Communities of Interest (COI)

Underpinning the science and technology (S&T) ExCom leadership is an ecosystem of technical groups known as Communities of Interest (COI). These groups cover 17 technical areas that span the cross-cutting science and technology in the Department. The scope of each of these COIs and their associated technical sub-groups is shown in the the Reliance 21 document.

Communities of Interest (COIS) image containing category boxes: Advanced Electronics; Air Platforms; Autonomy; Biomedical (ASBREM); CounterIED; CounterWMD; Cyber Security; Electronic Warfare / Electronic Pretection; Energy & Power Technologies; Engineered Resilient Systems; Ground & Sea Platforms; Human System; Command, Control, Comma, Computers, and Intelligence (C4I); Materials & Manufacturing Processes; Sensors & Processing; Space; Weapons Technologies

The collection of COIs serve as an enduring structure to integrate technology efforts throughout the DoD S&T enterprise. While they cover the majority of the DoD’s S&T investment, some Service specific investments are not included in these groups.

COIs were established in 2009 as a mechanism to encourage multi-agency coordination and collaboration in cross-cutting technology focus areas with broad multiple-Component investment. COIs provide a forum for coordinating S&T strategies across the Department, sharing new ideas, technical directions and technology opportunities, jointly planning programs, measuring technical progress, and reporting on the general state of health for specific technology areas.


Dept of Defense US Air Force OASAALT RDECOM ONR NRL US Air Force Joint Chiefs of Staff Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency Force Health Protection & Readiness Defense Threat Reduction Agency Missile Defense Agency Joint Improvised Explosive Device Defeat Organization Chemical & Biological Defense Program