Essential Fish Habitat

"Marine fish depend on healthy habitats to survive. Throughout their lives fish use many types of habitats including seagrass, salt marsh. coral reefs, kelp forests and rocky intertidal areas. Various activities on land and in the water constantly threaten to alter, damage, or destroy these habitats. NOAA Fisheries, regional  Fishery Management Councils, and Federal and state agencies work together to address these threats by identifying Essential Fish Habitat (EFH) for each federally managed fish species and developing conservation measures to protect and enhance these habitats.

One of the greatest long-term threats to the viability of commercial and recreational fisheries is the continuing loss of marine, estuarine, and other aquatic habitats. Habitat considerations should receive increased attention for the conservation and management of fishery resources of the United States."

-- United States Congress, as noted in the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act, 1996.

For more information contact: West Coast EFH Coordinator, John Stadler, at or (360) 534-9328.

Essential Fish Habitat

Pacific Coast Salmon EFH 

Pacific Coast Groundfish EFH 

Coastal Pelagic Species EFH 

Highly Migratory Species EFH 

Programmatic consultations and general concurrence agreements 

These simplify the consultation process for multiple project types with similar degree or method of disturbance. The resulting agreement increases the speed that projects move through the permitting process, decreases the consultation burden on consulting agencies and promotes im proved habitat conservation. They also enable consistent response on similar project types. Listed below are the programmatic consultations and general concurrence between  NOAA Fisheries & the U.S.Army Corps of Engineers

Los Angeles District

Los Angeles District-South Coast Branch

San Francisco, Sacramento, & Los Angeles District

San Francisco District

        *These files require Google Earth for viewing.