The Science & Technology ExCom

Reliance 21 is led by the Science and Technology (S&T) Executive Committee (ExCom), chaired by Assistant Secretary of Defense for Research & Engineering, ASD(R&E), and comprised of  the major departmental S&T organizations. The ExCom prioritizes resources and provides strategic oversight and guidance to the combined S&T workforce, laboratories, and facilities.

S&T Executive Committe infographic

A strong connection with the warfighter underpins the S&T ExCom, through understanding needs and exploitation opportunities across the Services, and close interaction with the Joint Staff.

Through the ExCom, the S&T Leadership shapes and oversees the S&T Enterprise, establishing Communities of Interest and tasking those technical groups to conduct assessments and formulate strategies to address emerging challenges. The ExCom ensures delivery against the Department’s S&T Priorities and recommends new priorities or redirects activities in response to changing Defense needs and Strategic Guidance.


S&T ExCom Membership


  • Assistant Secretary of Defense for Research & Engineering
  • Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Research
  • Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Emerging Capabilities & Prototyping
  • Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Force Health Protection and Readiness
  • Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Manufacturing and Industrial Base Policy
  • Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Chemical & Biological Defense

Military Departments

  • Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Science, Technology, Engineering
  • Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army (Research and Technology)
  • Chief of Naval Research
  • Joint Staff, J8 Deputy Director for Resources and Acquisition


  • Deputy Director, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
  • Program Executive for Advanced Technology, Missile Defense Agency
  • Deputy Director for Rapid Capability Delivery, Joint IED Defeat Organization
  • Associate Director for R&D, Defense Threat Reduction Agency
Dept of Defense US Air Force OASAALT RDECOM ONR NRL US Air Force Joint Chiefs of Staff Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency Force Health Protection & Readiness Defense Threat Reduction Agency Missile Defense Agency Joint Improvised Explosive Device Defeat Organization Chemical & Biological Defense Program