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Conditions and Performance

Status of the Nation’s Highways, Bridges, and Transit:
2002 Conditions and Performance Report

Chapter 9: Comparison of Spending and Investment Requirements

Chapter 8 Table of Contents

  • Summary
  • Impacts of Highway and Bridge Investment
    • Linkage Between Recent Condition and Performance Trends and Recent Spending Trends
      • Physical Conditions
      • Operational Performance
    • Impact of Future Investment on Highway Conditions and Performance
      • Impact on Physical Conditions
      • Impact on Performance
    • Impact of Investment on Different Types of Highway User Costs
    • Impact of Investment Levels on Future Travel Growth
      • Historic Travel Growth
      • Projected Average Annual Travel Growth
      • Overall Projected Travel, Year by Year
    • Impact of Investment on the Bridge Preservation Backlog
  • Transit Investment Impacts
    • Transit Investment, Historical Conditions, and Performance Trends
      • Historical Condition Trends
      • Historical Performance Trends
    • Historical Transit Investment and Estimated Rehabilitation and Replacement Needs
    • Impact of Investment Levels on Future Transit Use (PMT Growth)


This chapter, which was first introduced in the 1999 Report, serves two major purposes. The first is to discuss the impacts of historic investment, relating the condition and performance trends reported in Chapters 3 and 4 with the financial trends reported in Chapter 6. The second is to discuss the impacts of future investment, exploring the impacts of investing at different levels of funding, building on the analysis in Chapters 7 and 8.

The highway portion of this chapter begins by examining the impacts that recent and historical funding patterns have had on highway conditions and performance. The section then discusses the impacts that different levels of future investment would be expected to have in five areas: pavement condition; operational performance; different types of highway user costs; future highway travel growth; and the bridge preservation backlog. The impacts on condition and performance in particular have been designed to project future values of some of the measures presented in Chapters 3 and 4.

The transit portion points out that transit investment requirements are driven by projected transit demand, but do not, at this time, take into account any additional demand that may be generated by this transit capital investment. The transit section also examines historical trends in condition and performance measures, and the differences between recent transit capital funding levels and estimated rehabilitation and replacement needs.

Page last modified on November 7, 2014.
Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000