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Publications - Jimmy Carter Plant Materials Center

The Jimmy Carter Plant Materials Center has published the following documents to solve specific resource conservation needs. Click on the document title to view each document.

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Publication Type

Information Brochures and Flyers

Jimmy Carter Plant Materials Center Brochure (PDF; 318 KB) Owsley, C.M. and M. McQuinn 2007. NRCS Ga Homepage Technical Resources Jimmy Carter PMC. Athens. June 2007. (ID# 7236).

Constructed wetlands for urban stormwater management: Mobile, Alabama (PDF; 4.2 MB) Surrency, D. 2001. USDA-NRCS. Athens, GA. 6p. (ID# 3014).

Outreach to Schools by Jimmy Carter Plant Materials Center (PDF; 366 KB) Owsley, C.M. 2000. Plants: A Growing Alternative. Washington, DC. Vol. 6 Spring 2000 Page 2. 1p. (ID# 4593).

Plant Materials for Small Farms (PDF; 351 KB) Surrency, D. and C.M. Owsley 2000. USDA-NRCS Plant Material Team. Athens, GA. Jan. 2000. 2p. (ID# 4583).

Cover crops for conservation tillage (PDF; 2 MB) Surrency, D. and C.M. Owsley 1999. USDA-NRCS Jimmy Carter Plant Materials Center. Americus, GA. Aug 1999. 3p. (ID# 3022).

Seasonal grazing of Tripsacum dactyloides in the southeastern USA (PDF; 762 KB) Surrency, D. 1999. USDA-NRCS. Athens, GA. Dec. 1999. 6p. (ID# 3020).

Special constructed wetlands project in South Carolina (PDF; 701 KB) Surrency, D. 1999. USDA-NRCS Georgia Plant Materials Specialist. Athens, GA. Dec. 1999. 3p. (ID# 3021).

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Plant Fact Sheets

Big Bluestem Plant Fact Sheet (PDF; 235 KB) Owsley, M. and R. Garner 2011. PM Website. July 2011. 2p. (ID# 10550).

Hairy Vetch Plant Fact Sheet (PDF; 181 KB) Owsley, M. and R. Garner 2011. PM Website. Feb 2011. 2p. (ID# 10203).

Indiangrass Plant fact sheet (PDF; 185 KB) Owsley, M. and R. Garner 2011. PM Web site. July 2011. 2p. (ID# 10549).

Plant fact Sheet-Longleaf Pine (PDF; 219 KB) Owsley, M. and R. Garner 2011. PM Homepage. march 2011. 2p. (ID# 10355).

Switchgrass Plant Fact Sheet (PDF; 159 KB) Owsley, M. and R. Garner 2011. PM Website. Feb 2011. 2p. (ID# 10202).

Plant Fact Sheet: Crimson Clover (PDF; 93 KB) Owsley, M. and R. Garner 2009. National PM Homepage. Wash Dc. May 2009. 2p. (ID# 8595).

PLANT SHEET Big Bluestem (PDF; 381 KB) Surrency, D., C.M. Owsley, and M. Kirkland 2003. GA NRCS Home page Under JCPMC. Athens Ga. Jan 2003. 6p. (ID# 4605).

PLANT SHEET: Eastern Gamagrass (PDF; 1 MB) Surrency, D., C.M. Owsley, and M. Kirkland 2003. GANRCS Homepage under Jimmy Carter PMC. Athens, Ga. Jan 2003. 7p. (ID# 4610).

PLANT SHEET: Indiangrass (PDF; 395 KB) Jimmy Carter Plant Materials Center 2003. Jimmy Carter PMC. Athens , GA. Jan 2003. 7p. (ID# 4608).

PLANT SHEET: Little Bluestem (PDF; 297 KB) Surrency, D., C.M. Owsley, and M. Kirkland 2003. GA NRCS Homepage under Jimmy Carter PMC. Athens Ga. Jan 2003. 6p. (ID# 4606).

PLANT SHEET: Special Conservation Uses for Native Warm Season Grasses (PDF; 722 KB) Surrency, D., C.M. Owsley, and M. Kirkland 2003. GANRCS Homepage under Jimmy Carter PMC. Athens, GA. Jan 2003. 7p. (ID# 4609).

PLANT SHEET: Switchgrass (PDF; 498 KB) Surrency, D., C.M. Owsley, and M. Kirkland 2003. GA NRCS Homepage under Jimmy Carter PMC. Athens, Ga.. Jan 2003. 6p. (ID# 4607).

