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Energy and Environment Directorate


Electrochemical Materials & Systems Group

605 publications found:


  • Bhattacharya P, MI Nandasiri, D Lv, AM Schwarz, JT Darsell, WA Henderson, DA Tomalia, J Liu, J Zhang, and J Xiao. 2016. "Polyamidoamine Dendrimer-Based Binders for High-Loading Lithium-Sulfur Battery Cathodes." Nano Energy 19:176-186.  doi:10.1016/j.nanoen.2015.11.012
  • Cao R, J Chen, KS Han, W Xu, D Mei, P Bhattacharya, MH Engelhard, KT Mueller, J Liu, and J Zhang. 2016. "Effect of the Anion Activity on the Stability of Li Metal Anodes in Lithium-Sulfur Batteries." Advanced Functional Materials 26(18):3059-3066.  doi:10.1002/adfm.201505074
  • Jiang X, TJ Roosendaal, X Lu, O Palasyuk, KW Dennis, ME Dahl, JP Choi, E Polikarpov, M Marinescu, and J Cui. 2016. "Mechanical and Electrical Properties of Low Temperature Phase MnBi." Journal of Applied Physics 119(3):Article No. 033903.  doi:10.1063/1.4939811
  • Li G, X Lu, JY Kim, KD Meinhardt, HJ Chang, NL Canfield, and VL Sprenkle. 2016. "Advanced Intermediate Temperature Sodium-Nickel Chloride Batteries with Ultra-High Energy Density." Nature Communications 7:Article No. 10683.  doi:10.1038/ncomms10683
  • Liu B, J Zhang, and G Shen. 2016. "Pursuing two-dimensional nanomaterials for flexible lithium-ion batteries." Nano Today 11(1):82-97.  doi:10.1016/j.nantod.2016.02.003
  • Reed DM, EC Thomsen, B Li, W Wang, Z Nie, BJ Koeppel, and VL Sprenkle. 2016. "Performance of a Low Cost Interdigitated Flow Design on a 1 kW Class All Vanadium Mixed Acid Redox Flow Battery." Journal of Power Sources 306:24-31.  doi:10.1016/j.jpowsour.2015.11.089
  • Reed DM, EC Thomsen, B Li, W Wang, Z Nie, BJ Koeppel, JP Kizewski, and VL Sprenkle. 2016. "Stack Developments in a kW class all vanadium mixed acid redox flow battery at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory." Journal of the Electrochemical Society 163(1):A5211-A5219.  doi:10.1149/2.0281601jes
  • Wang W, and VL Sprenkle. 2016. "Energy storage: Redox Flow Batteries Go Organic." Nature Chemistry 8(3):204-206.  doi:10.1038/nchem.2466
  • Yoon KJ, and OA Marina. 2016. "Highly Stable Dual-Phase Y0.8Ca0.2Cr0.8Co0.2O3 - Sm0.2Ce0.8O1.9 Ceramic Composite Membrane for Oxygen Separation." Journal of Membrane Science 499:301-306.  doi:10.1016/j.memsci.2015.10.064
  • Zheng J, P Yan, WH Kan, CM Wang, and A Manthiram. 2016. "A Spinel-integrated P2-type Layered Composite: High-rate Cathode for Sodium-ion Batteries." Journal of the Electrochemical Society 163(3):A584-A591.  doi:10.1149/2.0041605jes
  • Chen J, KS Han, WA Henderson, KC Lau, M Vijayakumar, T Dzwiniel, H Pan, LA Curtiss, J Xiao, KT Mueller, Y Shao, and J Liu. 2016. "Restricting the Solubility of Polysulfides in Li-S Batteries Via Electrolyte Salt Selection." Advanced Energy Materials 6(11):Article No. 1600160.  doi:10.1002/aenm.201600160
  • Cheng L, LA Curtiss, KR Zavadil, AA Gewirth, Y Shao, and K Gallagher. 2016. "Sparingly Solvating Electrolytes for High Energy Density Lithium-Sulfur Batteries." ACS Energy Letters 1(3):503-509.  doi:10.1021/acsenergylett.6b00194
  • Cheng Y, D Choi, KS Han, KT Mueller, J Zhang, VL Sprenkle, J Liu, and G Li. 2016. "Toward the Design of High Voltage Magnesium-Lithium Hybrid Batteries Using Dual-Salt Electrolytes." Chemical Communications 52(31):5379-5382.  doi:10.1039/C6CC00986G
  • Cheng Y, L Luo, L Zhong, J Chen, B Li, W Wang, SX Mao, CM Wang, VL Sprenkle, G Li, and J Liu. 2016. "Highly Reversible Zinc-ion Intercalation with Chevrel Phase Mo6S8 Nanocubes and Applications for Advanced Zinc-ion Batteries." ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 8(22):13673–13677.  doi:10.1021/acsami.6b03197
  • Cheng Y, Y Shao, V Raju, X Ji, BL Mehdi, KS Han, MH Engelhard, G Li, ND Browning, KT Mueller, and J Liu. 2016. "Molecular Storage of Mg Ions with Vanadium Oxide Nanoclusters." Advanced Functional Materials 26(20):3446-3453.  doi:10.1002/adfm.201505501
  • Choi D, X Li, WA Henderson, Q Huang, SK Nune, JP Lemmon, and VL Sprenkle. 2016. "LiCoPO4 Cathode from a CoHPO4xH2O Nanoplate Precursor for High Voltage Li-ion Batteries ." Heliyon 2(2):, doi:10.1016/j.heliyon.2016.e00081
  • Conover DR, AJ Crawford, JC Fuller, SNG Gourisetti, VV Viswanathan, S Ferreira, D Schoenwald, and D Rosewater. 2016. Protocol for Uniformly Measuring and Expressing the Performance of Energy Storage Systems PNNL-22010 Rev. 2, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Crawford AJ, EC Thomsen, DM Reed, DE Stephenson, VL Sprenkle, J Liu, and VV Viswanathan. 2016. "Development and Validation of Chemistry Agnostic Flow Battery Cost Performance Model and Application to Non-Aqueous Electrolyte Systems." International Journal of Energy Research doi:10.1002/er.3526
