Cyberspace/IT Workforce

The DON CIO is the community leader for the DON Cyberspace/Information Technology workforce. More.

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DON Cyberspace IT and Cybersecurity Workforce Management and Qualification Manual

SECNAV M-5239.2 - June 30, 2016

The manual updates Department of Navy workforce policy and responsibilities to support the DON's transition from the Information Assurance Workforce Program to the new DoD Cyberspace Workforce structure.

DON Cyberspace Information Technology and Cybersecurity Workforce Management and Qualification

SECNAV INSTRUCTION 5239.20A - February 10, 2016

This instruction serves to establish policy and assigns responsibilities for management and qualification of the Department of the Navy (DON) Cyberspace Information Technology and Cybersecurity Workforce (Cyber IT/CSWF).

Coding of DON Positions Performing Cybersecurity Functions

DON CIO Memo - April 8, 2015

This memo details how the DON Chief Information Officer, DON Office of Civilian Human Resources, and Navy and Marine Corps civilian cybersecurity management personnel developed the responsibilities, requirements, and procedures necessary for FY 2015 implementation of OPM's direction to code positions that perform cybersecurity work with Cybersecurity Data Element Codes.

The Department of Defense Cyber Strategy

DoD Strategy Document - April 1, 2015

The purpose of this Cyber Strategy, the Department's second, is to guide the development of DoD's cyber forces and strengthen the cyber defense and cyber deterrence posture. It focuses on building cyber capabilities and organizations for DoD's three cyber missions: to defend DoD networks, systems, and information; defend the U.S. homeland and U.S. national interests against cyberattacks of significant consequence; and ...

DON Implementation Of The Risk Management Framework For DoD IT

DON CIO Memo - May 20, 2014

The purpose of this memo is to implement the Risk Management Framework for Department of Defense Information Technology, within the Department of the Navy.

Cyberspace/IT Workforce Continuous Learning

SECNAVINST 1543.2 - November 30, 2012

The purpose of this instruction is to establish policy and procedures for Department of the Navy cyberspace/information technology(IT) workforce (WF) professional development through a continuous learning program (CLP). The CLP requires 40 hours per year of education, training, certification and other activities that support the sustainment and continued improvement of the capabilities of the DON Cyberspace/IT WF.

From Wounded Warrior to Civilian Employee

A Workplace Reference Guide for Managers and Supervisors - March 12, 2012

This guide provides information on how to successfully support veterans who have transitioned to the civilian workplace. Several commands were instrumental in developing and editing content for the guide, which was published by the Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Manpower and Reserve Affairs).

DON Cyber Range Policy Guidance

DON CIO Memo - February 1, 2012

This memo formally establishes Department of the Navy Cyber Range guidance. The Cyber Range provides an operationally realistic environment to support exercises, training, testing and evaluation with no risk to operational networks.

DON Information Assurance Workforce Management Oversight & Compliance Council Charter

DON Charter - March 16, 2009

This charter establishes the DON Information Assurance Workforce Management Oversight and Compliance Council (IAWF MOCC). The IAWF MOCC will provide DON-wide oversight of, and ensure compliance with, the IAWF improvement program. The IAWF MOCC will oversee development of IAWF education, training and certification standards.


Strengthening the DON’s Cybersecurity Posture

by Robert Foster - October 31, 2016

With increasing frequency, we read about computer networks being hacked — in both the public and private sectors. You may have been affected by one of the latest incidents on your own home network, the attack that brought several popular websites, including Amazon, Twitter and Netflix, to a standstill for hours. Though it did not affect our DON network, it is a compelling reminder that cyber intrusions are increasing in ...

DON Cyberspace (Cyber) IT and Cybersecurity Workforce - Who Are We?

by Chris Kelsall - September 14, 2016

Remember Clinger-Cohen and the original Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA), when it was called the Information Technology, Information Management, Information Resources Management and Information Assurance (IT/IM/IRM/IA) Workforce? That was 10 years ago. Since then, the world has moved on to cyber and cybersecurity, with a lot of workforce definitions and titles coming and going - and staying....

DON Cyberspace (Cyber) IT and Cybersecurity Workforce Credentialing

by Chris Kelsall - September 14, 2016

With the publication of DoD Directive 8140.01, "Cyberspace Workforce Management" and Secretary of the Navy (SECNAV) Instruction 5239.20A, "Department of the Navy Cyberspace Information Technology and Cybersecurity Workforce (DON Cyber IT/CSWF) Management and Qualification," a new approach to education, training and Cyber IT/CSWF qualification will occur. ...

