Indian Affairs | How Do I...

How Do I... 

Q. How do I Trace my American Indian/Alaska Native ancestry?
A. Indian Affairs does not carry out genealogical research. However, we do provide general information about tracing American Indian/Alaska Native ancestry to a federally recognized tribe. A good place to start is by downloading the Guide to Tracing Your American Indian Ancestry which gives valuable information on the process.

Q. How do I find contact information for the federally recognized tribes?
A. Please refer to the BIA’s Tribal Leaders Directory.

Q. How to I find information on scholarships for American Indian and/or Alaska Native students?
A. For more information on scholarships please visit the Bureau of Indian Education website and the Higher Education Scholarship Grant program for eligible students from federally recognized tribes.

Q. How to I find contact information for Indian Affairs offices?
A. Indian Affairs is comprised of the Office of the Assistant Secretary-Indian Affairs, the Bureau of Indian Affairs and the Bureau of Indian Education. Click on the links to see contact information for each office.

Q. How do I find information on funding for American Indian and/or Alaska Native owned businesses?
A. Please contact the Office of Indian Energy and Economic Development for information on economic development and green business opportunities in Indian country.

Q. How do I find information on BIA social services or its general assistance program?
A. Please visit the Office of Indian Services whose mission is to support tribal people and tribal governments by promoting safe and quality living environments, strong communities, self sufficient and individual rights.

Q. Need to contact a specific federally recognized Tribe?
A. Please refer to the individual tribes website or other resources. A list of contact information for federally recognized tribes is available by following this link.

Q. I would like to find Bureau of Indian Affairs employment opportunities.
A. Please visit the BIA vacancy list at

Q. How do I find out more about the federal recognition process for Tribes?
A. Please visit the Office of Federal Acknowledgment. The OFA within the Office of the Assistant Secretary - Indian Affairs of the Department of the Interior (DOI) implements Part 83 of Title 25 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Procedures for Establishing that an American Indian Group Exists as an Indian Tribe. The acknowledgment process is the Department's administrative process by which petitioning groups that meet the criteria are "acknowledged" as Indian tribes and their members become eligible to receive services provided to members of federally recognized Indian tribes. The acknowledgment regulations are the result of a rulemaking process that included notice and extensive public comment.

Q. I have a question about Indian Health Care.
A. Please visit the Indian Health Service, which is part of the U.S. Public Health Service under the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

Q. How do I report an Environmental Location of Concern?
A. Instructions for reporting these types of locations can be found by following this link: Guidance for Implementing Due Care on Environmental and Disposal Liabilities Reporting