  • Deng X, MY Hu, X Wei, W Wang, KT Mueller, Z Chen, and JZ Hu. 2016. "Nuclear Magnetic resonance studies of the solvation of a high-performance nonaqueous redox flow electrolyte." Journal of Power Sources 308:172-179.  doi:10.1016/j.jpowsour.2015.12.005
  • Deng X, MY Hu, X Wei, W Wang, KT Mueller, Z Chen, and JZ Hu. 2016. "Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Studies of the Solvation Structures of a High-Performance Nonaqueous Redox Flow Electrolyte." Journal of Power Sources 308:172-179.  doi:10.1016/j.jpowsour.2015.12.005
  • Devaraj A, V Murugesan, J Bao, MF Guo, MA Derewinski, Z Xu, MJ Gray, S Prodinger, and KK Ramasamy. 2016. "Discerning the Location and Nature of Coke Deposition from Surface to Bulk of Spent Zeolite Catalysts." Scientific Reports 6:Article No. 37586.  doi:10.1038/srep37586
  • Dong H, Y Li, Y Liang, G Li, CJ Sun, Y Ren, Y Lu, and Y Yao. 2016. "A magnesium-sodium hybrid battery with high operating voltage." Chemical Communications 52(53):8263-8266.  doi:10.1039/C6CC03081E
  • Du L, Y Shao, J Sun, G Yin, J Liu, and Y Wang. 2016. "Advanced catalyst supports for PEM fuel cell cathodes." Nano Energy 29:314-322.  doi:10.1016/j.nanoen.2016.03.016
  • Duan W, VRS Vemuri, JD Milshtein, S Laramie, RD Dmello, J Huang, L Zhang, D Hu, M Vijayakumar, W Wang, J Liu, RE Darling, L Thompson, KC Smith, JS Moore, F Brushett, and X Wei. 2016. "A Symmetric Organic - Based Nonaqueous Redox Flow Battery and Its State of Charge Diagnostics by FTIR." Journal of Materials Chemistry A 4(15):5448-5456.  doi:10.1039/c6ta01177b
  • Estevez L, DM Reed, Z Nie, AM Schwarz, MI Nandasiri, JP Kizewski, W Wang, EC Thomsen, J Liu, J Zhang, VL Sprenkle, and B Li. 2016. " Tunable oxygen functional groups as electro-catalysts on graphite felt surfaces for all vanadium flow batteries." ChemSusChem 9(12):1455-1461.  doi:10.1002/cssc.201600198
  • Feng X, H Zou, H Xiang, X Guo, T Zhou, Y Wu, W Xu, P Yan, CM Wang, J Zhang, and Y Yu. 2016. "Ultrathin Li4Ti5O12 nanosheets as anode materials for lithium and sodium storage." ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 8(26):16718-16726.  doi:10.1021/acsami.6b04752
  • Fu S, C Zhu, J Song, MH Engelhard, X Li, D Du, and Y Lin. 2016. "Highly Ordered Mesoporous Bimetallic Phosphides as Efficient Oxygen Evolution Electrocatalysts." ACS Energy Letters 4(1):792-796.  doi:10.1021/acsenergylett.6b00408
  • He Y, M Gu, HY Xiao, L Luo, Y Shao, F Gao, Y Du, SX Mao, and CM Wang. 2016. "Atomistic Conversion Reaction Mechanism of WO3 in Secondary Ion Batteries of Li, Na, and Ca." Angewandte Chemie International Edition 55(21):6244-6247.  doi:10.1002/anie.201601542
  • Hu JZ, Z Zhao, MY Hu, J Feng, X Deng, X Chen, W Xu, J Liu, and J Zhang. 2016. "In situ 7Li and 133Cs Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Investigations on the Role of Cs+ Additive in Lithium-Metal Deposition Process." Journal of Power Sources 304:51-59.  doi:10.1016/j.jpowsour.2015.10.067
  • Huang J, B Pan, W Duan, X Wei, RS Assary, L Su, F Brushett, L Cheng, C Liao, MS Ferrandon, W Wang, Z Zhang, AK Burrell, LA Curtiss, IA Shkrob, JS Moore, and L Zhang. 2016. "The lightest organic radical cation for charge storage in redox flow batteries." Scientific Reports 6:Article No. 32102.  doi:10.1038/srep32102
  • Huang Q, ED Walter, L Cosimbescu, D Choi, and JP Lemmon. 2016. "In situ electrochemical-electron spin resonance investigations of multi-electron redox reaction for organic radical cathodes." Journal of Power Sources 306:812-816.  doi:10.1016/j.jpowsour.2015.11.080
  • Jeong S, X Li, J Zheng, P Yan, R Cao, HJ Jung, CM Wang, J Liu, and J Zhang. 2016. "Hard carbon coated nano-Si/graphite composite as a high performance anode for Li-ion batteries." Journal of Power Sources 329:323-329.  doi:10.1016/j.jpowsour.2016.08.089
  • Kumar GR, DA Savariraj, SN Karthick, S Selvam, B Balamuralitharan, HJ Kim, KK Viswanathan, M Vijayakumar, and K Prabakar. 2016. "Phase transition kinetics and surface binding states of methylammonium lead iodide perovskite." Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. PCCP 18(10):7284-7292.  doi:10.1039/C5CP06232B
  • Li B, J Liu, Z Nie, W Wang, DM Reed, J Liu, BP McGrail, and VL Sprenkle. 2016. "Metal-organic frameworks as highly active electrocatalysts for high-energy density, aqueous zinc-polyiodide redox flow batteries." Nano Letters 16(7):4335-4340.  doi:10.1021/acs.nanolett.6b01426
  • Li X, P Yan, MH Engelhard, AJ Crawford, VV Viswanathan, CM Wang, J Liu, and VL Sprenkle. 2016. "The Importance of Solid Electrolyte Interphase Formation for Long Cycle Stability Full-Cell Na-Ion Batteries." Nano Energy 27:664-672.  doi:10.1016/j.nanoen.2016.07.030