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Popular Journal or Magazine Articles

Ellagood Autumn Olive For Wildlife Habitat Improvement in the Southeast (PDF; 60 KB) Owsley, C.M. and D. Surrency 2000. Quail Unlimited. Edgefield S.C.. May-June 2000 page 38. 1p. (ID# 2302).

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Southeastern Plant News NOW, Feb 2016 (PDF; 1.2 MB) Jacobs, A.A., J. Grabowski, R. Barrett, and D. Duvauchelle 2016. PMC. Coffeeville, MS. Vol. 2 Issue 1. 4p. (ID# 12812).

Southeastern Plant News NOW, August 2015 (PDF; 1.3 MB) Jacobs, A. A. 2015. Coffeeville, MS. Vol. 1 Issue 2, August 2015. 4p. (ID# 12697).

Southeastern Plant News NOW, March 2015 (PDF; 1.3 MB) Jacobs, A. A. 2015. Coffeeville, MS. Vol.1 Issue 1, March 2015. 4p. (ID# 12538).

Conservation Connection -Plant Materials Spring 2012 Newsletter (PDF; 197 KB) Owsley, M. and J. Latham 2012. Georgia NRCS- Conservation Connection newsletter. Athens GA. march 2012. 1p. (ID# 10851).

Conservation Connection-Summer 2012 -Plant Materials (PDF; 203 KB) Owsley, M. 2012. Georgia NRCS Conservation Connection Newsletter Summer 2012. Athens, GA. Summer 2012. 1p. (ID# 11223).

Plant Materials Fall 2011- Georgia NRCS Conservation Connection (PDF; 152 KB) Owsley, M. 2011. Georgia NRCS Conservation Connection Athens, Georgia. Athens, Georgia. Fall 2011. 1p. (ID# 10742).

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Plant Guides

Planting Guide: Flageo Marshhay Cordgrass (PDF; 147 KB) Owsley, M. 2007. Athens, Ga. July 2007. 3p. (ID# 7501).

Newberry Germplasm Indiangrass Planting Guide (PDF; 153 KB) Owsley, M. and D. Surrency 2005. USDA NRCS Athens Georgia State Office Homepage - Plant Materials. Athens Georgia. June 2005. 4p. (ID# 5975).

PLANT SHEET--Little Bluestem (Schizachyrium scoparium) Special Edition: For Farm Bill Implementation (PDF; 497 KB) Surrency, D., M. Owsley, and M. Kirkland 2005. Jimmy Carter PMC Homepage--USDA-NRCS-Georgia. Athens Ga. September 2005. 9p. (ID# 6093).

Plant Sheet Big Bluestem Rev. 1 (PDF; 578 KB) Surrency, D., C.M. Owsley, and M. Kirkland 2005. USDA-NRCS. Thomson, GA. September 2005. 8p. (ID# 6269).

Plant Sheet-- Switchgrass (Panicum virgatum) Special Edition: For Farm Bill Implementation (PDF; 659 KB) Surrency, D., M. Owsley, and M. Kirkland 2005. Jimmy Carter PMC Homepage-USDA-NRCS Georgia. Athens, Ga. September 2005. 8p. (ID# 6092).

Plant Sheet--Big Bluestem (Andropogon gerardii) Special Edition: For Farm Bill Implementation (PDF; 241 KB) Surrency, D., M. Owsley, and M. Kirkland 2005. Jimmy Carter PMC Homepage--NRCS-USDA-GA. Athens, Ga. September 2005. 8p. (ID# 6100).

Union Germplasm Purpletop Planting Guide (PDF; 153 KB) Owsley, M. and D. Surrency 2005. USDA NRCS Athens SO Georgia-Homepage Plant materials. Athens Ga. June 2005. 4p. (ID# 5974).

Planting Guide Big O Wild Crabapple (PDF; 215 KB) Owsley, C.M. and M. Kirkland 2004. Homepage Jimmy Carter PMC. Athens SO Ga. Sep 30 2004. 2p. (ID# 5624).

Planting Guide: Kinchafoonee Virginia Wildrye Selected Class of Natural Germplasm (PDF; 194 KB) Owsley, C.M. and M. Kirkland 2004. USDA-NRCS Homepage Plant materials Athens Ga. Athens Ga. Feb 2004. 3p. (ID# 5458).

Planting Guide - Americus Indiangrass (PDF; 239 KB) Surrency, D. and C.M. Owsley 2003. Georgia NRCS Homepage under Jimmy Carter PMC. Athens Ga. Jan 2003. 4p. (ID# 4974).

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Penn Center Germplasm Switchgrass for Coastal Carolina (PDF; 528 KB) Owsley, M. and D. Findley 2008. Eastern Native Grass Symposium- Columbia, South Carolina. Columbia, SC. October 10, 2008. 1p. (ID# 8302).

