U.S. Department of Energy Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy U.S. Department of Energy Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy

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Author: Los Angeles County, California
Publication Date: 2010

Sample script Los Angeles County used to survey homeowners about energy issues.

Author: Fairbank, Maslin, Maullin, Metz & Associates
Publication Date: 2010

This presentation describes California property owners' specific interest, awareness, and perceptions regarding energy use, energy efficiency, home energy upgrades, and related topics.

Author: Los Angeles County, California
Publication Date: 2010

Los Angeles County presented its market research analysis.

Author: Los Angeles County, California
Publication Date: 2010

This report describes California property owners' specific interest, awareness, and perceptions regarding energy use, energy efficiency, home energy upgrades, and related topics. The study results were used for program design and to design and support marketing and outreach campaigns that encouraged energy upgrades

Author: U.S. Department of Energy
Publication Date: 2011

Outlines Philadelphia's EnergyWorks program's use of low-interest loans to incentivize homeowners by tying the interest rate to the number of energy efficiency measures incorporated into the home.

Author: Home Energy Magazine
Publication Date: 2016

This blog post from Home Energy Magazine includes thirteen sales tips for home energy contractors.

Author: U.S. Department of Energy
Publication Date: 2012

In this video interview segment, Tessa Shin of AFC First discusses the importance of including financing in the upgrade sales process.

Author: U.S. Department of Energy
Publication Date: 2012

In this video interview segment, Tessa Shin of AFC First discusses the importance of making the loan application process simple for both homeowners and contractors.

This is a Tip for Success

Author: Resource Media
Publication Date: 2015

This publication draws on recent focus groups, polls, and other research to chart a path promoting energy efficiency through language and imagery in ways that tap public enthusiasm.

Author: U.S. Department of Energy
Publication Date: 2014

This summary from a Better Buildings Residential Network peer exchange call focused on choosing and developing program evaluation.

Author: U.S. Department of Energy
Publication Date: 2016

The Home Energy Information Better Buildings Accelerator aims to make energy data more accessible to home buyers, realtors and others. This presentation covers how Colorado launched a statewide residential labeling initiative that made home energy data available at point of sale, and how partnerships in the Northeast are incorporating energy efficiency into the Multiple Listing Service (MLS), with Vermont pioneering the regional effort.

Author: State and Local Energy Efficiency Action Network
Publication Date: 2015

This report lays the groundwork for a dialogue to explore regulatory and policy mechanisms for ensuring that efficiency financing initiatives provide value for society and protection for consumers. Through case studies of Connecticut, New York, Massachusetts, California, and Maryland, it explores emerging issues that jurisdictions will need to tackle when considering an increased reliance on financing.

Author: Home Energy Magazine
Publication Date: 2011

Article on how one company added a for-profit weatherization business to its nonprofit organization -- and how they now work successfully together.

Managing Financing Programs: Spreadsheet Models
Media, Transcript
Author: U.S. Department of Energy
Publication Date: 2011

This webcast provides an overview of spreadsheet models available to help manage financing programs.

Author: North Carolina Energy Efficiency Alliance
Publication Date: 2011

This study provides statistically significant analysis that ENERGY STAR qualified new homes sell faster (i.e., fewer days on the market) and for higher prices (i.e., sell for higher prices, or sell for a greater percentage of the listing price, or have a higher price per square foot) than comparable nonqualified homes, providing valuable evidence that there is a market advantage for ENERGY STAR qualified homes.

Author: California Institute for Energy and Environment
Publication Date: 2008

This report provides an overview of market segmentation purpose, examples and methodologies.

Author: Jane Bugbee, The United Illuminating Company
Publication Date: 2012

This presentation highlights the Connecticut Energy Efficiency Fund's efforts to integrate HVAC contractors, builders, and remodelers into its home performance program, which expanded its customer base and significantly scaled up the program. It includes lessons on outreach strategies for integrating these types of contractors into the program.

Author: Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance
Publication Date: 2015

This study documents the market valuation associated with the predominant green and energy efficiency home certifications used in the Northwest. Regional markets with a track record of including green building and energy efficiency information in MLS databases have lacked a recent, thorough, locally relevant analysis of the potential value of “higher performing” homes in current market conditions. Real property appraisers require a reliable, localized, granular analysis they can use in their home valuation calculations. The analysis contained in this report addresses this identified market need.