SECNAV M-5239.2 Significantly Revises DON Cyber/IT Workforce Policy

June 30, 2016

SECNAV Manual 5239.2, "DON Cyberspace IT and Cybersecurity Workforce Management and Qualification," was signed by the Secretary of the Navy on June 27, 2016. The manual updates Department of Navy workforce policy and responsibilities to support the DON's transition from the Information Assurance Workforce Program to the new DoD Cyberspace Workforce structure.

DON CIO Awards Recognize Information Management and Information Technology Excellence

by Navy News Service - April 20, 2016

Department of the Navy Chief Information Officer (DON CIO) Robert Foster recognized more than 10 individuals and teams for transforming the Navy and Marine Corps through information technology during a ceremony at the Washington E. Walter Convention Center April 20.

DON CIO Congratulates 2016 DON IM/IT Award Winners

March 4, 2016

The Department of the Navy Chief Information Officer is pleased to announce the winners of the 2016 DON IM/IT Excellence Awards. The awards recognize teams and individuals for various categories of awards related to information management and information technology. The following were selected as the 2016 winners.

SECNAVINST 5239.20A, Significantly Revises DON Cyber/IT Workforce Policy

March 1, 2016

SECNAVINST 5239.20A, DON Cyber IT and CSWF Management and Qualification updates Department of Navy (DON) workforce policy and responsibilities to support the DON's transition from the current IA Workforce Program to the new DoD Cyberspace Workforce structure. The new structure is outlined in DoD Directive 8140.01, Cyberspace Workforce Management (11 Aug 2015). SECNAVINST 5239.20A includes significant changes. ...

Taking Advantage of Learning and Networking Opportunities

by Rob Foster - February 4, 2016

It is very important to me to spend time meeting with Department of the Navy (DON) stakeholders to maintain active communication and feedback channels. I have made it a point to get out of the Pentagon and visit various Navy and Marine Corps commands to see for myself the excellent IT-related work that’s taking place and hear directly about IT-related challenges and concerns. I have strongly encouraged the DON Chief ...

DON CIO's Chris Kelsall Receives CompTIA's Excellence in Cybersecurity Award

January 14, 2016

On January 12, 2016, Chris Kelsall, the DON CIO Cybersecurity Workforce Branch Head, received the CompTIA Excellence in Cybersecurity award. This award recognizes Members of Congress and Federal Agency Program Managers who have supported the need for a strong cyber workforce and leadership cadre in the cybersecurity community. The group specifically lauded Mr. Kelsall's leadership and efforts in developing and executing ...

Carter Unveils New DoD Cyber Strategy in Silicon Valley

by Cheryl Pellerin, DoD News, Defense Media Activity - April 23, 2015

Defense Secretary Ash Carter today unveiled the Defense Department's second cyber strategy to guide the development of DoD's cyber forces and to strengthen its cyber defenses and its posture on cyber deterrence.

The Time for Digital Spring Cleaning is Now!

by National Cyber Security Alliance - April 10, 2015

The National Cyber Security Alliance (NCSA) and Better Business Bureau (BBB) say now is the perfect time for a "digital spring cleaning." In many households, spring cleaning is an annual ritual marked by clearing out closets, basements and garages, de-cluttering cabinets and getting everything spic and span. While making sure your home is in tip-top shape, don’t forget about getting a fresh start with your online ...

CASP and CSSLP Courses Now Available on FedVTE

September 29, 2014

Free online cybersecurity training for the CompTIA Advanced Security Practitioner (CASP) Certification, and the (ISC)2 Certified Secure Software Lifecycle Professional (CSSLP) is now available to users on the Federal Virtual Training Environment (FedVTE). A FedVTE account is required to access the training, which prepares all interested users to succeed on the associated certification exams. ...

Navy COOL Offers Certification Opportunities

July 28, 2014

Did you know... Navy COOL (Credentialing Opportunities On-Line) provides funding for initial certification exams and annual maintenance fees for enlisted service members, officers and Department of the Navy civilians?

