. 2016. Data report: 2015 Gulf of Alaska bottom trawl survey, 249 p. Preface or View Online (.pdf, 10 MB). NTIS No. PB2016-104802.

324 RUTECKI, T. L., C. J. RODGVELLER, and C. R. LUNSFORD. 2016. National Marine Fisheries Service longline survey data report and survey history, 1990-2014, 329 p. Abstract or View Online (.pdf, 9.8 MB). NTIS No. PB2016-104793.

323 MUTO, M. M., V. T. HELKER, R. P. ANGLISS, B. A. ALLEN, P. L. BOVENG, J. M. BREIWICK, M. F. CAMERON, P. J. CLAPHAM, S. P. DAHLE, M. E. DAHLHEIM, B. S. FADELY, M. C. FERGUSON, L. W. FRITZ, R. C. HOBBS, Y. V. IVASHCHENKO, A. S. KENNEDY, J. M. LONDON, S. A. MIZROCH, R. R. REAM, E. L. RICHMOND, K. E. W. SHELDEN, R. G. TOWELL, P. R. WADE, J. M. WAITE, and A. N. ZERBINI. 2016. Alaska marine mammal stock assessments, 2015, 300 p. Preface or View Online (.pdf, 12 MB). NTIS No. PB2016-103297.

322 FAUNCE, C., J. GASPER, J. CAHALAN, S. LOWE, S. BARBEAUX, and R. WEBSTER. 2016. Deployment performance review of the 2015 North Pacific Groundfish and Halibut Observer Program, 54 p. Abstract or View Online (.pdf, 1.8 MB). NTIS No. PB2016-103316.

321 FRITZ, L., K. SWEENEY, R. TOWELL, and T. GELATT. 2016. Aerial and ship-based surveys of Steller sea lions (Eumetopias jubatus) conducted in Alaska in June-July 2013 through 2015, and an update on the status and trend of the western distinct population segment in Alaska, 72 p. Abstract or View Online (.pdf, 1.8 MB). NTIS No.PB2016-103772.

320 ECHAVE, K. B. 2016. Feasibility of tagging sablefish, Anoplopoma fimbria, with pop-off satellite tags in the northeast Pacific Ocean, 38 p. Abstract or View Online (.pdf, 1.5 MB). NTIS No. PB2016-104801.

319 BARBEAUX, S. J., S. ROMAIN, E. LOGERWELL, and D. FRASER. 2016. Aleutian Islands Cooperative Acoustic Survey Study, 2007, 35 p. Abstract or View Online (.pdf, 1.2 MB). NTIS No.PB2016-103418.

318 WHITEHOUSE, G. A., and K. Y. AYDIN. 2016. Trophic structure of the eastern Chukchi Sea: An updated mass balance food web model, 175 p. Abstract or View Online. (.pdf, 2.8 MB). NTIS No. PB2016-103433.

317 SMITH, T. A., and R. A. McCONNAUGHEY. 2016. The applicability of sonars for habitat mapping: a bibliography, 129 p. View Online. (.pdf, 981 KB). NTIS No. PB2016-103438.

316 TESTA, J. W. (editor). 2016. Fur seal investigations, 2013-2014. U.S. Dep. Commer., NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-AFSC-316, 124 p. Abstract or View Online. (.pdf, 3.8 MB). NTIS No.PB2016-103419.

315 HELKER, V. T., M. M. MUTO, and L. A. JEMISON. 2015. Human-caused injury and mortality of NMFS-managed Alaska marine mammal stocks, 2010-2014, 89 p. Abstract or View Online (.pdf, 2 MB). NTIS No. PB2016-102765.

314 KONDZELA, C. M., J. A. WHITTLE, D. YATES, S. C. VULSTEK, H. T. NGUYEN, and J. R. GUYON. 2016. Genetic stock composition analysis of chum salmon from the prohibited species catch of the 2014 Bering Sea walleye pollock trawl fishery and Gulf of Alaska groundfish fisheries, 49 p. Abstract or View Online (.pdf, 2 MB). NTIS No. PB2016-102777.

313 GODDARD, P., R. WILBORN, C. ROOPER, K. WILLIAMS, R. TOWLER, M. SIGLER, and P. MALECHA. 2016. Results of the 2014 underwater camera survey of the eastern Bering Slope and Outer Shelf, 304 p. Abstract or View Online (.pdf, 63.7 MB). NTIS No. PB2016-104800.

312 LAAKE, J. L., S. R. MELIN, A. J. ORR, D. J. GREIG, K. C. PRAGER, R. L. DeLONG, and J. D. HARRIS. 2016. California sea lion sex- and age-specific morphometry, 21 p. Abstract or View Online (.pdf, 631 KB). NTIS No. PB2016-102562.

311 GUTHRIE, C. M. III, HV. T. NGUYEN, and J. R. GUYON. 2016. Genetic stock composition analysis of the Chinook salmon bycatch samples from the 2014 Gulf of Alaska trawl fisheries, 31 p. Abstract or View Online (.pdf, 900 KB). NTIS No. PB2016-101398.

