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Online Course Syllabus

CLEAR has developed a sample Online Course Syllabus that you may download and personalize. It contains placeholders for information to be included, along with suggestions for what types of information can be added. Important university policies and helpful contact information for student support are also included.

Consider the following items as a foundation for a syllabus that helps students understand the instructor's expectations as well as basic course information. Including each item may not be necessary.

  • A brief statement of overall course objectives that introduces students to what they should know and be able to do by the end of a course. Consider the personal tone set here as an important aspect of this statement.
  • A few words about course format, so that students know what to expect about how the teacher will be using class time.
  • A brief statement of expectations in terms of student responsibilities, clearly stating what the teacher expects (such as participation and the level of work).
  • A statement of what assessment techniques will be used to evaluate students, including information on grading policies.
  • A schedule of class dates and topics, along with week-by-week reading assignments.
  • Due dates for papers, exams, projects, and so on, including any policies about late assignments.
  • Any pertinent policies and procedures (such as class attendance, making up assignments, and university-wide policies).