Native Forage Grass Use and Establishment in Southwest Georgia (PDF; 269 KB) Owsley, C.M., M. Goodman, M. Kirkland, L. Vanzant, and D. Surrency 2005. 2005 SWCS Annual Meeting Rochester NY. Rochester NY. July 31-August 2 2005. 1p. (ID# 6097).

Grazing management of Eastern gamagrass in Southwest Georgia (PDF; 87 KB) Owsley, C.M., M. Kirkland, S. Brantly, and D. Surrency 2002. Third Eastern Native Grass Symposium. Chapel Hill, NC. Oct 1-3, 2002. 9p. (ID# 4320).

Legume Cover Crops Developed by NRCS and Auburn University (PDF; 314 KB) Owsley, C.M. and J.A. Mosjidis 2002. 25 th Annual Southern Conservation Tillage Conference for Sustainable Agriculture. Auburn Alabama. June 24-25, 2002. 1p. (ID# 3848).

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Miscellaneous Popular Articles

Eastern gamagrass Grazing Trial (PDF; 103 KB) Kirkland, M. 2001. Lamar Co Soil and Water Conservation District Newsletter. Barnesville, GA. Winter 2001. 3p. (ID# 1952).

Grazing Management of Eastern Gamagrass in Southwestern Georgia (PDF; 412 KB) Owsley, C.M. 2000. NRCS USDA. Americus, GA. Winter 2000. 9p. (ID# 2290).

Review of Big Bluestem (PDF; 121 KB) Owsley, C.M. 2000. USDA-NRCS Jimmy Carter Plant Materials Center. Americus, GA. Jun. 2000. 16p. (ID# 2291).

Native Warm Season Grasses for Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina (PDF; 800 KB) Surrency, D., C.M. Owsley, S. Brantly, and V. Pickard 1999. USDA-NRCS Athens Ga. Athens, GA. July 1999. 14p. (ID# 4602).

Performance of eastern gamagrass (Tripsacum dactyloides) at the Jimmy Carter Plant Materials Center (PDF; 287 KB) Surrency, D., C.M. Owlsey, M. Kirkland, and S.B. Brantly 1998. USDA-NRCS Jimmy Carter Plant Materials Center. Americus, GA. Technical Guide No. Ga 101 450-VI June 16, 1998. 7p. (ID# 3026).

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Major Publications

Native understory forbs and grasses for pollinator and insect utilization in southeastern longleaf pine ecosystems (PDF; 1.7 MB) Owsley, M. and R. Garner 2011. PM website. Feb 2011. 6p. (ID# 10201).

Guide to Pollinator Plants of South Georgia and Adjacent Areas 2009 (PDF; 9.1 MB) Owsley, M. and R. Garner 2009. PM Homepage. Wash DC. September 2009. 26p. (ID# 9008).

Common Agricultural Weeds of the Coastal Plain (PDF; 3.2 MB) Owsley, C.M. 2008. Georgia NRCS Homepage Jimmy Carter PMC. Athens, Georgia. September 2008. 22p. (ID# 8072).

Georgia Native Plant Material Guide for Longleaf Pine Understory (PDF; 6.9 MB) Owsley, M. and J. Latham 2008. Georgia NRCS Homepage. Athens, Ga. May 2008. 61p. (ID# 7898).

Plant Materials Program Assisting Small Farmers (PDF; 12 MB) Surrency, D. and M. Owsley 2006. NRCS GA Homepage PMC. Athens Ga. May 2006. 79p. (ID# 6897).

Plant Materials for Wildlife Rev. 1 (PDF; 2 MB) Surrency, D. and C.M. Owsley 2006. USDA-NRCS. Thomson, GA. March 2006. 36p. (ID# 6697).

Cover Crops for the Southeast (PDF; 1.9 MB) Surrency, D., C.M. Owsley, et al 2000. Georgia Plant material program NRCS. Athens, GA. May 2000. 37p. (ID# 3011).

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PM Annual Progress Report of Activities

Year 2012 Progress Report of Activities (PDF; 593 KB) Owsley, M. 2012. December 2012. 4p. (ID# 11435).

Year 2011 Progress Report of Activities Jimmy Carter Plant Materials Center (PDF; 1 MB) Owsley, M. 2011. PM Website. November 2011. 4p. (ID# 10743).

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Release Brochures

Release Brochure AU EarlyCover Hairy Vetch (PDF; 254 KB) Owsley, M. 2012. PM Website. June 2012. 2p. (ID# 11075).

Release Brochure AU Sunup Crimson Clover (PDF; 227 KB) Owsley, M. 2012. PM Website. June 2012. 2p. (ID# 11076).