In Praise of the DON Cyberspace/IT Workforce

July 12, 2013

Admiral David G. Farragut once said, referring to Marines aboard Navy vessels, that a ship without Marines is like a coat without buttons. A similar sentiment could be expressed regarding our Department of the Navy civilian workforce. In today’s climate of austere budgets, sequestration and furloughs for our civilian workforce, we spend a lot of time talking about where and how we’re going to spend – and not spend – our ...

Information Assurance Workforce Baseline Certification Update

April 25, 2013

This alert provides notice of changes to the Department of Defense (DoD) 8570.01 Manual, "Information Assurance Workforce Improvement Program" baseline certifications. One certification has been added and two have been removed from the list.

Online Career Catalog To Provide Training Info

April 9, 2013

National Initiative for Cybersecurity Careers and Studies (NICCS) aims to be a single online resource for cybersecurity education and career information. As part of that effort, NICCS houses a Cybersecurity Education and Training Catalog that allows users to find training they need to advance their careers.

Capabilities of DON Cyberspace/IT Workforce to Improve

December 28, 2012

The Department of the Navy recently established policy for professional development of the DON Cyberspace/Information Technology Workforce through a continuous learning program.

Information Assurance Scholarship Program

August 24, 2012

The Information Assurance Scholarship Program (IASP), authorized by Chapter 112 Title 10 United States Code, is designed to increase the number of qualified personnel entering the information assurance (IA) and information technology fields within the Department. It also serves as a mechanism to strengthen the IA infrastructure through grants, while assisting the Department in addressing emerging IA/IT issues, and as a ...

Master's and Doctorate Level Scholarships Available to DON Personnel

August 24, 2012

Scholarships are being offered for Department of the Navy civilian and military personnel through the Department of Defense Information Assurance Scholarship Program to meet the increasing demand for cyber/information technology professionals with a cybersecurity/information assurance (CS/IA) focus. These scholarships for master's and doctorate level work cover the cost of tuition, fees, and books. They can be used for ...

Message from the DON CIO: Transforming Business IT for a More Effective Department

by Terry Halvorsen - April 20, 2012

Two years ago, Adm. Mike Mullen, former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, called the national debt the greatest threat to national security. He also emphasized the importance of good fiscal stewardship and the need for Department of Defense leaders to work together to cut spending, which had doubled from 2000 to 2010.

DON CIO Discusses Changing Requirements for the Cyber/IT Workforce

February 17, 2012

The Department of the Navy Chief Information Officer spoke of the need to change requirements of the Department of Navy Cyber/IT workforce to stay competitive in the rapidly changing IT environment of today. During the DON IT Conference, Terry Halvorsen, DON CIO, spoke of his multidimensional approach to further professionalize the workforce through updating skill requirements, increasing coordination with DON business ...

Cybersecurity/IA Workforce Management Strengthened

July 8, 2010

To ensure continuous oversight and sustainment of the Information Assurance Workforce Improvement Program, the Department of the Navy signed out a new instruction that further defines cybersecurity and information assurance workforce management and assigns compliance responsibilities.


Rob Foster, Department of the Navy Chief Information Officer

July 2, 2015

Rob Foster was selected as the Department of the Navy Chief Information Officer effective June 2015. In support of the Deputy Under Secretary of the Navy for Management, Mr. Foster heads the Office of the DON CIO and is the DON's senior official and advisor on matters related to Information Management (IM), Information Technology (IT)/cyberspace, and Information Resources Management (IRM). He develops strategies, ...

Workforce Competency and Career Planning

September 13, 2012

This toolkit assists individuals in developing, tracking, and managing their careers and facilitates competency management for the information management/information technology and knowledge management (KM) professional at the organizational level.

Cyberspace/IT Workforce

March 27, 2008

The DON CIO is the Community Leader for the DON Cyberspace/Information Technology workforce. The Cyberspace/IT workforce includes military and government civilians who plan, budget, manipulate, control and archive information throughout its life cycle; develop, acquire, implement, evaluate, maintain and retire information, information systems and IT; develop the necessary policies and procedures; and apply measures ...

DON Continuous Learning Guidance for the IM/IT Workforce

July 3, 2000

The DON expects that all civilian and military IM/IT core workforce professionals will participate in 80 hours of continuous learning activities per year that augment the minimum competencies established in their career fields and required for specific IM/IT workforce assignments. The core IM/IT workforce is defined as those personnel who are focused on military and civilian IM/IT careers. For every job, these ...