  • Liu B, W Xu, P Yan, X Sun, ME Bowden, J Read, J Qian, D Mei, CM Wang, and J Zhang. 2016. "Enhanced Cycling Stability of Rechargeable Li-O2 Batteries Using High Concentration Electrolytes." Advanced Functional Materials 26(4):605-613.  doi:10.1002/adfm.201503697
  • Liu B, P Yan, W Xu, J Zheng, Y He, L Luo, ME Bowden, CM Wang, and J Zhang. 2016. "Electrochemically formed ultrafine metal oxide nanocatalysts for high performance lithium-oxygen batteries ." Nano Letters 16(8):4932-4939.  doi:10.1021/acs.nanolett.6b01556
  • Liu J, NL Canfield, and W Liu. 2016. "Preparation and Characterization of a Hydrophobic Metal-Organic Framework Membrane Supported on Thin Porous Metal Sheet ." Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research 55(13):3823-3832.  doi:10.1021/acs.iecr.5b04739
  • Liu TL, X Wei, Z Nie, VL Sprenkle, and W Wang. 2016. "A Total Organic Aqueous Redox Flow Battery Employing Low Cost and Sustainable Methyl Viologen Anolyte and 4-HO-TEMPO Catholyte." Advanced Energy Materials 6(3):Article No. 1501449.  doi:10.1002/aenm.201501449
  • Lu J, Z Deng, H Li, MJ Myjak, JJ Martinez, J Xiao, RS Brown, and SS Cartmell. 2016. "A SMALL LONG-LIFE ACOUSTIC TRANSMITTER FOR STUDYING THE BEHAVIOR OF AQUATIC ANIMALS." Review of Scientific Instruments 87(11):114902.  doi:10.1063/1.4967941
  • Pan H, Y Shao, P Yan, Y Cheng, KS Han, Z Nie, CM Wang, J Yang, X Li, P Bhattacharya, KT Mueller, and J Liu. 2016. "Reversible aqueous zinc/manganese oxide energy storage from conversion reactions." Nature Energy 1(5):Article No. 16039.  doi:10.1038/nenergy.2016.39
  • Savariraj DA, HJ Kim, KK Viswanathan, M Vijayakumar, and K Prabakar. 2016. "Growth mechanisms and origin of localized surface plasmon resonance coupled exciton effects in Cu2_xS thin films." RSC Advances 6(23):19034-19040.  doi:10.1039/C5RA26744G
  • Shen F, W Luo, J Dai, Y Yao, M Zhu, E Hitz, Y Tang, Y Chen, VL Sprenkle, X Li, and L Hu. 2016. "Ultra-thick, Low-Tortuosity, and Mesoporous Wood Carbon Anode for High-Performance Sodium-Ion Batteries." Advanced Energy Materials 6(14):Article No. 1600377.  doi:10.1002/aenm.201600377
  • Vissers DR, Z Chen, Y Shao, MH Engelhard, U Das, PC Redfern, LA Curtiss, B Pan, J Liu, and K Amine. 2016. "Role of Manganese Deposition on Graphite in the Capacity Fading of Lithium Ion Batteries." ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 8(22):14244–14251.  doi:10.1021/acsami.6b02061
  • Wan C, MY Hu, O Borodin, J Qian, Z Qin, J Zhang, and JZ Hu. 2016. "Natural Abundance 17O, 6Li NMR and Molecular Modeling Studies of the Solvation Structures of Lithium bis(fluorosulfonyl)imide/1,2-dimethoxyethane Liquid Electrolytes." Journal of Power Sources 307:231-243.  doi:10.1016/j.jpowsour.2015.12.120
  • Xiang H, P Shi, P Bhattacharya, X Chen, D Mei, ME Bowden, J Zheng, J Zhang, and W Xu. 2016. "Enhanced charging capability of lithium metal batteries based on lithium bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)imide-lithium bis(oxalato)borate dual-salt electrolytes ." Journal of Power Sources 318:170-177.  doi:10.1016/j.jpowsour.2016.04.017
  • Xiao L, Y Cao, WA Henderson, ML Sushko, Y Shao, J Xiao, W Wang, MH Engelhard, Z Nie, and J Liu. 2016. "Hard carbon nanoparticles as high-capacity, high-stability anodic materials for Na-ion batteries." Nano Energy 19:279-288.  doi:10.1016/j.nanoen.2015.10.034
  • Yan P, J Zheng, X Zhang, R Xu, K Amine, J Xiao, J Zhang, and CM Wang. 2016. "Atomic to Nanoscale Investigation of Functionalities of Al2O3 Coating Layer on Cathode for Enhanced Battery Performance." Chemistry of Materials 28(3):857-863.  doi:10.1021/acs.chemmater.5b04301
  • Yan P, J Zheng, J Zheng, Z Wang, G Teng, S Kuppan, J Xiao, G Chen, F Pan, J Zhang, and CM Wang. 2016. "Ni And Co Segregations On Selective Surface Facets And Rational Design Of Layered Lithium Transition-metal Oxide Cathodes." Advanced Energy Materials 6(9):Article No. 1502455.  doi:10.1002/aenm.201502455
  • Zheng J, P Yan, R Cao, H Xiang, MH Engelhard, B Polzin, CM Wang, J Zhang, and W Xu. 2016. "Effects of Propylene Carbonate Content in CsPF6-Containing Electrolytes on the Enhanced Performances of Graphite Electrode for Lithium-Ion Batteries." ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 8(8):5715-5722.  doi:10.1021/acsami.5b12517
  • Zheng J, P Yan, D Mei, MH Engelhard, SS Cartmell, B Polzin, CM Wang, J Zhang, and W Xu. 2016. "Highly Stable Operation of Lithium Metal Batteries Enabled by the Formation of a Transient High Concentration Electrolyte Layer." Advanced Energy Materials 6(8):Article No. 1502151.  doi:10.1002/aenm.201502151


  • Cao R, J Qian, J Zhang, and W Xu. 2015. "Organic Cathode Materials for Rechargeable Batteries." Chapter 23 in Rechargeable Batteries: Green Energy and Technology, ed. ZC Xhang and SS Zhang, pp. 637-671.  Springer-Verlag, New York, NY. 
