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Enforcement Order

Globester, LLC 2011-6-33

This consent order concerns Internet advertisements by Globester, LLC (Globester), that violated the Department’s full-fare advertising requirements specified in 14 CFR Part 399, the Department’s code-share disclosure rule, 14 CFR Part 257, and the statutory prohibition against unfair and deceptive practices, 49 U.S.C. § 41712. It directs Globester to cease and desist from future violations of Parts 399 and 257 and section 41712, and assesses Globester a compromise civil penalty of $40,000.

LBF Travel, Inc. 2011-6-34

This consent order concerns Internet advertisements by LBF Travel, Inc., (LBF) that violated the Department’s full-fare advertising requirements specified in 14 CFR Part 399, the Department’s code-share disclosure rule, 14 CFR Part 257, and the statutory prohibition against unfair and deceptive practices, 49 U.S.C. § 41712. It directs LBF to cease and desist from future violations of Parts 399 and 257 and section 41712, and assesses LBF a compromise civil penalty of $30,000.

China Airlines, Ltd. 2011-6-20

This consent order concerns Internet advertisements by China Airlines, Ltd., (China Airlines) that violate the advertising requirements specified in 14 CFR 399.84, as well as 49 U.S.C. § 41712, which prohibits unfair and deceptive practices. It directs China Airlines to cease and desist from future violations of section 399.84 and section 41712, and assesses the carrier a compromise civil penalty of $80,000.

Deutsche Lufthansa AG 2011-6-18

This consent order involves violations by Deutsche Lufthansa AG (Lufthansa) of Article 19 of the Montreal Convention and the statutory prohibition against unfair and deceptive trade practices, 49 U.S.C. § 41712, in connection with monetary claims resulting from its delay in delivering checked baggage. It directs Lufthansa to cease and desist from future similar violations of Article 19 and section 41712, and assesses the carrier a compromise civil penalty of $50,000.

Cameron Air Services, Inc. 2011-6-19

This order concerns unauthorized passenger air service between two cities in the United States by Cameron Air Service, Inc., (Cameron) a Canadian charter air taxi registered with the Department pursuant to 14 CFR Part 294, that violates 49 U.S.C. §§ 41703 and 41712 and 14 CFR Part 294. It directs Cameron to cease and desist from future violations of Part 294 and sections 41703 and 41712, and assesses the carrier a compromise civil penalty of $20,000.

Frontier Airlines, Inc. 2011-6-10

This consent order concerns violations by Frontier Airlines, Inc., (Frontier) of the Department’s requirements in 14 CFR 234.11 to display on-time performance data for each domestic flight for which schedule information is available on the initial listing of flights on its website. These violations of section 234.11 also constitute unfair and deceptive practices and unfair methods of competition in violation of 49 U.S.C. § 41712. This order directs Frontier to cease and desist from future violations of section 234.11 and 49 U.S.C. § 41712 and assesses the carrier $40,000 in civil penalties.

TACA International Airlines, S.A. 2011-6-5

This consent order concerns Internet airfare advertisements by TACA International Airlines, S.A., (TACA) that violate the advertising requirements specified in 14 CFR Part 399.84, as well as 49 U.S.C. § 41712, which prohibits unfair and deceptive practices. It directs TACA to cease and desist from future violations of section 399.84 and section 41712, and assesses the carrier a compromise civil penalty of $55,000.

Continental Airlines, Inc. 2011-6-1

This consent order concerns violations by Continental Airlines, Inc., (Continental) of the full-fare advertising requirements specified in 14 CFR 399.84 and the statutory prohibition against unfair and deceptive practices, 49 U.S.C. § 41712. This order directs Continental to cease and desist from future violations of section 399.84 and section 41712, and assesses the carrier a compromise civil penalty of $120,000.

US Airways, Inc. 2011-6-2

This consent order concerns Internet advertisements by US Airways, Inc., (US Airways) that violate the advertising requirements specified in 14 CFR Part 399, as well as 49 U.S.C. § 41712, which prohibits unfair and deceptive practices. This order directs US Airways to cease and desist from future violations of Part 399, and section 41712 and assesses the carrier a compromise civil penalty of $45,000.

Global Airline Services, Inc., and Harold J. Pareti, Individually 2011-6-3

This consent order concerns unauthorized air transportation by Global Airline Services, Inc., (Global) and Harold J. Pareti (Mr. Pareti and Global are collectively referred to as “Respondents”). Since at least 2009, Mr. Pareti and Global, a business entity over which he exercises absolute ownership, direction, and control, have engaged in the provision of air transportation as an indirect air carrier without holding requisite economic authority from the Department of Transportation. This consent order also concerns separate and distinct violations of the Department’s prohibition against unfair and deceptive practices and unfair methods of competition, 49 U.S.C. § 41712, arising from Respondents’ marketing and sale of air transportation services ultimately operated by a company that did not hold proper authority from the Department. This order directs Respondents to cease and desist from such further violations and assesses a compromise civil penalty of $120,000.


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