310 GUTHRIE, C. M. III, HV. T. NGUYEN, and J. R. GUYON. 2016. Genetic stock composition analysis of the Chinook salmon bycatch from the 2014 Bering Sea walleye pollock (Gadus chalcogrammus) trawl fishery, 25 p. Abstract or View Online (.pdf, 880 KB). NTIS No. PB2016-101397.


309 HOFF, G. R., D. E. STEVENSON, and J. W. ORR. 2015. Guide to the gadiform fishes of the eastern North Pacific, 68 p. Abstract or View Online (.pdf, 12.6 MB). NTIS No. PB2016-101396. For a high-resolution, print-ready file to produce as a bound book, please click here. Warning: large file (36.5 MB).

308 DALY, B. J., C. E. ARMISTEAD, and R. J. FOY. 2015. The 2015 eastern Bering Sea continental shelf bottom trawl survey: Results for commercial crab,167 p. NTIS No. PB2016-100681. Abstract or View Online (.pdf, 10 MB).

307 FAUNCE, C. H. 2015. An initial analysis of alternative sample designs for the deployment of observers in Alaska, 33 p. NTIS No. PB206-100705. Abstract or View Online (.pdf, 1 MB).

306 HIMES-CORNELL, A., S. KASPERSKI, K. KENT, C. MAGUIRE, M. DOWNS, S. WEIDLICH, and S. RUSSELL. 2015. Social baseline of the Gulf of Alaska groundfish trawl fishery: Results of the 2014 social survey. U.S. Dep. Commer., NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-AFSC-306, 98 p. plus Appendices. NTIS No.PB2016-100045. Executive Summary or View Online (.pdf, 12.8 MB).

305 FISSEL, B. E. 2015. Methods for the Alaska groundfish first-wholesale price projections: Section 6 of the Economic Status of the Groundfish Fisheries off Alaska, 39 p. NTIS No. PB2016-100044. Abstract or View Online (.pdf, 695 KB).

304 HIMES-CORNELL, A. 2015. Industry perceptions of measures to affect access to quota shares, active participation, and lease rates in the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands crab fisheries, 69 p. NTIS No.PB2016-100043. Executive Summary or View Online (.pdf, 2.8 MB).

303 GRAY, A. K., C. J. RODGVELLER, and C. R. LUNSFORD. 2015. Evidence of multiple paternity in quillback rockfish (Sebastes maliger), 25 p. NTIS No. PB2016-100036. Abstract or View Online (.pdf, 1.14 MB).

302 FAUNCE, C., J. GASPER, J. CAHALAN, S. LOWE, R. WEBSTER, and T. A’MAR. 2015. Deployment performance review of the 2014 North Pacific Groundfish and Halibut Observer Program, 55 p. NTIS No. PB2015-105670. Abstract or View Online (.pdf, 6.7 MB).

301 ALLEN, B. M., and R. P. ANGLISS. 2015. Alaska marine mammal stock assessments, 2014, 304 p. NTIS No. PB2015-105669. Preface or View Online (.pdf, 9.44 MB).

300 HELKER, V. T., B. M. ALLEN, and L. A. JEMISON. 2015. Human-caused injury and mortality of NMFS-managed Alaska marine mammal stocks, 2009-2013, 94 p. NTIS No. PB2015-105160. Abstract or View Online (.pdf, 2 MB).

299 LEW, D. K., G. SAMPSON, A. HIMES-CORNELL, J. LEE, and B. GARBER-YONTS. 2015. Costs, earnings, and employment in the Alaska saltwater sport fishing charter sector, 2011-2013, 134 p. NTIS No. PB2015-104937. Abstract or View Online (.pdf, 3.3 MB).

298 PRESCOTT, M. M., and M. ZIMMERMANN. 2015. Smooth sheet bathymetry of Norton Sound, 23 p. NTIS No. PB2015-104936. NTIS No. PB2015-104936. Abstract or View Online (.pdf, 3.8 MB).

297 von SZALAY, P. G. 2015. The impact of sample size reduction on the precision of biomass estimates in the Gulf of Alaska, 17 p. NTIS No. PB2016-100042. Abstract or View Online (.pdf, 920 KB).

296 STONE, R., D. STEVENSON, and S. BROOKE. 2015. Assessment of a pilot study to collect coral bycatch data from the Alaska commercial fishing fleet, 45 p. NTIS No. PB2015-104935. Abstract or View Online. (.pdf, 5.4 MB).

295 DALY, B. J., C. E. ARMISTEAD, and R. J. FOY. 2015. The 2013 eastern Bering Sea continental shelf bottom trawl survey: Results for commercial crab species,166 p. NTIS No. PB2015-104934. Abstract or View Online. (.pdf, 24 MB).

294 FOWLER, C. W., and L. K. JOHNSON. 2015. Reality-based marine protected areas for the eastern Bering Sea, 109 p. NTIS No. PB2015-104933. Abstract or View Online (.pdf, 25.6 MB).

293 JOHNSON, S. W., A. D. NEFF, and M. R. LINDEBERG. 2015. A handy field guide to the nearshore marine fishes of Alaska, 211 p. NTIS No. PB2015-104932. Preface or View Online. (.pdf, 32 MB).