  • Cao R, W Xu, D Lu, J Xiao, and J Zhang. 2015. "Anodes for Rechargeable Lithium-Sulfur Batteries." Advanced Energy Materials 5(16):Article No. 1402273.  doi:10.1002/aenm.201402273
  • Catalini D, D Kaoumi, A Reynolds, and GJ Grant. 2015. "Dispersoid Distribution and Microstructure in Fe-Cr-Al Ferritic Oxide Dispersion-Strengthened Alloy Prepared by Friction Consolidation." Metallurgical and Materials Transactions. A, Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science 46(10):4730-4739.  doi:10.1007/s11661-015-3059-1
  • Chick LA, MR Weimar, GA Whyatt, and MR Powell. 2015. "The Case for Natural Gas Fueled Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Power Systems for Distributed Generation." Fuel Cells 15(1):49-60.  doi:10.1002/fuce.201400103
  • Hardy JS, JW Stevenson, P Singh, MK Mahapatra, ED Wachsman, M Liu, and KR Gerdes. 2015. Effects of Humidity on Solid Oxide Fuel Cell CathodesPNNL-24115, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Joshi VV, EA Nyberg, CA Lavender, DM Paxton, H Garmestani, and D Burkes. 2015. "Thermomechanical Process Optimization of U-10wt% Mo – Part 1: High-Temperature Compressive Properties and Microstructure." Journal of Nuclear Materials 465:805-813.  doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2013.10.065
  • Kim JY, NL Canfield, JF Bonnett, VL Sprenkle, K Jung, and I Hong. 2015. "A Duplex ß”-Al2O3 Solid Electrolyte Consisting of A Thin Dense Layer and A Porous Substrate." Solid State Ionics 278:192-197.  doi:10.1016/j.ssi.2015.06.013
  • Li G, X Lu, JY Kim, VV Viswanathan, KD Meinhardt, MH Engelhard, and VL Sprenkle. 2015. "Batteries: An Advanced Na-FeCl2 ZEBRA Battery for Stationary Energy Storage Application." Advanced Energy Materials 5(12):Article No.1500357.  doi:10.1002/aenm.201570069
  • Liu TL, Q Liao, MJ O'Hagan, E Hulley, DL DuBois, and RM Bullock. 2015. "Iron Complexes Bearing Diphosphine Ligands with Positioned Pendant Amines as Electrocatalysts for the Oxidation of H2." Organometallics 34(12):2747-2764.  doi:10.1021/om501289f
  • Lu D, P Yan, Y Shao, Q Li, SA Ferrara, H Pan, GL Graff, B Polzin, CM Wang, J Zhang, J Liu, and J Xiao. 2015. "High Performance Li-ion Sulfur Batteries Enabled by Intercalation Chemistry." Chemical Communications 51(70):13454-13457.  doi:10.1039/C5CC05171A
  • Lu D, Y Shao, TJ Lozano, WD Bennett, GL Graff, B Polzin, J Zhang, MH Engelhard, NT Saenz, WA Henderson, P Bhattacharya, J Liu, and J Xiao. 2015. "Failure Mechanism of Fast-Charged Lithium Metal Batteries in Liquid Electrolyte." Advanced Energy Materials 5(3):Article No. 1400993.  doi:10.1002/AENM.201400993
  • Lu X, ME Bowden, VL Sprenkle, and J Liu. 2015. "A low cost, high energy density and long cycle life potassium-sulfur battery for grid-scale energy storage." Advanced Materials 27(39):5915-5922.  doi:10.1002/adma.201502343
  • Reed DM, EC Thomsen, W Wang, Z Nie, B Li, X Wei, BJ Koeppel, and VL Sprenkle. 2015. "Performance of Nafion® N115, Nafion® NR-212, and Nafion® NR-211 in a 1 kW Class All Vanadium Mixed Acid Redox Flow Battery." Journal of Power Sources 285:425-430.  doi:10.1016/j.jpowsour.2015.03.099
  • Wei X, B Li, and W Wang. 2015. "Porous Polymeric Composite Separators for Redox Flow Batteries." Polymer Reviews 55(2):247-272.  doi:10.1080/15583724.2015.1011276
  • Wei X, G Xia, BW Kirby, EC Thomsen, B Li, Z Nie, GL Graff, J Liu, VL Sprenkle, and W Wang. 2015. "An Aqueous Redox Flow Battery Based on Neutral Alkali Metal Ferri/ferrocyanide and Polysulfide Electrolytes." Journal of the Electrochemical Society 163(1):A5150-A5153.  doi:10.1149/2.0221601jes
  • Wei X, L Cosimbescu, W Xu, JZ Hu, M Vijayakumar, J Feng, MY Hu, X Deng, J Xiao, J Liu, VL Sprenkle, and W Wang. 2015. "Towards High-Performance Nonaqueous Redox Flow Electrolyte through Ionic Modification of Active Species." Advanced Energy Materials 5(1):Article No. 1400678.  doi:10.1002/aenm.201400678
  • Zheng J, P Xu, M Gu, J Xiao, ND Browning, P Yan, CM Wang, and J Zhang. 2015. "Structural and Chemical Evolution of Li- and Mn-rich Layered Cathode Material." Chemistry of Materials 27(4):1381-1390.  doi:10.1021/cm5045978
  • Zheng J, P Yan, M Gu, MJ Wagner, K Hays, J Chen, XS Li, CM Wang, J Zhang, J Liu, and J Xiao. 2015. "Interfacial Reaction Dependent Performance of Hollow Carbon NanoSphere - Sulfur composite as a cathode for Li-S battery." Frontiers in Energy Research 3:Article No. 25.  doi:10.3389/fenrg.2015.00025
  • Afroz T, DM Seo, SD Han, PD Boyle, and WA Henderson. 2015. "Structural Interactions within Lithium Salt Solvates: Acyclic Carbonates and Esters." Journal of Physical Chemistry C 119(13):7022-7027.  doi:10.1021/acs.jpcc.5b00309
  • Bao J, W Xu, P Bhattacharya, ML Stewart, J Zhang, and W Pan. 2015. "Discharge Performance of Li-O2 Batteries Using a Multiscale Modeling Approach ." Journal of Physical Chemistry C 119(27):14851-14860.  doi:10.1021/acs.jpcc.5b01441
  • Borodin O, M Olguin, P Ganesh, P Kent, JS Allen, and WA Henderson. 2015. "Competitive Lithium Solvation of Linear and Cyclic Carbonates from Quantum Chemistry." Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. PCCP 18(1):164-175.  doi:10.1039/C5CP05121E
  • Borodin O, SD Han, JS Daubert, DM Seo, SH Yun, and WA Henderson. 2015. "Electrolyte Solvation and Ionic Association. VI. Acetonitrile-Lithium Salt Mixtures: Highly Associated Salts Revisited." Journal of the Electrochemical Society 162(4):A501-A510.  doi:10.1149/2.0891503jes
  • Canfield NL, JY Kim, JF Bonnett, RL Pearson, III, VL Sprenkle, and K Jung. 2015. "Effects of Fabrication Conditions on Mechanical Properties and Microstructure of Duplex ß”-Al2O3 Solid Electrolyte." Materials Science and Engineering B: Advanced Functional Solid-state Materials 197:43-50.  doi:10.1016/j.mseb.2015.03.009
  • Chen J, D Wu, ED Walter, MH Engelhard, P Bhattacharya, H Pan, Y Shao, F Gao, J Xiao, and J Liu. 2015. "Molecular-Confinement of Polysulfide within Mesoscale Electrodes for the Practical Application of Lithium Sulfur Batteries." Nano Energy 13:267-274.  doi:10.1016/j.nanoen.2015.01.031
