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The mission of the Alaska Fisheries Science Center is to generate the scientific information and analysis necessary for the conservation, management, and utilization of the region's living marine resources.

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AFSC News & Information
For more information about NOAA Fisheries science in Alaska please contact: Marjorie Mooney-Seus or for regulatory news Julie Speegle
Dispatches from the Field
Latest research blogs provide insights on what NOAA Fisheries scientists are doing. More>
""  Field Blog: Northern Fur Seals
Carey Kuhn
NOAA scientist Carey Kuhn reports from Pribilof Islands, Alaska. More>
""  Field Blog: Harbor Seals
Shawn Dahle
NOAA scientist Shawn Dahle reports from western Aleutian Islands. More>
NOAA Fisheries seeks comments on Draft Environmental Assessment for Alaska Fisheries Science Center.
Scientific Experts Meeting
The Fourth Meeting of Scientific Experts of Fish Stocks in the Central Arctic Ocean will be held Sept. 26-28, 2016 in Tromsø, Norway. More>
Research Reports
Research program reports and activities for October through December 2015. More>
AFSC Historical Corner
image of historical boat
The history of the Alaska Fisheries Science Center dates back to 1867. Check out the historical timelines, photographs, research vessels, facilities, testimonies, and more>
Other Cool Stuff
"" Interactive Mapping Tools
"" Multimedia Gallery
"" AFSC Education & Outreach
"" Marine Mammal Education Web
"" Groundfish Survey Data
"" Marine Mammal Image Gallery
"" Fish Ageing Demo
"" Glacial Ice Photos
"" Rockfish Game
"" Fish & Invertebrate Photos
AFSC Divisions
"" Auke Bay Labs
"" Fisheries Monitoring & Analysis
"" Marine Mammal Lab
"" Resource Assessment &
  Conservation Engineering
"" Resource Ecology & Fisheries
General Info
Information about the AFSC mission, administration, directory, activities, facilities, directory, jobs, news, social media policy, links
Information on species of fish, invertebrates, marine mammals, seabirds
Citations database, tech memos, stock assessments, journal articles, research reports
Data & Tools
Survey, catch, age and growth,
life history, telemetry, interactive maps, spatial data, software.
Quick Links

Regional action plan: southeastern Bering Sea climate science

  • Preparing for a changing environment to protect marine resources, economies and an important food source   More>

Endangered Steller sea lions continue to decline in 2016 in the western Aleutians

  • Troubling declines persist but scientists gain new information with each survey   More>

Can you hear me now?

  • Artificially increased noise has profound effect on gray whale calling behavior   More>

Dates released for the 2016 Groundfish Seminar Series

  • Please join us at 10AM on Tuesdays for the Groundfish Seminar Series, October 4 - December 13 at the Alaska Fisheries Science Center.   pdf>

Mixing new technology and people power for an accurate count of endangered Steller sea lions

  • Even with advanced technology sometimes there's nothing better than a scientist who knows what she's looking for.   More>

Scientists are on the ground this month in the Pribilof Islands to recover groundbreaking fur seal data

  • Fur seal interactions drastically change with seasons. In response, researchers must launch different strategies to obtain the critical new information.   More>

Tweet chat: crisscrossing Arctic to study ice seals in Alaska

  • Scientists studying ice seals traverse ice fields and jump onto small floes to tag the animals and collect biological data. Join them on Twitter Tuesday, August 23 to see what they do and learn why it's so important.   More>

Rare snailfish found in Aleutians, only a dozen specimens ever recorded

  • Scientist confirms snailfish found off the western Aleutians not seen in more than a decade.   More>

Conserving skate nursery habitat in the Bering Sea

  • Researchers are surveying the eastern Bering Sea slope to help determine if areas of the seafloor where skates lay eggs need to be protected.   More>

Auke Bay Laboratories welcomes students to inspire future scientists

  • Touch tanks filled with intertidal animals and other activities make summer learning interactive and memorable for children across southeast Alaska.   More>

Scientists are obtaining new information about harbor seals after tagging pups for the first time last month

  • The information will help to determine if increased ship traffic through seal habitat, in glacial fjords, is negatively impacting the harbor seal population.   More>

NOAA Science Camp offers students unique, immersive programs in marine biology, oceanography and climatology

  • More than a hundred middle and high school students travel to NOAA's Western Regional Center, in Seattle, to learn about cutting-edge research from leading experts.   More>


This is an official United States Government web site produced by the Alaska Fisheries Science Center, National Marine Fisheries Service,
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, United States Department of Commerce.

Last updated 15 December, 2016

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