292 WHITTLE, J. A., S. C. VULSTEK, C. M. KONDZELA, and J. R. GUYON. 2015. Genetic stock composition analysis of chum salmon bycatch from the 2013 Bering Sea walleye pollock trawl fishery, 50 p. NTIS No. PB2015104931. Abstract or View Online (.pdf, 1.6 MB).

291 GUYON, J. R., C. M. GUTHRIE III, A. R. MUNRO, J. JASPER, and W. D. TEMPLIN. 2015. Genetic stock composition analysis of the Chinook salmon bycatch in the Gulf of Alaska walleye pollock (Gadus chalcogrammus) trawl fisheries, 26 p. NTIS No. PB2016-100041. Abstract or View Online (.pdf, 822 KB).

290 GUTHRIE, C. M. III, HV. T. NGUYEN, and J. R. GUYON. 2015. Genetic stock composition analysis of the Chinook salmon bycatch from the 2013 Bering Sea walleye pollock (Gadus chalcogrammus) trawl fishery, 21 p. NTIS No. PB2016-100040. Abstract or View Onlne (.pdf, 536 KB).

289 GUYON, J. R., HV. T. NGUYEN, C. M. GUTHRIE III, J. BONNEY, K. McGAULEY, K. HANSEN, and J. GAUVIN. 2015. Genetic stock composition analysis of Chinook salmon bycatch samples from the rockfish and arrowtooth flounder 2013 Gulf of Alaska trawl fisheries and the Gulf of Alaska salmon excluder device test, 19 p. NTIS No. PB2016-100039. Abstract or View Online (.pdf, 816 KB).

288 FAUNCE, C. H. 2015. Evolution of observer methods to obtain genetic material from Chinook salmon bycatch in the Alaska pollock fishery, 28 p. NTIS No. PB2015-103731. Abstract or View Online (.pdf, 364 KB).

287 ZIMMERMANN, M., and M. M. PRESCOTT. 2015. Smooth sheet bathymetry of the central Gulf of Alaska, 54 p. NTIS No. PB2015-103730. Abstract or View Online (.pdf, 5.9 MB).


286 CAHALAN, J., J. GASPER, and J. MONDRAGON. 2014. Catch sampling and estimation in the federal groundfish fisheries off Alaska, 2015 edition, 46 p. NTIS No. PB2015-102748. Abstract or View Online. (.pdf, 664 KB).

285 GUYON, J. R., C. M. GUTHRIE III, A. R. MUNRO, J. JASPER, and W. D. TEMPLIN. 2014. Extension of genetic stock composition analysis to the Chinook salmon bycatch in the Gulf of Alaska walleye pollock (Gadus chalcogrammus) trawl fisheries, 2012, 26 p. NTIS No. PB2015-102747. Abstract or View Online (.pdf, 725 KB).

284 HIMES-CORNELL, A., and K. KENT. 2014. Involving fishing communities in data collection: a summary and description of the Alaska Community Survey, 2011, 171 p. NTIS No. PB2015-100578. Abstract or View Online (.pdf, 6 MB).

283 GARVIN, M. R., M. M. MASUDA, J. J. PELLA, P. D. BARRY, S. A. FULLER, R. J. RILEY, R. L. WILMOT, V. BRYKOV, and A. J. GHARRETT. 2014. A Bayesian cross-validation approach to evaluate genetic baselines and forecast the necessary number of informative single nucleotide polymorphisms, 59 p. NTIS No. PB2016-100038. Abstract or View Online (.pdf, 4.6 MB).

282 DALY, B. J., C. E. ARMISTEAD, and R. J FOY. 2014. The 2014 eastern Bering Sea continental shelf bottom trawl survey: Results for commercial crab species, 167 p. NTIS No. PB2015-101255. .Abstract or View Online (.pdf, 15 MB).

281 FAUNCE, C., J. CAHALAN, J. GASPER, T. A'MAR, S. LOWE, F. WALLACE, and R. WEBSTER. 2014. Deployment performance review of the 2013 North Pacific Groundfish and Halibut Observer Program, 74 p. NTIS No. PB2015-100579. Abstract or View Online (.pdf, 4.15 MB).

280 HIMES-CORNELL, A., and K. KENT. 2014. Involving fishing communities in data collection: a summary and description of the Alaska Community Survey, 2010, 170 p. NTIS No. PB2015-100578. Abstract or View Online (.pdf, 3 MB).

279 FISSEL, B. E. 2014. Economic indices for the North Pacific groundfish fisheries: Calculation and visualization, 47 p. NTIS No. PB2015-100577. Abstract or View Online (.pdf, 756 KB).

278 GODDARD, P., R. LAUTH, and C. ARMISTEAD. 2014. Results of the 2012 Chukchi Sea bottom trawl survey of bottomfishes, crabs, and other demersal macrofauna, 110 p. NTIS No. PB2015-100576. Abstract or View Online (.pdf, 8.74 MB).

277 ALLEN, B. M., and R. P. ANGLISS. 2014. Alaska marine mammal stock assessments, 2013, 294 p. NTIS No. PB2015-100575. Preface or View Online (.pdf, 11.9 MB).