  • Cheng Y, RM Stolley, KS Han, Y Shao, BW Arey, NM Washton, KT Mueller, ML Helm, VL Sprenkle, J Liu, and G Li. 2015. "Highly Active Electrolytes for Rechargeable Mg Batteries Based on [Mg2(µ-Cl)2]2+ Cation Complex in Dimethoxyethane." Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. PCCP 17(20):13307-13314.  doi:10.1039/C5CP00859J
  • Cheng Y, Y Shao, LR Parent, ML Sushko, G Li, P Sushko, ND Browning, CM Wang, and J Liu. 2015. "Interface Promoted Reversible Mg Insertion in Nanostructured Tin-Antimony Alloys." Advanced Materials 27(42):6598-6605.  doi:10.1002/adma.201502378
  • Chou YS, EV Stephens, Z Xu, W Xu, BJ Koeppel, and JW Stevenson. 2015. Mitigation and Prediction of Spallation of Oxide Scales on Ferritic Stainless SteelPNNL-24025, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Coffey GW, KD Meinhardt, VV Joshi, LR Pederson, CA Lavender, and D Burkes. 2015. Concept Feasibility Report for Electroplating Zirconium onto Uranium Foil – Year 2PNNL-24106, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Cosimbescu L, X Wei, M Vijayakumar, W Xu, ML Helm, SD Burton, CM Sorensen, J Liu, VL Sprenkle, and W Wang. 2015. "Anion-Tunable Properties and Electrochemical Performance of Functionalized Ferrocene Compounds." Scientific Reports 5:14117.  doi:10.1038/srep14117
  • Crawford AJ, VV Viswanathan, DE Stephenson, W Wang, EC Thomsen, DM Reed, B Li, PJ Balducci, MCW Kintner-Meyer, and VL Sprenkle. 2015. "Comparative analysis for various redox flow batteries chemistries using a cost performance model." Journal of Power Sources 293:388-399.  doi:10.1016/j.jpowsour.2015.05.066
  • DeFever RS, NK Geitner, P Bhattacharya, F Ding, PC Ke, and S Sarupria. 2015. "PAMAM dendrimers and graphene: Materials for removing aromatic contaminants from water." Environmental Science & Technology 49(7):4490-4497.  doi:10.1021/es505518r
  • Deng X, MY Hu, X Wei, W Wang, Z Chen, J Liu, and JZ Hu. 2015. "Natural Abundance 17O Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and Computational Modeling Studies of Lithium Based Liquid Electrolytes." Journal of Power Sources 285:146-155.  doi:10.1016/j.jpowsour.2015.03.091
  • Deng Z, TJ Carlson, H Li, J Xiao, MJ Myjak, J Lu, JJ Martinez, CM Woodley, MA Weiland, and MB Eppard. 2015. "An injectable acoustic transmitter for juvenile salmon." Scientific Reports 5:8111.  doi:10.1038/srep08111
  • Devaraj A, M Gu, RJ Colby, P Yan, CM Wang, J Zheng, J Xiao, A Genc, J Zhang, I Belharouak, D Wang, K Amine, and S Thevuthasan. 2015. "Visualizing Nanoscale 3D Compositional Fluctuation of Lithium in Advanced Lithium-Ion Battery Cathodes." Nature Communications 6:Article No. 8014.  doi:10.1038/ncomms9014
  • Fu S, C Zhu, Y Zhou, G Yang, JW Jeon, JP Lemmon, D Du, SK Nune, and Y Lin. 2015. "Metal-Organic Framework Derived Hierarchically Porous Nitrogen-Doped Carbon Nanostructures as Novel Electrocatalyst for Oxygen Reduction Reaction." Electrochimica Acta 178:287-293.  doi:10.1016/j.electacta.2015.08.021
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  • Chou YS, JW Stevenson, and P Singh. 2008. "Effect of aluminizing of Cr-containing ferritic alloys on the seal strength of a novel high-temperature solid oxide fuel cell sealing glass." Journal of Power Sources 185(2):1001-1008.  doi:10.1016/j.jpowsour.2008.09.004
  • Chou YS, JW Stevenson, and P Singh. 2008. "Effect of pre-oxidation and environmental aging on the seal strength of a novel high-temperature solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) sealing glass with metallic interconnect ." Journal of Power Sources 184(1):238-244. 
  • Hovanski Y, CA Lavender, and KS Weil. 2008. "Evaluation of the Pressing Characteristics of Commercially Pure Titanium Using an Instrumented Double Acting Die ." Chapter 7 in Advances in Powder Metallurgy & Particulate Materials: Proceedings of the 2008 World Congress on Powder Metallurgy & Particulate Materials, vol. III, pp. 199-208.  Metal Powder Industries Federation (MPIF), Princeton, NJ. 
  • Hu JZ, JH Kwak, Z Yang, W Osborn, T Markmaitree, and LD Shaw. 2008. "Investigation of Mechanical Activation on Li-N-H Systems Using 6Li Magic Angle Spinning Nuclear Magnetic Resonance at Ultra-High Field ." Journal of Power Sources 182(1):278-283. 
  • Lavender CA, S Hong, MT Smith, RT Johnson, and D Lahrman. 2008. "THE EFFECT OF LASER SHOCK PEENING ON THE LIFE AND FAILURE MODE OF A COLD PILGER DIE." Journal of Materials Processing Technology 204(1-3):486-491. 
  • Liu HT, Y Hovanski, DD Caldwell, and RE Williford. 2008. "Low-cost manufacturing of flow channels with multi-nozzle abrasive-waterjets: a feasibility investigation." In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Water Jetting, October 15-17, 2008, Nottingham, United Kingdom, pp. 337-351.  BHR Group Limited, Bedfordshire, United Kingdom. 
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  • Meinhardt KD, DS Kim, YS Chou, and KS Weil. 2008. "Synthesis and Properties of a Barium Aluminosilicate Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Glass-Ceramic Sealant." Journal of Power Sources 182(1):188-196. 
  • Miller SD, MK Murphy, KL Simmons, C Yahnke, C Yoder, B Markey, M Salasky, and A Crabtree. 2008. "A HIGH-PRECISION, TISSUE-EQUIVALENT DOSIMETER FOR NUCLEAR ACCIDENT AND RADIATION ONCOLOGY APPLICATIONS BASED ON OPTICALLY STIMULATED LUMINESCENCE (OSL) IN AL2O3:C." Radiation Measurements 43(2-6):875-878.  doi:10.1016/j.radmeas.2007.12.054
  • Santella ML, Y Hovanski, GJ Grant, JA Carpenter, CD Warren, and MT Smith. 2008. "Friction Stir Spot Welding of Advanced High Strength Steels." Chapter 9C in FY 2008 Annual Progress Report for Lightweighting Materials, pp. 9-15 - 9-22.  US Department of Energy, Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy, Richland, WA. 