Author: Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Publication Date: 2010

This guide provides an assessment of various approaches to Marketing & Outreach for home energy efficiency improvements.

Author: U.S. Department of Energy
Publication Date: 2010

This presentation summarizes the market research that was performed by various Better Buildings Neighborhood Program partners.

Author: Emily Levin, Efficiency Vermont
Publication Date: 2012

Presentation that shares Marketing & Outreach lessons learned from Vermont.

Marketing & Outreach: Working with and Learning from Contractors
Presentation, Media, Transcript
Author: Karen Villeneuve, NYSERDA; Peter Krajsa, AFC First Financial Corporation; Michael Rogers, GreenHomes America; Matt Golden, Recurve
Publication Date: 2010

This webcast highlights programs that actively engage the contractor community in program design and implementation. Several contractors share their views on best practices for Marketing & Outreach.

Author: U.S. Department of Energy
Publication Date: 2010

This presentation discusses elements of developing an energy efficiency program marketing and communications strategy, including concepts to consider in a marketing plan.

Marketing and Marketing & Outreach Collaborative Intro, November 2, 2010
Author: Kerry O'Neill, Connecticut Neighbor to Neighbor Energy Challenge
Publication Date: 2010

Webinar presenting methods for increasing communication within a marketing team. LA County and Oregon BBNP grantees also share their experiences regarding market research and outreach strategy development.

Author: U.S. Department of Energy
Publication Date: 2012

In this video interview segment, Liz Robinson with EnergyWorks in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, talks about the faith-based partnerships EnergyWorks developed to help promote the program.

Author: U.S. Department of Energy
Publication Date: 2012

In this video interview segment, Liz Robinson with EnergyWorks in Philadelphia,  Pennsylvania, talks about the faith-based partnerships EnergyWorks developed to help promote the program.

Marketing, Communication, and Outreach: Lessons Learned In and Outside Energy Efficiency
Presentation, Media
(105 MB)
, Transcript
Author: U.S. Department of Energy; Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory; Booz Allen Hamilton, Inc.; Clean Energy Solutions, Inc.; Local Energy Alliance Program
Publication Date: 2010

This webcast presents lessons learned in marketing, communication, and outreach, including lessons related to marketing plans.

Author: Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development
Publication Date: 2016

This presentation covers the Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development's Multi-family Energy Efficiency and Housing Affordability (MEEHA) programs.

Author: U.S. Department of Energy
Publication Date: 2011

This case study features a Massachusetts-based program that used an SUV-mounted thermal imaging camera to evaluate thermal leakage from homes.

Author: Elise Avers, Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources
Publication Date: 2012

Presentation that describes the successful elements of the Massachusetts HEAT loan program, including how it is funded and who is eligible.

Author: Mass Save
Publication Date: 2012

A comparative list of lenders participating in the Mass Save HEAT Loan Program and the terms and conditions of the loans that they offer.

Author: Mass Save
Publication Date: 2012

This plan was jointly developed by gas and electric companies in the state of Massachusetts to set aggressive goals for 2013-2015 through a sustained and integrated statewide energy efficiency effort in accordance with Green Communities Act.

Author: U.S. Department of Energy
Publication Date: 2013

This peer exchange call summary focused on combining energy efficiency and health services.

Author: U.S. Department of Energy
Publication Date: 2014

This summary from a Better Buildings Residential Network peer exchange call focused on integrating residential energy efficiency programs with the real estate market.

Author: U.S. Department of Energy
Publication Date: 2013

This peer exchange call summary focused on loan product structure and using market research to identify candidates for upgrades of occupied commercial buildings.

Author: U.S. Department of Energy
Publication Date: 2012

This peer exchange call summary focused on grant funding investments, program design and revenue streams in the post-grant period.

Author: U.S. Department of Energy
Publication Date: 2014

This summary from a Better Buildings Residential Network peer exchange call focused on targeted workforce training and recruitment.

Publication Date: 2011

This matrix includes specific questions for applicants, participants, and program drop outs related to topics such as awareness, barriers, contractor interactions, paperwork, and finances.

Author: Wisconsin Energy Conservation Corporation
Publication Date: 2011

Example Me2 and Green Madison process evaluation plan to conduct an in-depth investigation and assessment of the major program areas.

