Indian Affairs | Leadership

Indian Affairs Leadership 

Larry Roberts photo resized

Lawrence S. Roberts
Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary - Indian Affairs

 Anne Bledsoe-Downs, Deputy ASIA

Ann Marie Bledsoe Downes
Deputy Assistant Secretary - Indian Affairs
Policy and Economic Development



Paula Hart photo resized

Paula L. Hart
Director, Office of Indian Gaming


Bureau of Indian Affairs Leadership

 Bruce Loudermilk, Director, BIA photo

Weldon "Bruce" Loudermilk
Director, Bureau of Indian Affairs 


Mike Smith
Deputy Bureau Director - Field Operations

Helen Riggs, Director, Trust Services, photo 

Helen Riggs
Deputy Bureau Director - Trust Services

Hankie Ortiz photo resized

Hankie Ortiz
Deputy Bureau Director - Indian Services

Darren Cruzan photo resized

Darren A. Cruzan
Deputy Bureau Director -  Justice Services



Bureau of Indian Education Leadership

 Tony Dearman, Director, Bureau of Indian Education

Tony Dearman
Director, Bureau of Indian Education 


View AS-IA Organization Chart (jpg)


View AS-IA Organization Chart (pdf)


View BIA Organization Chart


View BIE Organization Chart