  • Santella ML, A Frederick, Y Hovanski, and GJ Grant. 2008. "Friction Stir Spot Welding of DP780 and Hot-Stamp Boron Steels." In SHEET METAL WELDING CONFERENCE XIII.  American Welding Society, Detroit Section, Detroit, MI. 
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  • Yang Z, G Xia, CM Wang, Z Nie, JD Templeton, P Singh, and JW Stevenson. 2008. Investigation of AISI 441 Ferritic Stainless Steel and Development of Spinel Coatings for SOFC Interconnect ApplicationsPNNL-17568, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Yang Z, G Xia, CM Wang, Z Nie, JD Templeton, JW Stevenson, and P Singh. 2008. "Investigation of Iron-Chromium-Niobium-Titanium Ferritic Stainless Steel for Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Interconnect Applications." Journal of Power Sources 183(2):660-667.  doi:10.1016/j.jpowsour.2008.05.037
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  • Darsell JT, and KS Weil. 2007. "The effect of palladium additions on the solidus/liquidus temperatures and wetting properties of Ag-CuO based air brazes." Journal of Alloys and Compounds 433(1-2):184-192.  doi:10.1016/j.jallcom.2006.06.073
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  • Nguyen BN, V Kunc, BJ Frame, J Phelps, CL Tucker III, SK Bapanapalli, JD Holbery, and MT Smith. 2007. "From Process Modeling to Elastic Property Prediction for Long-Fiber Injection-Molded Thermoplastics." In Proceedings of the 7th Annual SPE Automotive Composites Conference & Exposition (ACCE).  Society of Plastics Engineers, Detroit, MI. 
  • Dagle RA, Y Wang, G Xia, JJ Strohm, JD Holladay, and DR Palo. 2007. "Selective CO Methanation Catalysts for Fuel Processing Applications." Applied Catalysis. A, General 326(2):213-218. 
  • Dillon HE, GD Maupin, SJ Carlson, NT Saenz, and TR Gallant. 2007. "Visualization Techniques for Single Channel DPF Systems." In SAE 2007 World Congress & Exhibition, vol. SP-2140, no. 2007-01-112, pp. 75-80.  SAE International , Washington DC. 
  • Gannon P, VI Gorokhovsky, M Deibert, RJ Smith, AN Kayani, PT White, SW Sofie, ZG Yang, DE Mccready, S Visco, C Jacobson, and H Kurokawa. 2007. "Enabling Inexpensive Metallic Alloys as SOFC Interconnects: An Investigation into Hybrid Coating Technologies to Deposit Nanocomposite Functional Coatings on Ferritic Stainless Steel." International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 32(16):3672-3681.  doi:10.1016/j.ijhydene.2006.08.012
  • Hardy JS, EC Thomsen, NL Canfield, JV Crum, KS Weil, and LR Pederson. 2007. "Development of Passive Hydrogen Separation Membranes made from Co-Synthesized Nanoscale Cermet Powders ." International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 32:3631 - 3639.  doi:10.1016/j.ijhydene.2006.08.016
  • Holbery J, CH Henager, Jr, SG Pitman, and JV Ryan. 2007. Hydrogen Materials Compatibility - FY 2007 Final ReportPNNL-17233, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Marina OA, LR Pederson, DJ Edwards, CA Coyle, JW Templeton, MH Engelhard, and Z Zhu. 2007. "Effect of Coal Gas Contaminants on Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Operation." ECS Transactions 11(33):63-70. 
  • Mishra RS, S Webb, TA Freeney, YL Chen, X Gayden, GJ Grant, and DR Herling. 2007. "FRICTION STIR SPOT WELDING OF 6016 ALUMINUM ALLOY." In Friction Stir Welding and Processing IV, pp. 341-348.  TMS , Warrendale, PA. 
  • Simner SP, MD Anderson, JW Templeton, and JW Stevenson. 2007. "Silver-Perovskite Composite SOFC Cathodes Processed via Mechanofusion." Journal of Power Sources 168(1):236-239.  doi:10.1016/j.jpowsour.2007.03.029
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  • Wang LQ, XD Zhou, GJ Exarhos, LR Pederson, CM Wang, CF Windisch, Jr, and C Yao. 2007. "Proton Dynamics in ZnO Nanorods Quantified by In Situ Solid-State 1H Nuclear Magnetic Resonance." Applied Physics Letters 91(17):paper number 173107.  doi:10.1063/1.2799734
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  • Yang Z, G Xia, XS Li, P Singh, and JW Stevenson. 2007. Fabrication of (Mn,Co)3O4 Surface Coatings onto Alloy Substrates PNNL-16470, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 


  • Weil KS, JS Hardy, and BJ Koeppel. 2006. "New sealing concept for planar solid oxide fuel cells ." Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance 15(4):427-432. 
  • Yang Z, G Xia, GD Maupin, and JW Stevenson. 2006. "Conductive Protection Layers on Oxidation Resistant Alloys for SOFC Interconnect Applications." Surface & Coatings Technology 201(7):4476-4483. 
  • Zhou XD, J Yang, EC Thomsen, Q Cai, BJ Scarfino, Z Nie, GW Coffey, WJ James, WB Yelon, HU Anderson, and LR Pederson. 2006. "Electrical, Thermoelectric, and Structural Properties of La(MxFe1-x)O3 (M=Mn, Ni, Cu)." Journal of the Electrochemical Society 153(12):J133-J138 . 
  • Darsell JT, JS Hardy, JY Kim, and KS Weil. 2006. "Investigation of Pd-Modified Ag-CuO Air Braze Filler Metals." In Brazing and Soldering: Proceedings of the 3rd International Brazing and Soldering Conference, April 23-26, 2006, San Antonio, Texas, ed. JJ Stephens and KS Weil , pp. 167-175.  ASM International, Materials Park, OH. 
  • Dillon HE, ML Stewart, GD Maupin, TR Gallant, C Li, FH Mao, AJ Pyzik, and R Ramanathan. 2006. "Optimizing the Advanced Ceramic Material (ACM) for Diesel Particulate Filter Applications." In SAE 2007 World Congress & Exhibition, pp. Paper No. 2007-01-1124.  Society of Automotive Engineers, Warrendale, PA.  doi:10.4271/2007-01-1124
  • Hardy JS, and KS Weil. 2006. "Development of High-Temperature Air Braze Filler Metals for Use in Two-Step Joining and Sealing Processes." Welding Journal 87(8):195-s - 201-s. 
