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Award Closeout

This page covers FEMA’s subaward closeout process and highlights the roles and responsibilities of FEMA and the Recipient during closeout. For HMGP, PDM and FMA grants, the subaward closeout process begins when all tasks of the project funded by a subaward are complete. The Recipient must submit a request for closeout within 180 days of subaward completion.    

HMA Subaward Closeout

For HMGP awards the regulations referenced in 2 CFR. Part 200 apply to all awards made under disaster declarations, authorized by the Robert T. Stafford Act Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, as amended, on or after December 26, 2014.   Prior to that date, applicable FEMA regulations at 44 CFR, Part 13 and Office of Management and Budget Circulars apply. 

The Recipient has primary responsibility for the closeout tasks associated with both the program and subrecipient requirements.  The Recipient must conduct final inspections for projects, reconcile subrecipient expenditures, resolve negative audit findings, obtain final reports from subrecipients, and reconcile the closeout activities of subrecipients with all award requirements. These activities must all be done within the award’s period of performance. Below is the list of the subaward closeout process.

  1. To initiate the subaward closeout process, the Recipient notifies FEMA that the subaward is ready for closeout and submits a closeout letter to FEMA signed by the Governor or the Governor’s Authorized Representative (GAR).  This letter must certify that all reported costs were incurred in the performance of eligible work, the work was completed, and the mitigation measure is in compliance with the FEMA-State Agreement.
  2. Specific project documentation must be submitted including (this is not a complete list) details about the project, certification that the project is in compliance with all applicable regulations and a final site inspection report.  For a detailed list of information that must be included in a subaward closeout request please see the HMA Guidance, Part VI, Section F.1.
  3. FEMA reviews the closeout request to verify the approved mitigation measure is in compliance with all requirements associated with the subaward.  For HMGP awards, FEMA uses the HMGP Closeout Checklist to verify that the minimum requirements are met.  Some projects may require additional information that is not included in the checklist.
    • All correspondence (electronic or otherwise) related to project closeout, including requests for additional information, should be maintained in the project file.
  4. If FEMA does not concur with the closeout request, FEMA advises the Recipient of the reason(s) for nonconcurrence and requests additional information and/or explains the corrective actions needed to resolve the noncompliance issues.  If the requested information is not submitted, FEMA may disallow costs.  
  5. Once FEMA agrees that the closeout request meets all applicable requirements, FEMA closes HMGP subawards in the National Emergency Management Information System (NEMIS) and PDM and FEMA grants are closed in eGrants.
  6. A subaward is officially closed when FEMA approves the request and sends a closeout letter to the Recipient confirming the final Federal expenditures for the subaward.

For more information on Closeout, refer to the HMA Guidance Part VI, Section F.

Last Updated: 
08/25/2015 - 16:39