276 LOEFFLAD, M. R., F. R. WALLACE, J. MONDRAGON, J. WATSON, and G. A. HARRINGTON. 2014. Strategic plan for electronic monitoring and electronic reporting in the North Pacific, 52 p. NTIS No. PB2014-106286. View Online (.pdf, 1 MB).

275 ZIMMERMANN, M., and M. M. PRESCOTT. 2014. Smooth sheet bathymetry of Cook Inlet, Alaska, 32 p. NTIS No. PB2016-100037.Abstract or View Online (.pdf, 3.28 MB).

274 ALLEN, B. M., V. T. HELKER, and L. A. JEMISON. 2014. Human-caused injury and mortality of NMFS-managed Alaska marine mammal stocks, 2007-2011, 84 p. NTIS No. PB2014-108818. Abstract or View Online (.pdf, 1.3 MB).

273 SMITH, K. R., and C. E. ARMISTEAD. 2014. Benthic invertebrates of the eastern Bering Sea: a synopsis of the life history and ecology of the sea star Asterias amurensis, 60 p. NTIS No. PB2014-108817. Abstract or View Online (.pdf, 4.5 MB).

272 De ROBERTIS, A., D. McKELVEY, K. TAYLOR, and T. HONKALEHTO. 2014. Development of acoustic-trawl survey methods to estimate the abundance of age-0 walleye pollock in the eastern Bering Sea shelf during the Bering Arctic Subarctic Integrated Survey (BASIS), 46 p. NTIS No. PB2014-108816. Abstract or View Online (.pdf, 2.39 MB).

271 VULSTEK, S. C., C. M. KONDZELA, C. T. MARVIN, J. WHITTLE, and J. R. GUYON. 2014. Genetic stock composition analysis of chum salmon bycatch and excluder device samples from the 2012 Bering Sea walleye pollock trawl fishery, 35 p. NTIS No. PB2014-105096. Abstract or View Online (.pdf, 972 KB).

270 GUTHRIE, C. M., III, H. T. NGUYEN, and J. R. GUYON. 2014. Genetic stock composition analysis of Chinook salmon bycatch samples from the 2012 Bering Sea and Gulf of Alaska trawl fisheries, 33 p. NTIS No. PB2014-105095. Abstract or View Online (.pdf, 920 KB).

269 MATEO, I., and D. H. HANSELMAN. 2014. A comparison of statistical methods to standardize catch-per-unit-effort of the Alaska longline sablefish, 71 p. NTIS No. PB2014-104078. Abstract or View Online (.pdf, 3 MB).

268 FOWLER, C. W., R. D. REDEKOPP, V. VISSAR, and J. OPPENHEIMER. 2014. Pattern-based control rules for fisheries management, 116 p. NTIS No. PB2014-104035. Abstract or View Online (.pdf, 1.6 MB).

267 FOWLER, C. W., and S. M. LUIS. 2014. We are not asking management questions, 48 p. NTIS No. PB2014-104034. Abstract or View Online (.pdf, 1.26 MB).

266 LAUTH, R. R., and J. CONNER. 2014. Results of the 2011 Eastern Bering Sea continental shelf bottom trawl survey of groundfish and invertebrate fauna, 176 p. NTIS No. PB2014-104036. Abstract or View Online (.pdf, 8 MB).

265 TRIBUZIO, C. A., J. R. GASPER, and S. K. GAICHAS. 2014. Estimation of bycatch in the unobserved Pacific halibut fishery off Alaska, 506 p. NTIS No. PB2014-101866. Abstract or View Online (.pdf., 8 MB).

264 STONE, R. P., K. W. CONWAY, D. J. CSEPP, and J. V. BARRIE. 2013. The boundary reefs: Glass sponge (Porifera: Hexactinellida) reefs on the international border between Canada and the United States, 31 p. NTIS No. PB2014-101865. Abstract or View Online (.pdf, 10 MB).


263 SHELDEN, K. E. W., D. J. RUGH, K. T. GOETZ, C. L. SIMS, L. VATE BRATTSTROM, J. A. MOCKLIN, B. A. MAHONEY, B. K. SMITH, and R. C. HOBBS. 2013. Aerial surveys of beluga whales, Delphinapterus leucas, in Cook Inlet, Alaska, June 2005 to 2012, 122 p. NTIS No. PB2014-104033. Abstract or View Online (.pdf 4.67 MB).

262 WHITEHOUSE, G. A. 2013. A preliminary mass-balance food web model of the eastern Chukchi Sea, 164 p. NTIS No. PB2014-104032. Abstract or View Online (.pdf 1.2 MB).

261 FERGUSON, M. C., and J. T. CLARKE. 2013. Estimates of detection probability for BWASP bowhead whale, gray whale, and beluga sightings collected from Twin Otter and Aero Commander aircraft, 1989 to 2007 and 2008 to 2011, 52 p. NTIS No. PB2014-104031. Abstract or View Online (.pdf 885 KB).

260 BREIWICK, J. M. 2013. North Pacific marine mammal bycatch estimation methodology and results, 2007-2011, 40 p. NTIS No. PB2014-104030. Abstract or View Online (.pdf 817 KB).