  • Rich JS, AM Meier, JY Kim, G Xia, Z Yang, and KS Weil. 2006. "Investigation of Clad Metals for Use as Bipolar Plate Material in PEM Fuel Cell Stacks." In Materials Science & Technology 2006: Fuel Cells and Energy Storage Systems: Materials, Processing, Manufacturing and Power Management Technologies, pp. 165-178.  American Ceramic Society and MS&T Partner Societies, Westerville, OH. 
  • Stephens JJ, and KS Weil. 2006. Brazing and Soldering: Proceedings of the 3rd International Brazing and Soldering Conference.  ASM International, Materials Park, OH. 
  • Weil KS, JY Kim, G Xia, JE Coleman, and Z Yang. 2006. "DEVELOPMENT OF BORIDIZED PASSIVATION LAYER FOR USE IN PEM FUEL CELLS BIPOLAR PLATES ." Chapter 28 in Advanced Ceramic Coatings and Interfaces: Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings, ed. D Zhu, et al, pp. 295-304.  Wiley, Hoboken, NJ.  doi:10.1002/9780470291320.ch28
  • Weil KS, JY Kim, JS Hardy, and JT Darsell. 2006. "Improved Wetting Characteristics in TiO2–Modified Ag-CuO Air Braze Filler Metals." In Brazing and Soldering 2006: Proceedings of the 3rd International Brazing and Soldering Conference, April 23-26, 2006, San Antonio, Texas, ed. JJStephens and KS Weil, pp. 120-124.  ASM International, Materials Park, OH. 
  • Weil KS, JY Kim, JS Hardy, and JT Darsell. 2006. "Investigation of Pd-Modified Ag-CuO Air Braze Filler Metals." In Proceedings of the 3rd Internation Conference on Brazing and Soldering, ed. JJ Stephens and KS Weil, pp. 167-175.  ASM International, Materials Park, OH. 
  • Weil KS, JS Hardy, JP Rice, and JY Kim. 2006. "Brazing as a Means of Sealing Ceramic Membranes for Use in Advanced Coal Gasification Processes." Fuel 85(2):156-162.  doi:10.1016/j.fuel.2005.07.023
  • Weil KS, Z Yang, G Xia, JY Kim, M Hardy, and S Chang. 2006. "Development of Low-Cost, Clad Metal Bipolar Plates for PEM Fuel Cells." In 2005 Annual Merit Review Proceedings, May 23-25, 2005, Arlington, Virginia.  Department of Energy, Washington DC. 


  • Weil KS, JS Hardy, G Xia, and CA Coyle. 2005. "USE OF RUPTURE STRENGTH TESTING IN EXAMINING THE THERMAL CYCLE BEHAVIOR OF VARIOUS TYPES OF PLANAR SOLID OXIDE FUEL CELL SEALS." In Mechanical Properties and Performance of Engineering Ceramics and Composites. A Collection of Papers Presented at the 29th International Conference on Advanced Ceramics and Composites, January 23-28, 2005, Cocoa Beach, Florida: Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings, vol. 26, no. 2, ed. E Lara-Curzio, pp. 149-155.  American Ceramic Society, Westerville, OH.  doi:10.1002/9780470291221.ch19
  • Yang Z, G Xia, and JW Stevenson. 2005. "ELECTRICAL CONTACTS BETWEEN CATHODES AND METALLIC INTERCONNECTS IN SOLID OXIDE FUEL CELLS." In Advances in Solid Oxide Fuel Cells. A Collection of Papers Presented at the 29th International Conference on Advanced Ceramics and Composites, January 23-28, 2005, Cocoa Beach, Florida: Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings, vol. 26, no. 4, ed. NP Bansal, pp. 217-224.  American Ceramic Society, Westerville, OH.  doi:10.1002/9780470291245.ch25
  • Yang Z, G Xia, SP Simner, and JW Stevenson. 2005. "Thermal Growth and Performance of Manganese Cobaltite Spinel Protection Layers on Ferritic Stainless Steel SOFC Interconnects." Journal of the Electrochemical Society 152(9):A1896-A1901. 
  • Azad S, S Thevuthasan, V Shutthanandan, CM Wang, DE Mccready, LV Saraf, OA Marina, and CHF Peden. 2005. "Growth and Characterization of Single-Crystal Multilayer Nanostructures for Fast Ion Conduction." Chapter 16 in Nanothechnology and the Environmental: Applications and Implications. ACS Symposium Series 890, ed. B Karn, et al, pp. 133-141.  American Chemical Society, Washington, DC. 
  • Chen L, Z Yang, B Jha, G Xia, and JW Stevenson. 2005. "Clad Metals, Roll Bonding and their Applications for SOFC Interconnects." Journal of Power Sources 152(1):40-45. 
  • Lamb MC, SJ Camardello, A Meier, KS Weil, and JS Hardy. 2005. "BRAZING OF POROUS ALUMINA TO MONOLITHIC ALUMINA WITH Ag-CuO and Ag-V2O5 ALLOYS." In Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Advanced Ceramics and Composites, January 23-28, 2005, Cocoa Beach, Florida. Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings., vol. 26, no. 3, pp. 391-398.  American Ceramic Society, Westerville, OH. 
  • Mukerjee S, K Haltiner, S Shaffer, KD Meinhardt, LA Chick, VL Sprenkle, KS Weil, and JY Kim. 2005. "DEVELOPMENT UPDATE ON DELPHI’S SOFC STACK." In SOFC-IX, Proceedings of the 207th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society, May 15-20, 2005, Quebec City, Quebec, vol. 1, ed. SC Singhal and J Mitzusaki, pp. 48-58.  Electrochemical Society, Pennington, NJ. 
  • Nyberg E, MR Miller, K Simmons, and KS Weil. 2005. "Manufacturers 'need better quality titanium PM powders'." Metal Powder Report 60(10):8-13.  doi:10.1016/S0026-0657(05)70496-3
  • Nyberg EA, MR Miller, KL Simmons, and KS Weil. 2005. "Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Titanium Components Fabricated by a New Powder Injection Molding Technique." Materials Science and Engineering. C. Biomimetic Materials, Sensors and Systems 25(3):336-342. 
  • Stephens EV, GJ Grant, RW Davies, S Wazny, L Kaunitz, B Fulbright, and D Waldron. 2005. "Evaluation of the Mechanical Performance of Self-Piercing Rivets in Friction Stir Welded Structures." In Advances in Welding and Friction Stir Welding for Automotive Applications: Society of Automotive Engineers 2005 World Congress, April 11-14, 2005, Detroit, Michigan, vol. SP-1959, pp. 153-158.  SAE International, Warrendale, PA. 
