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Application Development

This page provides information on developing mitigation planning and projects subapplications for the Hazard Mitigation Assistance grant programs. FEMA does not accept incomplete mitigation planning or project subapplications. Applications submitted to FEMA must meet the minimum eligibility criteria for all submittals.

All applications submitted must include, but are not limited to, a scoping narrative (scope of work, work schedule, and detailed cost estimate) and forms. All mitigation project subapplications must also include, proof of cost-effectiveness, feasibility and effectiveness, documentation of compliance with Environmental and Historic Preservation laws and forms.

For a list of relevant forms, see the bottom of this webpage.

A scoping narrative is a primary required piece of the grant application that includes three elements: scope of work, a work schedule, and a detail cost estimate. FEMA uses the scoping narrative information to determine whether the activities or projects are eligible, whether the Applicant can complete the activities within the required Period of Performance (POP), and whether the proposed costs are reasonable.

The scoping narrative requires a short overview and descriptions of proposed activities. The description of activities must include the proposed approach, how the outcomes will be reached, the level of effort anticipated (including key milestones and work schedule), and the relationship of each activity to the cost estimate. The responsible party for each task must be identified in the scoping narrative. Descriptions of the methods used to manage the tasks, and monitor and report on progress must also be identified.

The scoping narrative will become part of the conditions of the award; therefore sufficient detail is required so FEMA can monitor progress as the work is accomplished. The entity submitting the application must be an eligible applicant and must have a FEMA-approved mitigation plan.

Mitigation Planning Subapplication Resources

HMA Guidance on scope, schedule, and cost requirements

State Mitigation Plan Review Guide (March 2015)

Local Mitigation Plan Review Guide (English) (October 2011)

Local Mitigation Plan Review Guide (Spanish) (October 2011)

Tribal Multi-Hazard Mitigation Planning Guidance (March 2010)

Local Mitigation Planning Handbook

Local Mitigation Plan Scope of Work

Plan Tip Sheet

Mitigation Project Subapplication Scope of Work Examples

Acquisition and Relocation of Floodprone Structures

Acquisition of Floodprone Properties

Drainage/Stormwater Management Project

Elevation of Floodprone Structures

Local Mitigation Plan

Protective Measures Retrofit Projects for Utility, Water, and Sanitary Systems and Infrastructure

Seismic Structural and Non-Structural Retrofit Projects

Wind Retrofit Projects

FEMA will only consider applications that use a FEMA-approved methodology to demonstrate cost-effectiveness.  This is typically demonstrated by the calculation of a Benefit Cost Ratio.  Projects for which benefits exceed costs are generally cost-effectiveness.  Please refer to the Benefit-Cost Analysis page for additional details.

Mitigation projects submitted for HMA grants must be feasible and effective at mitigating the risks of the hazard for which the project was designed for.

Below are sample case studies to assist with developing projects.

Engineering Case Studies
Engineering Help Module
Minor Structural Flood Control Projects
Non-Structural Seismic Retrofit
Structural Seismic Retrofit
Wind Shutters

All applications must comply with EHP laws and regulations.  For detail information on EHP compliance, please refer to the Environmental and Historic Preservation page.

All applications must have proper forms.  Below is a list of the application and assurances and certifications forms.

Below is a list of additional forms that may be required in a HMA application.

Last Updated: 
06/02/2016 - 08:52