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Fiscal Year 2014 Cost Verification Process
Dates (estimated) Agenda
​November 19, 2014 or earlier
Notification to Slice Customers of the Slice True-Up Adjustment for the Composite Cost Pool True-Up Table. BPA to post Composite Cost Pool True-Up Table containing actual values and the Slice True-Up Adjustment
December 11, 2014​
Deadline for customers to submit questions about actual line items in the Composite Cost Pool True-Up Table with the Slice True-Up Adjustment for inclusion in the Agreed Upon Procedures (AUPs) Performed by BPA external CPA firm 

Customers have 15 business days following the posting of Composite Cost Pool Table containing actual values and the Slice True-Up Adjustment​
December 19, 2014​
FY 2014 Slice True-Up Adjustment Agreed Upon Procedures (AUP) Draft list

Per Attachment A, section 1.c of the Tiered Rate Methodology, BP-12-A-03, and as part of the Cost Verification Process, the Bonneville Power Administration is posting this announcement regarding the discussed draft AUP list.

During the comment period that closed on December 11, 2014 no questions were received.  There is no draft list of AUP’s.  As a result of this, the Cost Verification Process is completed and the Slice True-Up Adjustments announced on BPA’s website on November 19, 2014 are final.