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Fiscal Year 2013 Cost Verification Process
Dates (estimated) Agenda
November 20, 2013 or earlier

Notification to Slice Customers of the Slice True-Up Adjustment for the Composite Cost Pool True-Up Table. BPA to post Composite Cost Pool True-Up Table containing actual values and the Slice True-Up Adjustment

FY-13 Composite Cost Pool True-Up Table

​December 12, 2013

​Deadline for customers to submit questions about actual line items in the Composite Cost Pool True-Up Table with the Slice True-Up Adjustment for inclusion in the Agreed Upon Procedures (AUPs) Performed by BPA external CPA firm 

Customers have 15 business days following the posting of Composite Cost Pool Table containing actual values and the Slice True-Up Adjustment

Comment Period Closed
​December 20, 2013

​BPA posts a draft list of AUP tasks to be performed (Attachment A does not specify an exact date)

​January 7, 2014

Customer comments are due on the list of tasks (The deadline can not exceed 10 days from BPA posting)

January 14, 2014​ The Cost Verification Process second comment period is closed.  No AUP tasks for further consideration have been identified. In as much the workshops, comment periods, and draft responses will not be necessary and this concludes the Cost Verification Process for FY 2013.