  • Weil KS, and JT Darsell. 2005. "An Interfacial Characterization of Pd-Ag-CuO Reactive Air Joints with Alumina." In 107th American Ceramic Society Annual Meeting and Exposition.  American Ceramic Society, Westerville, OH. 
  • Weil KS, CA Coyle, JS Hardy, G Xia, and JY Kim. 2005. "NEW PLANAR SOFC SEALING TECHNIQUES FOR POTENTIAL TRANSPORTATION APPLICATIONS." In Proceedings of SOFC IX, vol. 2, ed. SC Singhal and J Mizusaki, pp. 1957-1966.  Electrochemical Society, Pennington, NJ. 
  • Yang Z, SP Simner, P Singh, G Xia, and JW Stevenson. 2005. Development of (Mn,Co)3O4 Protection Layers for Ferritic Stainless Steel InterconnectsPNNL-15303, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Zink NM, A Meier, KS Weil, and JS Hardy. 2005. "REACTIVE AIR BRAZING OF LSCoF AND ALUMINA WITH Ag-V2O5 ALLOYS FOR SOFC APPLICATIONS." In Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Advanced Ceramics and Composites, January 23-28, 2005, Cocoa Beach, Florida. Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings, vol. 26, no. 3, pp. 341-348.  American Ceramic Society, Westerville, OH. 


  • Marina OA, and M Mogensen. 2004. "Hydrogen and Methane Oxidation on a Gadolinia-Doped Ceria Electrode Deposited on a YSZ Electrolyte." In Fifth International Symposium on Ionic and Mixed Conducting Ceramics , vol. PV2004-25, ed. TA Ramanarayanan.  Electrochemical Society, Pennington, NJ. 
  • Zhou XD, LR Pederson, Q Cai, J Yang, BJ Scarfino, M Kim, WB Yelon, WJ James, HU Anderson, and C Wang. 2004. "Structural and magnetic properties of LaMn1-xFexO3 (0<x<1.0)." Journal of Applied Physics 99(8):Art. no. 08M918. 
  • Hunt W, and DR Herling. 2004. "Aluminum Metal Matrix Composites." Advanced Materials & Processes 162(2):39-44. 
  • Yang Z, MS Walker, P Singh, JW Stevenson, and T Norby. 2004. "Oxidation Behavior of Ferritic Stainless Steels under SOFC Interconnect Exposure Conditions." Journal of the Electrochemical Society 151(12):B669-B678. 


  • Palo DR, EG Baker, YH Chin, JD Holladay, and RA Dagle. 2003. "Fuel Processor Development for a Soldier-Portable Power System." In AIChE 2003 Spring National Meeting, 2nd Topical Conference on Fuel Cell Technology , pp. 143-147.  AIChE, New York, NY. 
  • Weil KS, and JY Kim. 2003. "Development of a Copper Oxide-Silver Braze for Ceramic Joining." In Advances in Joining of Ceramics: Proceedings of the Symposium held at the 104th Annual Meeting of The American Ceramic Society, Ceramic Transactions, vol. 138, ed. CA Lewinsohn, M Singh, R Loehman, pp. 119-134.  American Ceramic Society, Westerville, OH. 
  • Weil KS, JS Hardy, and JY Kim. 2003. "Development of a Silver-Copper Oxide Braze for Joining Metallic and Ceramic Components in Electrochemical Devices." In 2nd International Brazing and Soldering Conference, p. 1.1.  American Welding Society, Miami, FL. 
  • Yang Z, KS Weil, KD Meinhardt, JW Stevenson, DM Paxton, G Xia, and DS Kim. 2003. "Chemical Compatibility of Barium-Calcium-Aluminosilicate Based Sealing Glasses with Heat Resistant Alloys." In Materials Solutions 2002; Columbus, OH; USA; 7-9 Oct. 2002. International Conference on Joining of Advanced and Specialty Materials, pp. 116-122.  ASM International, Materials Park, OH. 


  • Windisch CF, Jr, JW Stevenson, SP Simner, RE Williford, and LA Chick. 2002. "Experimentally-Calibrated, Spreadsheet-Based SOFC Unit-Cell Performance Model." In 2002 Fuel Cell Seminar: Fuel Cells - Reliable, Clean Energy for the World, November 19-21, 2002, Palm Springs, California., pp. 383-386  Fuel Cell Seminar, Washington, DC. 


  • Grant GJ, DE Mccready, DR Herling, and MT Smith. 2001. "Interfacial Reactions at Elevated Temperatures in New Low-Cost AL/SiC Metal Matrix Composite." In Affordable metal-matrix composites for high performance applications, ed. Ab Pandey, KL Kendig, TJ Watson, pp. 233-250.  The minerals, metals and materials society, Warrendale, PA. 
  • Barlow SE, AC Ebeling, GD Maupin, ML Balmer, AG Panov, CHF Peden, RG Tonkyn, K Epping, JW Hoard, B Cho, SJ Schmieg, D Brooks, S Nunn, and P Davis. 2001. "E. Plasma Catalysis for NOx Reduction from Light-Duty Diesel Vehicles." In FY 2001 Progress Report for Combustion and Emission Control for Advancd CIDI Engines, pp. 65-72.  US Department of Energy. Office of Transportation Technologies, Washington, D.C.. 
  • Chick LA, JW Stevenson, KD Meinhardt, SP Simner, JE Jaffe, and RE Williford. 2001. "Modeling and Performance of Anode-Supported SOFC." In Fuel Cells - Powering the 21st Century : 2000 Fuel Cell Seminar, October 30-November 2, 2000, Portland, Oregon, pp. 619-622.  Courtesy Associates, Washington, DC. 


  • Herling DR, MR Smith, MD Hemingway, D Goulette, and TW Silvis. 2000. "Evaluation of Corona Reactors of Several Geometries for a Plasma Assisted Nitrogen Oxide Emission Reduction Device." In SAE International Fall Fuels & Lubricants Meeting & Exposition, pp. 2000-01-2899.  Society of Automobile Engineers, Warrendale, PA. 


  • Stevenson JW, TR Armstrong, LR Pederson, CA Lewinsohn, and S Baskaran. 1999. "Effect of A-Site Cation Nonstoichiometry on the Properties of Doped Lanthanum Gallate." Solid State Ionics 113-115:571-583.  doi:10.1016/S0167-2738(98)00324-5

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