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X-rays can characterize the motion of atomic-scale defects (for example, dislocations) relative to the morphology of a nanoparticle in the electrode of an operating lithium-ion battery. The dislocations are extra planes of atoms inserted into the atomic lattice.12.14.15Science Highlight

Tracking Hidden Imperfections Inside Operating Lithium-ion Batteries

Penetrating x-rays can image defects and phase changes during battery charging and discharging. Read More »

Artist conception highlights electron behavior in a single layer of iron-selenium atoms (red and purple) on a strontium titanate layer (blue pyramid shapes).12.14.15Science Highlight

Vibrations Raise the Critical Temperature for Superconductivity

Scientists reveal that coupling between electrons and atomic vibrations play a key role in this vexing phenomenon. Read More »

Aluminum-ion batteries could rapidly charge - in less than one minute.12.14.15Science Highlight

A Step Towards New, Faster-Charging, and Safer Batteries

First prototypes of aluminum-ion batteries charge quickly and have the potential for long lifetimes, low cost, and safe operation. Read More »

Short laser pulses (the wide red arrow) on the order of femtoseconds (one quadrillionth of a second) changed the electronic properties of a material (the brown hexagonal shape) by triggering phase transitions.12.14.15Science Highlight

Lasers Leave a Mark on Materials - At the Atomic Level

Ultrafast laser shots act like dopants to create new electronic properties in materials. Read More »

Scientists devised a new way to wire a photosynthetic protein onto an electrode for integration into devices that turn sunlight into fuel. The light energy collected by the proteins (green) extracts electrons from an electrode (orangey red) through long molecules (yellow) under the proteins.12.14.15Science Highlight

How to Wire Photosynthetic Proteins to Electrodes

New approach for connecting light-harvesting proteins enhances the current produced by a factor of four. Read More »

A scanning probe microscope (SPM) can detect two similar signals, which could lead to ambiguous identification of ferroelectric materials.12.14.15Science Highlight

Ferroelectricity – Ambiguity Clarified, and Resolved

Novel technique accurately distinguishes rare material property linked to improving sensors and computers. Read More »

Secretion in droplet-embedded gel permits self-repairing behavior.12.14.15Science Highlight

Damaged Material, Heal Thyself

Internal storage compartments release droplets of “healing” liquid to repair damaged materials. Read More »

Advanced electron microscopy technique permits the simultaneous collection of both signals: secondary electron (that are sensitive to the surface) and transmitted electron.12.14.15Science Highlight

Atomic-Level Measurements of Rough Surfaces

Researchers use surface-sensitive signals to atomically resolve the structure of a rough surface. Read More »

Using a scanning electron microscope, the identity of individual elements that make up a single grain of a material can be mapped from the x-rays emitted by the interactions of high energy electrons with the material.12.14.15Science Highlight

New Materials Family on the Block

A family of single-phase materials was discovered with coexisting magnetic and electrical properties having potential for electronic applications. Read More »

The width of a graphene nanoribbon determines its electronic properties, but controlling that width at the atomic scale is a challenge.12.14.15Science Highlight

Legos for the Fabrication of Atomically Precise Electronic Circuits

Pre-designed molecular building blocks provide atomic-level control of the width of graphene nanoribbons. Read More »

Last modified: 4/21/2016 11:36:50 AM