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Coastal Hazard Analysis Modeling Program (CHAMP), Version 2.0

Cover photo for the document: Coastal Hazard Analysis Modeling Program (CHAMP), Version 2.0
Coastal Hazard Analysis Modeling Program (CHAMP) is a Windows-interfaced Visual Basic language program that allows the user to enter data, perform coastal engineering analyses, view and tabulate results, and chart summary information for each representative transect along a coastline within a user-friendly graphical interface. With CHAMP, the user can import digital elevation data; perform storm-induced erosion treatments, wave height analyses, and wave runup analyses; plot summary graphics of the results; and create summary tables and reports in a single environment.
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Icon for file of type text/plainSystem Requirements
Icon for file of type application/pdfUser's Manual - Section Number: Instruction Manual PDF
Icon for file of type application/zipSoftware and Associated Information.
Icon for file of type application/zipSample Data Set
Icon for file of type application/zipCHAMP Version 2.0 Software - Section Number: Executable setup module