Release Brochure Union Germplasm Purpletop (PDF; 237 KB) Owsley, M. 2012. PM Website. September 2012. 2p. (ID# 11226).

Release Brochure- Dove Proso Millet (PDF; 270 KB) Owsley, M. 2012. PM Website. August 2012. 2p. (ID# 11224).

Release Brochure-Flageo Marshhay Cordgrass (PDF; 332 KB) Owsley, M. 2012. PM Website. August 2012. 2p. (ID# 11225).

Release brochure Americus Indiangrass (PDF; 221 KB) Owsley, M. 2012. PM Website. May 2012. 2p. (ID# 11074).

Brochure Penn Center Switchgrass (PDF; 223 KB) Owsley, M. 2010. PM Homepage. Wash DC. August 2010. 2p. (ID# 9748).

Muckalee Germplasm Woolgrass release Brochure (PDF; 385 KB) Owsley, M. 2010. Jimmy Carter PMC. Feb 2010. 2p. (ID# 9249).

Newberry Germplasm Indiangrass Brochure (PDF; 341 KB) Owsley, M. 2010. PM Website. Feb 2010. 2p. (ID# 9251).

Sumter Germplasm Soft Rush (PDF; 397 KB) Owsley, M. 2010. PM Website. Feb 2010. 2p. (ID# 9250).

AU GroundCover Caley Pea Brochure (PDF; 572 KB) Owsley, M. 2009. Georgia NRCS State office Homepage--PMC Section. Athens, Georgia. Jan 2009. 2p. (ID# 8426).

AU Sunrise Crimson Clover-Brochure (PDF; 290 KB) Owsley, M. 2009. NRCS National PM Homepage. Wash DC. March 2009. 2p. (ID# 8431).

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Release Notices

Notice of Release of Penn Center Switchgrass (PDF; 23 KB) Owsley, M. 2010. PM Homepage. DEC. August 2010. 3p. (ID# 9749).

AU Sunup Crimson Clover Release Notice (PDF; 116 KB) Owsley, M. and R. Garner 2009. National PM Homepage. Wash DC. May 2009. 7p. (ID# 8597).

Notice of Release of Muckalee Germplasm Woolgrass Source Identified Class of Natural Germplasm (PDF; 26 KB) Owsley, M. 2008. NRCS Athens, Georgia State office. Athens, Georgia. April 2,2008. 3p. (ID# 7900).

Notice of Release of Sumter Germplasm Soft Rush Source Identified Class of Natural germplasm (PDF; 26 KB) Owsley, M. 2008. NRCS Athens State Office. Athens, Georgia. April 2, 2008. 3p. (ID# 7899).

Notice of Release: AU Sunrise crimson clover (Trifolium incarnatum L.) (PDF; 490 KB) Owsley, C.M., M. Kirkland, and D. Surrency 1997. USDA-NRCS Jimmy Carter Plant Materials Center. Americus, GA. 1997. 8p. (ID# 2296).

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Technical Notes

Technical Note 19: An early developing hairy vetch for cover crop use (PDF; 158 KB) Owsley, C.M., M. Kirkland, and S. Roach 1994. USDA-NRCS Jimmy Carter Plant Materials Center. Americus, GA. GA-TN19, Sept. 1994. 3p. (ID# 2300).

Technical Note 20: New cool season annual legume for use in conservation tillage (PDF; 164 KB) Owsley, C.M., M. Kirkland, and S. Roach 1994. USDA-NRCS Jimmy Carter Plant Materials Center. Americus, GA. GA-TN20, Sept. 1994. 3p. (ID# 2301).

Bush Lespedeza- Invasive Wildlife Plant (PDF; 438 KB) Owsley, M. 2008. e-fotg Georgia NRCS Athens Ga. Athens Ga. January 2008 P M Technical Note # 22. 4p. (ID# 7775).

Technical Note No. Ga 80 190-VI Americus Indiangrass-A Native Grass for the Southeast (PDF; 197 KB) Owsley, C.M. and D. Surrency 2004. USDA NRCS Athens Ga State Office. Athens, Ga. Technical Note GA 80 190 - VI May 28 2004. 3p. (ID# 5583).

Conservation Plant Releases (PDF; 305 KB) Owsley, C.M. and D. Surrency 2004. Alabama NRCS Tech News. Auburn Alabama. March 2004. 8p. (ID# 5456).

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PMC Annual Technical Report

2011 Annual Technical Report Jimmy Carter Plant Materials Center (PDF; 1.6 MB) Owsley, M. 2012. PM Website. 4/19/2012. 38p. (ID# 11073).

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