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GARFO Federally Permitted Seafood Dealer Reporting Requirements

Any dealer issued a Federal permit for one or more of the species listed below must submit trip-level reports on a weekly (at minimum) basis to NOAA Fisheries Service via computer, using approved electronic means, unless otherwise directed by the Regional Administrator.

Species Identification List

Atlantic Bluefish Northeast Multispecies
Atlantic Deep-Sea Red Crab Ocean Quahog (including Processors)
Atlantic Hagfish Scup
Atlantic Herring (including Processors) Skate
American Lobster Spiny Dogfish
Atlantic Mackerel Squid (Illex or Loligo)
Atlantic Sea Scallop Summer Flounder
Black Sea Bass Surf Clam (including Processors)
Butterfish Golden Tilefish
Monkfish Atlantic Tunas

For more information on Dealer Reporting requirements, refer to the DER Guidelines

For more information on Atlantic Bluefin Tuna Dealer Reporting requirements, refer to the HMS Fishery Guidelines

For information on obtaining a Federal dealer permit, please contact the Greater Atlantic Region Permit Office.  To enroll in the electronic reporting program, please contact the DER Help Desk (978-281-9212) or your Local Field Office.

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