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Enforcement Order

MN Airlines, LLC d/b/a Sun Country Airlines 2010-9-25

This consent order concerns Internet advertisements by MN Airlines, LLC d/b/a Sun Country Airlines (Sun Country) that violate the advertising requirements specified in 14 CFR Part 399, as well as 49 U.S.C. § 41712, which prohibits unfair and deceptive practices. It directs Sun Country to cease and desist from future violations of Part 399 and Section 41712, and assesses the carrier a compromise civil penalty of $40,000.

Craig Air Center, Inc. 2010-9-23

This consent order concerns unauthorized scheduled passenger service as a commuter air carrier by Craig Air Center, Inc., (CAC) in violation of 49 U.S.C. §§ 41101, 41712, and 41738 and 14 CFR Part 298, the Department’s commuter air carrier requirements. It directs CAC to cease and desist from further violations of these statutory provisions and federal regulation and assesses the carrier a compromise civil penalty of $25,000.

United Air Lines, Inc. 2010-9-22

This consent order concerns United Air Lines, Inc.’s, (United) failure to provide accurate on-time performance information to the Department of Transportation (Department) in violation of 14 CFR Part 234 and 49 U.S.C. § 41708. It directs United to cease and desist from future similar violations of Part 234 and section 41708, and assesses the carrier a compromise civil penalty of $12,000.

China Focus, Inc., d/b/a China Focus Travel 2010-9-6

This consent order concerns violations by China Focus, Inc., d/b/a China Focus Travel (“China Focus Travel”) of the Department’s advertising requirements specified in section 399.84 of the Department’s regulations (14 CFR 399.84) that also constitute unfair and deceptive trade practices and unfair methods of competition in violation of 49 U.S.C. § 41712. This order directs China Focus Travel to cease and desist from future violations and assesses the company compromise civil penalties of $50,000.

AirTran Airways, Inc. 2010-8-14

This order concerns violations by AirTran Airways, Inc., (AirTran) of the requirements of 14 CFR Part 382 (Part 382) with respect to providing wheelchair assistance to passengers with a disability, making dispositive responses to written complaints alleging a violation of Part 382, and properly categorizing its disability-related complaints. Part 382 implements the Air Carrier Access Act (ACAA), 49 U.S.C. § 41705, and violations of that part also violate the ACAA. To the extent that the ACAA and Part 382 violations occurred in interstate air transportation, the incidents are also violations of 49 U.S.C. § 41702, which requires that air carriers provide safe and adequate interstate air transportation; to the extent the violations occurred in foreign air transportation, the incidents violate 49 U.S.C. § 41310, which, in part, prohibits air carriers and foreign air carriers from unreasonably discriminating against any person in foreign air transportation; and the ACAA and Part 382 violations are unfair and deceptive practices in violation of 49 U.S.C. § 41712. This order directs AirTran to cease and desist from future violations of Part 382 and the ACAA and assesses the carrier $500,000 in civil penalties.

Comair, Inc. 2010-7-18

This consent order concerns violations by Comair, Inc., (Comair)1 of the Department’s oversales rule (14 CFR Part 250), the statutory provision requiring carriers to report oversales and other data to the Department (49 U.S.C. § 41708), and the statutory prohibition against engaging in unfair and deceptive practices by air carriers and ticket agents (49 U.S.C. § 41712). The violations stem from the carrier’s failures on oversold flights to 1) solicit volunteers to give up their seats before denying boarding to passengers against their will, 2) provide passengers who were involuntarily denied boarding with the appropriate amount and type of denied boarding compensation (DBC) in a timely manner, and 3) file required reports accurately stating the total numbers of passengers who were involuntarily denied boarding. The order directs Comair to cease and desist from such further violations and assesses a civil penalty of $275,000.


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