259 HIMES-CORNELL, A., K. HOELTING, C. MAGUIRE, L. MUNGER-LITTLE, J. LEE, J. FISK, R. FELTHOVEN, C. GELLER, and P. LITTLE. 2013. Community profiles for North Pacific fisheries - Alaska. (Volumes 1-12). NTIS No. PB2014-104038. Abstract. Vol. 1(1 MB); Vol. 2 (2 MB); Vol. 3 (2 KB); Vol. 4 (3 MB); Vol. 5 (2.5 MB); Vol. 6 (4 MB); Vol. 7 (4 MB); Vol. 8 (8.5 MB); Vol. 9 (5.8 MB); Vol. 10 (7 MB); Vol. 11 (8.5 MB); Vol. 12 (8 MB). ALL VOLUMES (.pdf, 41 MB).

258 HOFF, G. R. 2013. Results of the 2012 eastern Bering Sea upper continental slope survey of groundfish and invertebrate resources, 268 p. NTIS No. PB2014-100750. Abstract or View Online (.pdf, 22.9 MB).

257 TESTA, J. W. (editor). 2013. Fur seal investigations, 2012, 90 p. NTIS No. PB2014-100751. Abstract or View Online (.pdf, 2.27 MB).

256 LAUTH, R. R., and D. G. NICHOL. 2013. Results of the 2012 eastern Bering Sea continental shelf bottom trawl survey of groundfish and invertebrate resources, 162 p. NTIS No. PB2014-100850. Abstract or View Online (.pdf, 47.3 MB).

255 BOVENG, P. L., J. L. BENGTSON, M. F. CAMERON, S. P. DAHLE, E. A. LOGERWELL, J. M. LONDON, J. E. OVERLAND, J. T. STERLING, D. E. STEVENSON, B. L. TAYLOR, and H. L. ZIEL. 2013. Status review of the ribbon seal (Histriophoca fasciata), 174 p. NTIS No. PB2013-110014. Executive Summary or View Online (.pdf, 9.11 MB).

254 ECHAVE, K., D. H. HANSELMAN, and N. E. MALONEY. 2013. Report to industry on the Alaska sablefish tag program, 1972-2012, 47 p. NTIS No. PB2013-111080. Preface or View Online (.pdf, 7.55 MB).

253 ECHAVE, K., C. RODGVELLER, and S. K. SHOTWELL. 2013. Calculation of the geographic sizes used to create population indices for the Alaska Fisheries Science Center longline survey, 93 p. NTIS No. PB2014-104029. Abstract or View Online (.pdf, 14.1 MB).

252 HOBBS, R. C. 2013. Detecting changes in population trends for Cook Inlet beluga whales (Delphinapterus leucas) using alternative schedules for aerial surveys, 25 p. NTIS No. PB2013-108752. Abstract or View Online (.pdf, 634 KB).

251 FRITZ, L., K. SWEENEY, D. JOHNSON, M. LYNN, T. GELATT, and J. GILPATRICK. 2013. Aerial and ship-based surveys of Steller sea lions (Eumetopias jubatus) conducted in Alaska in June-July 2008 through 2012, and an update on the status and trend of the western distinct population segment in Alaska, 91 p. NTIS No. PB2013-108751. Abstract or View Online (.pdf, 2.68 MB).

250 ZIMMERMANN, M., M. M. PRESCOTT, and C. N. ROOPER. 2013. Smooth sheet bathymetry of the Aleutian Islands, 43 p. NTIS No. PB2013-108750. Abstract or View Online (.pdf, 2.4 MB).

249 ZIMMERMANN, M., and J. L. BENSON. 2013. Smooth sheets: How to work with them in a GIS to derive bathymetry, features and substrates, 52 p. NTIS No. PB2013-108749. Abstract or View Online (.pdf, 6.95 MB).

248 SINCLAIR, E. H., D. S. JOHNSON, T. K. ZEPPELIN, and T. S. GELATT. 2013. Decadal variation in the diet of Western Stock Steller sea lions (Eumetopias jubatus), 67 p. NTIS No. PB2013-108748. Abstract or View Online (.pdf, 2.96 MB).

247 CLAUSEN, D. M., and C. J. RODGVELLER. 2013. Deep-water longline experimental survey for giant grenadier, Pacific grenadier, and sablefish in the western Gulf of Alaska, 30 p. NTIS No. PB2013-108297. Abstract or View Online (.pdf, 3.97 MB).

246 YANG, M-S., and C. YEUNG. 2013. Habitat-associated diet of some flatfish in the southeastern Bering Sea, 151 p. NTIS No. PB2013-107698. Abstract or View Online (.pdf, 17.9 MB).

245 ALLEN, B. M., and R. P. ANGLISS. 2013. Alaska marine mammal stock assessments, 2012, 282 p. NTIS No. PB2013-108740. Preface or View Online (.pdf, 11 MB).

244 GUTHRIE, C. M. III, H. T. NGUYEN, and J. R. GUYON. 2013. Genetic stock composition analysis of Chinook salmon bycatch samples from the 2011 Bering Sea and Gulf of Alaska trawl fisheries, 28 p. NTIS No. PB2013-106489. Abstract or View Online (.pdf, 588 KB).

