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Thermal properties of a black phosphorus nanoribbon were a factor of two different along two directions in the crystal structure.06.10.16Science Highlight

Keeping Cool with a Black Semiconductor

The orientation-dependent thermal properties of black phosphorous could be used to keep microchips cool and improve their efficiency. Read More »

Scientists achieved a seamless connection between two disparate materials: a graphene sheet and boron nitride nanotube, as depicted in the bottom overlay by a gray sheet and pink and purple tube.06.10.16Science Highlight

Working Better Together: Two Materials Defining the Future of High-Speed Electronics

Junctions between conductive graphene and insulating nanotubes could lead to faster electronics and computers. Read More »

High magnification images of the surface of a crack - referred to as the fracture surface - provide information on how cracks are formed and progress through a material as it breaks.06.09.16Science Highlight

The Gold Standard of Cracking Tests

Understanding how gold alloy cracks provides insight for material failures for nuclear power. Read More »

A cage-like protein (gray) called ferritin was engineered to have metal hubs (blue) on its surface.06.09.16Science Highlight

Modular Construction - on a Molecular Scale

Predictable assembly of protein building blocks result in a new class of porous materials, with potential uses ranging from efficient fuel storage to practical carbon capture and conversion. Read More »

A snapshot from a large quantum molecular dynamics simulation of the production of hydrogen molecules (green) from an aluminum-lithium alloy nanoparticle containing 16,661 atoms (represented by the silver contour of charge density) and dissolved charged lithium atoms (red).06.09.16Science Highlight

Towards Eco-friendly Industrial-Scale Hydrogen Production

Atomic-scale simulations predict how to use nanoparticles to increase hydrogen production. Read More »

Materials used for their mechanical strength employ a variety of toughening mechanisms.06.09.16Science Highlight

Can We Beat Mother Nature at Materials Design?

Scientists review how we are matching – or exceeding – nature’s ability to make strong, tough lightweight structural materials. Read More »

This artistically enhanced depiction shows an atom being hit by a strong rosette-shaped laser field (purple), ripping an electron (green) from the parent atom that then re-collides with the atom.06.09.16Science Highlight

Combining Electrons and Lasers to Create Designer Beams for Materials Research

Tabletop laser systems generate extreme ultraviolet probes will advance research towards a new generation of energy-conserving electronics. Read More »

Absorption of sunlight in silicon solar cells results in losses due to heat from “hot” photo-excited electrons.06.09.16Science Highlight

Taking on the Heat in Solar Cells: New Calculations Show Atomic Vibrations Hurt Efficiency

Theoretical modeling of energy loss in solar cells may lead to more efficient materials to convert sunlight to electricity. Read More »

Tuning topology and adhesion of metal nanomeshes has led to super stretchable, transparent electrodes that don’t wear out.06.09.16Science Highlight

Nano-stiltskin: Turning Gold into … See-through Rubber

New metal nanomesh leads to super stretchable and transparent gold electrodes that don’t wear out. Read More »

The schematic shows protected edges that allow the propagation of these magnetic waves in a single direction along the edge of the crystal.06.09.16Science Highlight

Surf’s Up: Magnetic Waves on the Edge

First realization of a novel material that can conduct magnetic waves on its edge, but not within its bulk. Read More »

Last modified: 4/21/2016 11:36:50 AM