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Building Science Support and Code Changes Aiding Sandy Recovery Fact Sheet (2014)

Cover photo for the document: Building Science Support and Code Changes Aiding Sandy Recovery Fact Sheet (2014)

Two years ago, Hurricane Sandy made landfall, devastating New Jersey and New York with tens of billions of dollars in damages. Since then, recovery activities have focused on increasing resilience of buildings and the lifeline infrastructure. Significant progress on this front, described in this fact sheet, includes:

- Deployment of the Hurricane Sandy Mitigation Assessment Team (MAT) to assess damage and make recommendations

- Updated building codes at the local, State, and national levels

- Recovery projects across New Jersey, New York, and New York City to restore critical facilities and infrastructure

- Developing a culture of resilient recovery in building mitigation and risk reduction actions

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Icon for file of type application/pdfBuilding Science Support and Code Changes Aiding Sandy Recovery
0.37MNovember 19, 2014