Species of Concern

A Species of Concern is a species or vertebrate population for which there is concern or great uncertainty about its status. Species of Concern are not listed  or protected under the Endangered Species Act.  Instead, one of the goals of identifying a Species of Concern is to take proactive measures to address conservation needs and hopefully prevent the species from needing protection under the Endangered Species Act.

We believe it is important to highlight species that could benefit from proactive conservation efforts.  Under the Species of Concern Program, NOAA Fisheries funds grants to states and management agencies, as well as provide internal funding to NOAA Fisheries Science Centers and regions to support projects to conserve those species.

The goals of the Species of Concern Program are to increase public awareness about the species, identify those species potentially at risk and in need of protective measures before listing under the ESA becomes necessary, identify data deficiencies and uncertainties associated with the status of the species, work cooperatively with regional co-managers and interest groups to obtain the information necessary to evaluate species status and threats, identify conservation opportunities, work proactively with Federal and state agencies, Native American tribes, and the public to conserve the species.

For more information on Species of Concern along the West Coast, contact our Species of Concern Coordinator, Susan Wang at susan.wang@noaa.gov or 562.980.4199.

Documents & Annual Reports

2010 pdf format 1.9MB

2009 pdf format 1.6MB

2008 pdf format 387kb

2007 pdf format 1.2MB