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Default Air Force Logo Law Day 2016
Law Day, held annually at the beginning of May, is a national day celebrating the rule of law in the United States. By observing Law Day each year, we emphasize how the law and the legal process contribute to the freedoms all Americans share.The theme of Law Day 2016 is, "Miranda: More Than Words," which marks the 50th anniversary of the U.S.
0 5/05
(Courtesy photo) Accept, Impact, Act
One of the most historical times in U.S. history was when Congress passed legislation to abolish slavery in the, "land of the free" on Jan. 31, 1865.  Fast forward to more than a century later, African Americans achievements are annually celebrated when President Gerald R. Ford formally recognized Black History Month in 1976.  As we head into
0 2/17
Default Air Force Logo Qualities of Leader
As I walk around Incirlik and speak with Airmen or attend professional development seminars, Airman Leadership School or First Term Airman's Center briefings, I am usually asked the question, "What makes a good leader or what do I have to do to make it in the Air Force?" If you were to ask that question to 20 different people I am sure you would
0 1/15
Default Air Force Logo Enjoy your present
As we come to the end of another busy year, many people might take time to reflect back on their lives during the past year and start thinking about what their resolutions will be for the New Year.As you look back, you may think about the challenges you have faced and obstacles you have overcome. You might also reflect on the goals you have met and
0 1/08
Default Air Force Logo Volunteer for the right reasons
The word "volunteer" is defined by the Merriam-Webster Dictionary as "a person who voluntarily undertakes or expresses a willingness to undertake a service."In a given week, I'm asked three to four times why I volunteer my personal time as much as I do to organizations that are not my primary duty. The answer has and will always be the same, that
0 12/30
Tanju Varlikli, 425th Air Base Squadron host nation adviser, at his office at NATO Dec. 16, 2015. Varlikli serves as the host nation adviser of the 425th ABS at Izmir, Turkey. (Photo by Elif Kaynak) Top lessons learned from loving what I do!
When you align what gives you meaning in life with your work, it gives you a calling. I think of my job in terms of what I enjoy doing. We typically consider football, basketball, music, art and computers as hobbies. But what more can a person ask for when their work is part of their hobbies. That's the best!I enjoy what I do for the 425th Air Base
0 12/30
Default Air Force Logo Safe, sound holiday season
The holiday season is a time to celebrate with family and friends, but unfortunately it is also the time of year when people face a much greater risk of home fires.According to the National Fire Protection Association's website, nearly 600 house fires occur each year during the holiday season; making it the most dangerous time of year for fires.
0 12/28
Staff Sgt. Luis Veliz, 39th Security Forces Squadron military working dog handler Learning about people from my MWDs
I am a Noncommissioned officer  and a military working dog handler at Incirlik, Air Base, Turkey. Working in a K-9 unit has served me well, and has presented a plethora of opportunities to understand how the skills I learn working with dogs translates into how humans interact with their environment.Now I know, to those who don't understand the
0 12/28
Default Air Force Logo Take Time to Care
"People don't care how much you know until they know how much you care" ~ Theodore RooseveltI am lucky enough to have the best job in the Air Force as a First Sergeant.  When I'm serving my squadron and commander I try to live by the words of our 26th President of the United States, Theodore Roosevelt.  He said, "People don't care how much you know
0 12/28
Default Air Force Logo Finding balance
With the recent increase in operations at Incirlik, balancing work and personal responsibilities such as taking care of our families, finances, and health can be challenging at times. However, in order to reach mission success as effective Airmen and leaders we must find and maintain a healthy life balance.As a first sergeant, a lot of Airmen talk
0 12/04
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