243 KONDZELA, C. M., C. T. MARVIN, S. C. VULSTEK, H. T. NGUYEN, and J. R. GUYON. 2013. Genetic stock composition analysis of chum salmon bycatch samples from the 2011 Bering Sea walleye pollock trawl fishery, 39 p. NTIS No. PB2013-105786. Abstract or View Online (.pdf, 812 KB).

242 FOY, R. J., and C. E. ARMISTEAD. 2013. The 2012 Eastern Bering Sea continental shelf bottom trawl survey: Results for commercial crab species, 147 p. NTIS No. PB2013-104705. Abstract or View Online (.pdf, 22.9 MB).


241 TESTA, J. W. (editor). 2012. Fur seal investigations, 2010-2011, 77 p. NTIS No. PB2013-104704. Abstract or View Online (.pdf, 1.85 MB).

240 HARRIS, P. M., A. D. NEFF, and S. W. JOHNSON. 2012. Changes in eelgrass habitat and faunal assemblages associated with coastal development in Juneau, Alaska, 47 p. NTIS No. PB2013-104703. Abstract or View Online (.pdf, 4.17 MB).

239 JOHNSON, S. W., A. D. NEFF, J. F. THEDINGA, M. R. LINDEBERG, and J. M. MASELKO. 2012. Atlas of nearshore fishes of Alaska: a synthesis of marine surveys from 1998 to 2011, 261 p. NTIS No. PB2013-105500. Abstract. or View Online (.pdf, 60 MB).

238 ROMAIN, S., M. DORN, and V. WESPESTAD. 2012. Results of cooperative research acoustic surveys of walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) in the western Gulf of Alaska from September 2007 to September 2011, 35 p. NTIS PB2012-113431. Abstract or View Online (.pdf, 1.7 MB).

237 SMULTEA, M., D. FERTL, D. J. RUGH, and C. E. BACON. 2012. Summary of systematic bowhead surveys conducted in the U.S. Beaufort and Chukchi Seas, 1975-2009, 48 p. NTIS No. PB2012-112925. Abstract or View Online (.pdf, 851 KB).

236 ECHAVE, K., M. EAGLETON, E. FARLEY, and J. ORSI. 2012. A refined description of essential fish habitat for Pacific salmon within the U.S. Exclusive Economic Zone in Alaska, 104 p. NTIS No. PB2012-112924. Abstract or View Online (.pdf, 4.51 MB).

235 CHILTON, E. A., C. E. ARMISTEAD, and R. J. FOY. 2012. The 2011 Eastern Bering Sea continental shelf bottom trawl survey: Results for commercial crab species, 118 p. NTIS No. PB2012-111906. Abstract or View Online (.pdf, 4.19MB).

234 ALLEN, B. M., and R. P. ANGLISS. 2012. Alaska marine mammal stock assessments, 2011, 288 p. NTIS No. PB2012-110677. Preface or View Online (.pdf, 13.7 MB).

233 KONDZELA, C. M., W. T. McCRANEY, H. T. NGUYEN, and J. R. GUYON. 2012. Genetic stock composition analysis of chum salmon bycatch samples from the 2010 Bering Sea groundfish fisheries, 29 p. NTIS No. PB2012-107442. Abstract or View Online (.pdf, 1 MB).

232 GUTHRIE, C. M. III, H. T. NGUYEN, and J. R. GUYON. 2012. Genetic stock composition analysis of Chinook salmon bycatch samples from the 2010 Bering Sea trawl fisheries, 22 p. NTIS No. PB2012-104700. Abstract or View Online (.pdf, 673 KB).


231 SMITH, K. R., R. A. MCCONNAUGHEY, and C. E. ARMISTEAD. 2011. Benthic invertebrates of the Eastern Bering Sea: a synopsis of the life history and ecology of snails of the genus Neptunea, 58 p NTIS No. PB2012-108929. Abstract or View Online (.pdf, 8.28 MB).

230 HIMES-CORNELL, A., C. PACKAGE, and A. DURLAND. 2011. Improving community profiles for the North Pacific fisheries, 85 p. NTIS No. PB2012-108928. Abstract or View Online (.pdf, 4.22 MB).

229 YANG, M-S. 2011 Diet of nineteen mesopelagic fishes in the Gulf of Alaska, 67 p. NTIS No. PB2012-102005. Abstract or View Online (.pdf, 827 KB).

228 LEW, D. K., and A. HIMES-CORNELL. 2011. A guide to designing, testing, and implementing Alaska Fisheries Science Center economic and social surveys, 43 p. NTIS No. PB2012-100169. Abstract or View Online (.pdf, 1 MB).

227 LAUTH, R. R. 2011. Results of the 2010 eastern and northern Bering Sea continental shelf bottom trawl survey of groundfish and invertebrate fauna, 256 p. NTIS No. PB2012-100168. Abstract or View Online (.pdf, 13 MB).

226 TESTA, J. W. 2011. Fur seal investigations, 2008-2009, 80 p. NTIS No. PB2012-100205. Abstract or View Online. (.pdf, 3.45 MB).

