Featured Links

Crime Maps

Click here to view crime maps  of the surrounding areas.


This page contains links to the biographies of Fairchild Air Force Base's leadership. This page also includes links to biographies of the Air Mobility Command's leadership and other Air Force leaders -- including current and retired, military and civilian. To view the Biographies page, click here.

Fact Sheets

This section contains fact sheets related to Fairchild Air Force Base and its mission. It also contains links to the Air Mobility Command's fact sheets and Air Force fact sheets. To visit this page, click here.

AMC Passenger Terminal

The Fairchild AFB Passenger Terminal is committed to providing you the best possible service. Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns during your visit with the Fairchild Passenger Terminal.


Under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, written requests for Air Mobility Command records may be received by postal service, facsimile or electronically at 92cs.scok-foia@fairchild.af.mil. For more information, click here.

Retiree Activities Office

The Retiree Activities Office acts as an interface between the active duty and retired communities. It keep retirees and their loved ones informed on matters related to their military status. It provides important information and vital services on issues regarding TRICARE, military ID cards, Survivor benefits, Death Reporting and much more.

Public Affairs

The 92nd Air Refueling Wing Public Affairs is focused on delivering truthful, credible, accurate and timely information to key audiences in order to enhance their understanding and appreciation for Air Force capabilities and contributions to national security, while maintaining due regard for privacy and communication security.

Community Relations

Fairchild Air Force Base's community relations programs are designed to enhance morale, public trust, and support and to demonstrate that the Air Force is a community partner and a responsible steward of National resources.


Here, incoming personnel will find useful links and information to help them transition into the Fairchild family. To view this page, click here.

Editorial Policy

Fairchild AFB' editorial policy page provides the public affiars office's policy and submission guidelines. This information is useful for those looking to request or submit a public affairs product.


Fairchild AFB and the surrounding area is host to a variety of aviation activities. Military training, commercial airline operations, parachute jumping and general aviation all take place within a relatively small volume of airspace. The Mid-Air Collision Avoidance website is designed to keep flyers in the know at all times.