Author: Wisconsin Energy Conservation Corporation
Publication Date: 2011

Example Me2 and Green Madison process evaluation plan to conduct an in-depth investigation and assessment of the major program areas.

Author: Me2
Publication Date: 2011

Survey for people who signed up to participate in the Me2 program for home performance assessments, but ultimately decided not to participate. The goal of the survey is to help improve services for future participants.

Author: Me2
Publication Date: 2011

Survey for people who signed up to participate in the Me2 program for home performance assessments, but ultimately decided not to participate. The goal of the survey is to help improve services for future participants.

Author: Me2
Publication Date: 2011

Participant survey sent to Me2 customers that have completed at least the initial Energy Advocate visit.

Author: Me2
Publication Date: 2011

Participant survey sent to Me2 customers that have completed at least the initial Energy Advocate visit.

This is a Tip for Success

Author: National Home Performance Council
Publication Date: 2012

This paper describes the problems and issues that arise for energy efficiency programs as a result of common cost-effectiveness test implementation practice. It also provides recommendations for how to address these challenges.

Author: U.S. Department of Energy
Publication Date: 2012

This video provides an overview of Better Buildings for Michigan's mentoring program for contractors, and the high value that contractors and the program gain from mentoring.

Author: U.S. Department of Energy
Publication Date: 2012

This peer exchange call summary focused on developing field training and mentoring programs for newly hired contractors.

Author: U.S. Department of Energy
Publication Date: 2011

This worksheet can help programs develop a value proposition statement for each audience and a message map to expand on those propositions.

Author: U.S. Department of Energy
Publication Date: 2011

This peer exchange call summary focused on messaging and delivery strategies of those messages to low-income program participants. 

Author: U.S. Department of Energy
Publication Date: 2012

In this video interview segment, Yvonne Kraus of Conservation Services Group in Bainbridge Island, Washington, discusses why the RePower program created multiple branding and messaging themes.

Author: U.S. Department of Energy
Publication Date: 2012

In this video interview segment, Yvonne Kraus of Conservation Services Group in Bainbridge Island, Washington,  discusses why the RePower program created multiple branding and messaging themes.

Author: Multifamily Subcommittee of the California Home Energy Retrofit Coordinating Committee
Publication Date: 2015

The MF HERCC Recommendations Report 2015 Update expands the 2011 publication, and delivers explicit and refined recommendations for multifamily energy efficiency program administrators and implementers.

Author: Michigan Saves
Publication Date: 2012

An example of a detailed and thorough implementation guide written for the Michigan Saves program.

Author: Michigan Saves
Publication Date: 2010

A brief overview of Michigan Saves' program design that features a diagram of the program process and cash flows.

Author: Michigan Saves

Lists a number of resources related to Michigan Saves, including contractor application, home energy loan implementation guide, and training presentations for residential contractors.

Author: Mary Templeton, Michigan Saves
Publication Date: 2014

This presentation describes the financial data Michigan Saves tracks and how the program uses the data to inform program implementation.

Author: U.S. Department of Energy
Publication Date: 2012

This peer exchange call summary focused on adapting and adjusting financing strategies after a program was implemented.

Author: Energy Center of Wisconsin (now Seventhwave)
Publication Date: 2013

The study was completed on behalf of the Minnesota Department of Commerce to characterize energy use in the state's multifamily sector and to identify untapped energy efficiency opportunities. Working with Franklin Energy, the field study gathered characteristic data for 120 representative buildings across the state as well as survey data of both building owners and tenants. Using this data as well as a utility billing analysis, the Energy Center of Wisconsin (now Seventhwave) developed an in-depth characterization for a hard-to-reach sector in Minnesota that had not been, up until this point, studied to this degree.

Author: Northeast Energy Efficiency Partnerships, Inc.
Publication Date: 2014

The Model EM&V Methods Standardized Reporting Forms were prepared by the Regional Evaluation, Measurement and Verification Forum (‘the Forum’).  The Forum embarked to create a model template that supports greater transparency of program administrator/state EM&V practices used to calculate EE savings via a straightforward, standardized EM&V methods ‘check list.’  This type of document is intended to help energy and environmental policy and market players readily understand and compare EM&V approaches used to estimate reported EE program savings to inform their specific needs. 

Author: U.S. Department of Energy; U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Publication Date: 2007

This guide describes a structure and several model approaches for calculating energy, demand, and emissions savings resulting from energy efficiency programs that are implemented by cities, states, utilities, companies, and similar entities.