225 RARING, N. W., P. G. VON SZALAY, F. R. SHAW, M. E. WILKINS, and M. H. MARTIN. 2011. Data Report: 2001 Gulf of Alaska bottom trawl survey, 179 p. NTIS No. PB2011-406. Preface or View Online (.pdf, 15 MB).

224 HOFF, G. R., and L. L. BRITT. 2011. Results of the 2010 eastern Bering Sea upper continental slope survey of groundfish and invertebrate resources, 300 p. NTIS No. PB2011-111407. Abstract or View Online (.pdf, 22 MB).

223 ALLEN, B. M., and R. P. ANGLISS. 2011. Alaska marine mammal stock assessments, 2010, 292 p. NTIS No. PB2011-111461. Preface or View Online (.pdf, 9.5 MB).

222 GRAY, A. K., W. T. McCRANEY, C. T. MARVIN, C. M. KONDZELA, H. T. NGUYEN, and J. R. GUYON. 2011. Genetic stock composition analysis of chum salmon bycatch samples from the 2008 Bering Sea groundfish fisheries, 29 p. NTIS No. PB2011-110765. Abstract or View Online (pdf, 128 MB).

221 GRAY, A. K., W. T. McCRANEY, C. T. MARVIN, C. M. KONDZELA, H. T. NGUYEN, and J. R. GUYON. 2011. Genetic stock composition analysis of chum salmon bycatch samples from the 2007 Bering Sea groundfish fisheries, 29 p. NTIS No. PB2011-110764. Abstract or View Online (pdf, 1.48 MB).

220 MARVIN, C. T., S. L. WILDES, C. M. KONDZELA, H. T. NGUYEN, and J. R. GUYON. 2011. Genetic stock composition analysis of chum salmon bycatch samples from the 2006 Bering Sea groundfish fisheries, 29 p. NTIS number pending. Abstract or View Online (pdf, 1.48 MB).

219 JONES, D. T., A. De ROBERTIS, and N. J. WILLIAMSON. 2011. Statistical combination of multifrequency sounder-detected bottom lines reduces bottom integrations, 13 p. NTIS No.PB2011-108416 . Abstract or View Online (.pdf 2.26 MB).

218 LANDER, M. E., D. S. JOHNSON, J. T. STERLING, T. S. GELATT, and B. S. FADELY. 2011. Diving behaviors and movements of juvenile Steller sea lions (Eumetopias jubatus) captured in the central Aleutian Islands, April 2005,41 p. NTIS No. PB2011-108415. Abstract or View Online (.pdf, 9.39 MB).

217 LAZRUS, H. M., J. A. SEPEZ, R. G. FELTHOVEN, and J. C. LEE. 2011. Post-rationalization restructuring of commercial crew member opportunities in Bering Sea and Aleutian Island crab fisheries, 62 p. NTIS No. PB2011-107546. Abstract or View Online (.pdf, 956 KB).

216 CHILTON, E. A., C. E. ARMISTEAD, and R. J. FOY . 2011. The 2010 Eastern Bering Sea continental shelf bottom trawl survey: Results for commercial crab species, 139 p. NTIS No. PB2001-108305. Abstract or View Online (.pdf 5.24 MB).

215 von SZALAY, P. G., C. N. ROOPER, N. W. RARING, and M. H. MARTIN. 2011. Data report: 2010 Aleutian Islands bottom trawl survey, 153 p. NTIS No. PB2011-108304. Abstract or View Online (.pdf, 6.25 MB).


214 LEW, D. K., J. LEE, and D. M. LARSON. 2010. Saltwater sportfishing in Alaska: A summary and description of the Alaska saltwater sportfishing economic survey, 2007, 229 p. NTIS No. PB2011-105279. Abstract or View Online (.pdf, 2 MB).

213 CAHALAN, J. A., B. M. LEAMAN, G. H. WILLIAMS, B. H. MASON, and W. A. KARP. 2010. Bycatch characterization in the Pacific halibut fishery: A field test of electronic monitoring technology, 66 p. NTIS No. PB2011-103864. Abstract or View Online (.pdf, 2.8 MB).

212 KELLY, B. P., J. L. BENGTSON, P. L. BOVENG, M. F. CAMERON, S. P. DAHLE, J. K. JANSEN, E. A. LOGERWELL, J. E. OVERLAND, C. L. SABINE, G. T. WARING, and J. M. WILDER. 2010. Status review of the ringed seal (Phoca hispida), 250 p. NTIS No. PB2011-103863. Executive Summary or View Online (8.7 MB).

WILDER. 2010. Status review of the bearded seal (Erignathus barbatus), 246 p. NTIS No. PB2011-103862 . Executive Summary or View Online (12.4 MB).

210 JOHNSON, S. W., J. F. THEDINGA, A. D. NEFF, and C. A. HOFFMAN. 2010. Fish fauna in nearshore waters of a barrier island in the western Beaufort Sea, Alaska, 28 p. NTIS NO. PB2009-102141. Abstract or View Online (.pdf, 1 MB).

