About the NOS Education Program

The National Ocean Service (NOS) education team engages formal and informal education audiences to build environmental literacy through products and programs that incorporate the applied science of NOS. The team supports teacher infusion of NOS content into local curricula through professional development opportunities at conferences and through Web-based avenues.

Online Education Products

NOAA’s National Ocean Service education team creates innovative products that enlighten students and educators about the breadth of scientific research, technology, and activities conducted by NOS in the areas of oceans, coasts, and charting and navigation. These include student activities, case studies, tutorials and lesson plans for education audiences of all ages.

Online Resources for Teachers

NOS education provides formal lesson plans and classroom ideas that emphasize hands-on activities and problem-based learning using on-line data resources. These are correlated to National Science Education Standards and the American Association for the Advancement of Science Benchmarks for Science Literacy.

Professional Development

Professional development opportunities are offered at educational conferences and at informal institutions to assist teachers in utilizing the wealth of online resources. A partnership with the National Science Teachers Association, resources and archived presentations and training are available to educators in key topic areas.

Evaluation of Education Resources

The NOS education team is engaged in extensive evaluation efforts to determine how coastal and ocean sciences can be used effectively by classroom teachers to help them meet national teaching standards while fostering student awareness, understanding, and appreciation of the ocean world.

Partnerships and Collaborative Projects

The NOS education team works to build partnerships with education partners and federal agencies that will enhance classroom-based science, technology, and engineering education. Current partnerships include the National Science Teachers Association and the Computer and Simulation Department of Montgomery Community College.