Author: Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance
Publication Date: 2014

Developed as part of the Residential Building Stock Assessment (RBSA), this report provides overall housing utility and energy statistics for Montana, and details the type and efficiency of various components such as windows, insulation, appliances and type of heating fuel used in homes with each region of the state.

Author: U.S. Department of Energy
Publication Date: 2010

This report shares the results of focus groups that were convened to identify what motivates people to undertake home energy improvements.

Author: U.S. Department of Energy
Publication Date: 2013

This peer exchange call summary focused on moving from assessments to upgrades in multifamily buildings.

Author: Green For All
Publication Date: 2013

The MPower Toolkit provides templates, resources, and lessons learned to address the barriers faced by the affordable multifamily housing sector when accessing energy efficiency upgrades. The toolkit is also intended for all stakeholders involved in efficiency programs, including efficiency program administrators, state and local leaders, utilities, energy consultants, and financial partners. MPower's core model is useful for all building types. In addition, the toolkit’s chapters are broken out into segments that highlight information and innovations that many efficiency programs are incorporating into their own models. The toolkit is a resource for all practitioners involved in implementing MPower and also serves to assist practitioners of other established efficiency programs. The MPower Toolkit draws from the experience of MPower Oregon, although it differentiates between the core MPower model and how MPower Oregon implemented this model.

Author: Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development
Publication Date: 2013

The document provides best practices and guidance for conducting the energy analysis required for multifamily (MF) building energy improvement projects funded by the various programs of the Maryland Department of Housing andCommunity Development. The intended audience includes energy auditors, building owners and operators, contractors, designers, architects, engineers, and energy efficiency consultants and program staff. 

Author: National Association of State Energy Officials
Publication Date: 2014

The Multi-State Residential Retrofit Project is a residential energy-efficiency pilot program, funded by a competitive U.S. State Energy Program (SEP) award through the U.S. Department of Energy. The Multi-State Project operates in four states: Alabama, Massachusetts, Virginia, and Washington. During the course of this three-year process evaluation, Cadmus worked closely with NASEO and the four states to collect information about the programs from many perspectives, including: State Energy Office staff, program implementers, homeowners, auditors/contractors, real estate professionals, appraisers, lenders, and utility staff. This report discusses: the project’s context; its goals; the evaluation approach and methods; cross-cutting evaluation results; and results specific to each of the four states.

Author: U.S. Department of Energy
Publication Date: 2016

The research described in this report holds great potential to significantly improve the process for including energy efficiency in developing and implementing federally funded multifamily rehabilitation projects through the USDA, the U.S. Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Low Income Housing Tax Credit, and other programs.

Author: Enterprise Community Partners
Publication Date: 2013

The toolkit distills Enterprise's experience retrofitting multifamily affordable housing into the critical steps necessary for success. It is a roadmap for multifamily housing owners, investors, and developers which outlines a comprehensive, cost-effective approach to retrofit.

Author: U.S. Department of Energy
Publication Date: 2016

The benefits of energy efficiency upgrades beyond money and energy savings include non-energy benefits that are often not communicated well. Multiple non-energy benefits include lower home maintenance costs, improved air quality and less sick days for adults and children, greater resiliency, and lower emissions. This presentation covers examples of how your program can fully realize the potential from all of these multiple non-energy benefits.

Publication Date: 2011

This document provides a tutorial of MY ENERGY STAR Account (MESA).  MESA is a Web portal that houses program marks for ENERGY STAR Sponsors and contractors as well as various marketing pieces.

Author: National Action Plan for Energy Efficiency
Publication Date: 2008

Report describing a goal of achieving all cost-effective energy efficiency by 2025; presents ten implementation goals for states, utilities, and other stakeholders to consider to achieve this goal, and describes what 2025 might look like if the goal is achieved.

Author: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Publication Date: 2013

This report provides the results of the Consortium for Energy Efficiency-sponsored 2013 ENERGY STAR Household Survey, which collects national data on consumer recognition, understanding, and purchasing influence of the ENERGY STAR label, as well as data on messaging and product purchases.

Author: State and Local Energy Efficiency Action Network
Publication Date: 2011

This report identifies issues associated with developing a national evaluation, measurement, and verification (EM&V) standard for end-use, non-transportation, energy efficiency activities.