209 RONE, B. K., A. B. DOUGLAS, A. N. ZERBINI, L. MORSE, A. MARTINEZ, P. J. CLAPHAM, AND J. CALAMBOKIDIS. 2010. Results from the April 2009 Gulf of Alaska transect survey (GOALS) in the Navy training exercise area, 39 p. NTIS No. ADA522221. Abstract or View Online (.pdf, 4 MB).

208 von SZALAY, P. G., N. W. RARING, F. R. SHAW, M. E. WILKINS, and M. H. MARTIN. 2010. Data report: 2009 Gulf of Alaska bottom trawl survey, 245 p. NTIS No. PB2011102345. Abstract or View Online (.pdf, 16.6 MB).

207 PUNT, A. E., and P. R. WADE. 2010. Population status of the eastern North Pacific stock of gray whales in 2009, 43 p. NTIS No. PB2011-102344. Abstract or View Online (.pdf, 1.68 MB).

206 ALLEN, B. M., and R. P. ANGLISS. 2010. Alaska marine mammal stock assessments, 2009. U. S. Dep. Commer., NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-AFSC-206, 276 p. NTIS No. PB2010-107408. Preface or View Online (.pdf, 14.5 MB).

205 CAHALAN, J., J. MONDRAGON, and J. GASPER. 2010. Catch sampling and estimation in the Federal groundfish fisheries off Alaska, 42 p. NTIS No. PB2010-105918. Abstract or View Online (.pdf, 936 KB).

204 LAUTH, R. R. 2010. Results of the 2009 eastern Bering Sea continental shelf bottom trawl survey of groundfish and invertebrate resources, 228 p. NTIS No. PB2010-113178. Abstract or View Online (.pdf, 8.86 MB).


203 LAAKE, J. L., A. PUNT, R. HOBBS, M. FERGUSON, D. RUGH, and J. BREIWICK. 2009. Re-analysis of gray whale southbound migration surveys, 1967-2006, 55 p. NTIS No. PB2010-103939. Abstract or View Online (.pdf, 1.57 MB).

202 FOWLER, C. W., and L. HOBBS. 2009. Are we asking the right questions in science and management?, 59 p. NTIS No. PB2010-105917. Abstract or View Online (.pdf, 1 MB).

201 CHILTON, E. A., C. E. ARMISTEAD, and R. J. FOY. 2009. The 2009 eastern Bering Sea continental shelf bottom trawl survey: Results for commercial crab species, 101 p. NTIS No. PB2010-3938. Abstract or View Online (.pdf, 7.9 MB).

200 BOVENG, P. L., J. L. BENGTSON, T. W. BUCKLEY, M. F. CAMERON, S. P. DAHLE, B. P. KELLY, B. A. MEGREY, J. E. OVERLAND, and N. J. WILLIAMSON. 2009. Status review of the spotted seal (Phoca largha), 153 p. NTIS No. PB2010-101436. Executive Summary or View Online (.pdf, 7.13 MB).

199 CONNERS, M. E., J. CAHALAN, S. GAICHAS, W. A. KARP, T. LOOMIS and J. WATSON. 2009. Sampling for estimation of catch composition in Bering Sea trawl fisheries, 77 p. NTIS No. PB2010-100895. Executive Summary or View Online (.pdf, 2.33 MB).

198 BARBEAUX, S. J., and D. FRASER. 2009. Aleutian Islands cooperative acoustic survey study for 2006, 91 p. NTIS No. PB2010-100894. Abstract or View Online (.pdf, 4.15 MB).

197 HOFF, G. R., and L. L. BRITT. 2009. Results of the 2008 eastern Bering Sea upper continental slope survey of groundfish and invertebrate resources, 294 p. NTIS No. PB2010-100893. Abstract or View Online (.pdf, 10.4 MB).

196 BUCKLEY, T. W., A. GREIG, and J. L. BOLDT. 2009. Describing summer pelagic habitat over the continental shelf in the eastern Bering Sea, 1982-2006, 49 p. NTIS No. PB2009-115399. Abstract or View Online (.pdf, 842 K).

195 LAUTH, R. R., and E. ACUNA. 2009. Results of the 2008 eastern Bering Sea continental shelf bottom trawl survey of groundfish and invertebrate resources, 229 p. NTIS NO. PB2009-113760. Abstract or View Online (.pdf, 8 MB).

194 HONKALEHTO, T., D. JONES, A. McCARTHY, D. McKELVEY, M. GUTTORMSEN, K. WILLIAMS, and N. WILLIAMSON. 2009. Results of the echo integration-trawl survey of walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) on the U.S. and Russian Bering Sea shelf in June and July 2008, 56 p. NTIS No. PB2009-110982. Abstract or View Online (.pdf, 2 MB).

193 ANGLISS, R. P., and B. M. ALLEN. 2009. Alaska marine mammal stock assessments, 2008, 258 p. NTIS No. PB2009-109548. Preface or View Online. (.pdf, 14.4 MB).

192 FOWLER, C. W., T. E. JEWELL, and M. V. LEE. 2009. Harvesting young-of-the-year from large mammal populations: an application of systemic management, 65 p. NTIS No. PB2009105146. Abstract or View Online. (.pdf, 1 MB).

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