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Coastal Resources for Home Builders, Developers & Construction Professionals

This page provides information for home builders, developers and/or construction professionals regarding the ongoing coastal analysis and mapping effort for coastal areas across the United States and how this effort relates to building codes/standards, client/buyer hazard risks and expectations and sustainability of projects. This page also provides information about how professionals can research flood risk in their area and apply flood-resistant building standards to properties that can reduce risk--potentially lowering flood insurance premium and protecting the property from coastal storm damage.


Point Pleasant, N.J., Feb. 25, 2013 -- Construction is underway for Jenkinson's boardwalk projected to be completed by Memorial Day of 2013. FEMA works with federal, state and private sector, to assist people impacted by the storm.

FEMA is conducting an in-depth, large-scale series of studies to re-examine flood hazards and related risks in the coastal communities. This will result in new Flood Insurance Studies (FISs) and associated Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs) that will reflect up-to-date coastal flood hazard information.

As a result, property owners throughout the U.S. will have up-to-date, reliable and internet-accessible information about their flood risk. Some residents and business owners will learn that their flood risk is designated as higher—or lower—than on the previous FIRM.

As a home builder, developer and/or construction professional, it is important for you to understand flood zones and how they relate to building codes/standards, client/buyer hazard risks and expectations and ultimately the sustainability of your projects. There are steps you can take in the siting, design and construction of your properties that can reduce risk--potentially lowering flood insurance premium and protecting the property from coastal storm damage.

What You Should Know and Why

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Steps You Can Take

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For More Information

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Last Updated: 
02/24/2016 - 08:47