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BSEE Action History for Black Elk

BSEE Actions
Letter to Black Elk 05-22-2014
BSEE Issues Incidents of Non-Compliance following Investigation into Explosion and Fire on Gulf of Mexico Platform 11-13-2013
Performance Improvement Plan - Status Update Letter 09-04-2013
BSEE Issues Letter to Black Elk Regarding Performance 11-21-2012
Letter to Black Elk 11-21-2012
Black Elk Energy Enforcement Statistics  
Complex 20249 Inspection History  


Compliance Timeline  
Required Action Reference in Letter Action Required by Date Complied
Performance Improvement Plan

- Plan Accepted

- Status: as of 11/4/2013

BSEE staff identified a total of 55 tasks within BEE's Performance Improvement Plan. As of 11/4/2013, 53 of the tasks had been closed out. BSEE staff has observed a noticeable improvement in BEE's operations; however, BEE will remain under the PIP until BSEE can identify a continual steady state of improvement.

Paragraph 4

12-15-2012 12-14-2012
Plan for 3rd  Party Audit

 - Plan Accepted

Paragraph 5

12-15-2012 12-14-2012
Comencement of 3rd  Party SEMS Audit

Paragraph 4.b

1-31-2013 1-17-2013
Analysis of Incidents of Non-compliance

Paragraph 6

12-21-2012 1-11-2013
Demonstration of improved hazard identification, training, and oversight for hot work operations.

 - Ongoing

Paragraph 3

As Needed Began


Incidents involving BEE as the Operator
Statement by BSEE Director Brian Salerno 11-04-2013
BSEE Panel Report 2013-002 11-04-2013
Incident Investigation Status 08-28-2013
BSEE Update on Platform Fire Investigation 11-20-2012
Coast Guard Suspends Search for Missing Crewmembers 11-17-2012
Statement on Platform Fire from Director James A. Watson 11-17-2012
UPDATE: Coast Guard continues search for 2 missing crewmembers southeast of Grand Isle 11-17-2012
Coast Guard searches for 2 missing crewmembers southeast of Grand Isle 11-16-2012